How To Overcome An Emotional Block? 7 Signs That You Are Mentally Paralyzed

Do you feel like you’re not progressing in life? Do you have the feeling that you are not achieving your goals? Emotional blockage is a situation that can prevent you from moving forward. Find out why.

How to overcome an emotional block? 7 Signs that you are mentally paralyzed

Our daily lives are full of great challenges. The pressure to achieve our goals as well as the need to reinvent ourselves, the fear of missing out, or maintaining a good pace professionally and emotionally can take their toll on us. That is why having a emotional block It can be the method with which both our body and mind trigger all the alarms that something is wrong.

Not taking time for ourselves can lead to emotional disorders that have an impact on our lives. So much so that no one teaches us to work with our emotions, but on the contrary we try to block them and avoid them at all costs to be much more productive.

What are emotional blocks?

Frustrating emotions is not good for our health, and here lies the key to emotional blocks. When we try to repress ourselves emotionally What we are achieving is that our mind and body work together to stop an energy that comes from within us. In doing so, they use creative tactics such as muscle constriction and breath holding. This way of dealing with our feelings and emotions makes disorders such as depression and anxiety increasingly present in society.

The emotional blocks They arise when the mind tries to stop the flow of emotions because they are overwhelming or conflicting, a fact that results in psychological and physical discomfort. In this way, none of us is free from suffering from the so-called psychological blocks.

Why does an emotional block arise?

There are some reasons people can stay in shock in front of a specific event. Emotional blocks will come from the inability of our mind and body to control emotions in these types of situations.

Why emotional blocks exist

  1. Memory of a failure: A psychological block It is rooted in a fear. Individuals who suffer from these blocks may be clear about their source, which most of the time comes from a crisis or failure that we remember in the past. After having a bad experience in a situation, subjects experience a feeling of mental blockage every time they are faced with a similar moment. In these cases we would be talking about an emotional blockage due to a specific trauma.
  2. Fear of the unknown: On the other hand this type of locks They can also come from fear of the unknown. In this way, the person experiences this mental repression due to the little experience he or she has in a specific situation.
  3. Innate blocks: There are some people who are born with a type of chronic mental block They live with him throughout their lives. A very common example would be the fear of heights that many people have for no apparent reason. In these cases we would be saying that the source of the fear of these emotional blocks would be unknown.
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When we experience one of these situations, people can go blank because of a psychological barrier that makes it difficult for them to think or function correctly. In this way, many of the subjects who experience these emotional blocks end up developing certain fears in their lives which they do not feel able to break.

Mental block due to anxiety

People who experience a mental block due to anxiety They can be affected both in thinking clearly and in making good decisions. Normally, when the blockage is due to anxiety, it usually involves a great flow of thoughts along with a state of great emotional intensity. In many cases, it is perceived as if we have reached our limit.

Although it can happen to all of us at any time, in some cases, people can feel like strangers to the world, that is, suffer from depersonalization. If you suffer from mental blocks constant with these effects, you may be facing a symptom of an anxiety disorder that must be treated.

emotional block for love

Problems in love can cause mental blocks constant because of how overwhelming some conflicts in a relationship can be. When this type of mental or emotional block arises, it is important to see the reason behind it and try to find a solution. One of the best ways to deal with these situations is precisely by talking about it with your partner or the person involved.

Signs and symptoms of an emotional block

There are different signs, both mental and physical, that indicate that we are facing a case of emotional block Most people feel the following effects.

  1. Fatigue and constant sadness: Because it requires an enormous amount of energy to constantly keep emotions buried, people who suffer from emotional blocks They feel low energy. Many individuals who experience fatigue for a long time, for no physical reason, are in a stage of emotional blockage.
  2. Pretend that problems don’t matter to you: People who dismiss all their problems and do not face them usually suffer from emotional block The key is to see if you are really pretending so you don’t have to face your fears.
  3. You want to please everyone: Most people tend to want to help others, especially if they are loved ones. But when doing so goes against your own benefits, perhaps you should ask yourself the reason for your actions. Constantly saying yes to everything can be an indicator that you are facing a barrier emotionally speaking.
  4. You demand too much from others: Having moral values ​​is something we should all do. But when these are an excuse to leave out friends and family, maybe you’re trying to avoid a problem that you have with yourself.
  5. You can’t stop thinking about your past relationships: When we are in front of a emotional block for love, one of the most common habits is to think about your ex frequently. By not having a good ending to a relationship, a mental block can be generated that prevents us from living our next relationships well.
  6. You constantly procrastinate: When you keep putting off everything for later, maybe you are doing the same with your own emotions That is why it is interesting to analyze why you keep procrastinating on certain tasks.
  7. You eat and drink more: Some subjects, in order to try to ignore a emotional block What you do is eat or drink excessively. These types of attitudes can be very toxic towards ourselves and end up leading to depression.
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How to get out of a mental block?

The most effective way to end a emotional block It is by going to a professional psychologist. This specialist will ensure that you can face your fears in a healthier way and end up breaking any mental blockage. During treatment there are various stages that you will have to do in order to overcome one of these emotional disorders.

How to overcome an emotional block

  • Identify the problem: The first step to face a situation where we are encountering emotional blocks is to point out the problem we have. Identifying the cause and why we feel this way in some situations is the most appropriate way to begin to break this barrier.
  • Understand the barrier: Confronting our emotional blocks without awareness will only lead to consequences in the form of emotional disorders The key is to understand where the fear comes from and analyze it deeply to find a realistic solution.
  • Consistency and willpower: Although we are in the hands of a specialist, the reality is that only we have the capacity to face each of these situations. For this reason the emotional blocks They are undoubtedly one of our most significant internal struggles. Only through effort and willpower will you make them reduce their strength.
  • Be aware of blockages: When we understand where it comes from, what it is like and when it happens to us, we can find the ideal ‘antibody’ to try to confront it. In this way, the only way to overcome fear is with courage, therefore being aware of your weaknesses is an ideal way to know control emotions (without repressing them) and being able to face these mental blocks.
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Techniques to unlock emotions

There are a series of methods that will allow you to know how to unblock yourself emotionally in the situations that require it. Even so, in order not to suffer from mental blocks again, it is crucial to go to a professional psychologist to find the solution to this problem. Additionally, you can use the following techniques to achieve emotional unblocking:

  • Analyze your status: Ask yourself how you feel right now. Try to record every tension or emotion you feel in your body and mind. Analyzing how you feel will allow you to interact with what you want to solve.
  • Focus on the positive: Try to enhance the positive emotions you may feel right now. In this way, you can counteract the effect of what disturbs you.
  • Let go of your judgments: Avoid judging yourself or telling yourself what you should or shouldn’t do. Instead, try to see the reason why you have this mental block

Why is it important to release blocked emotions?

As we have already explained, repressing emotions for a long period of time can cause serious mental and physical problems. The body can suffer by repressing these emotions and prolonging it more and more can lead to mental and physical disorders. They also affect your daily life through the mental blocks we prevented ourselves from progressing.

The emotions The causes of these barriers are deeply buried in our unconscious since we are not able to deal with the pain they cause us. But these will not go away until we face them. In this way, when we only focus on burying our emotions, we use all our energy to keep them repressed, leaving very little for our daily lives. For this reason, it is very important to bring them out and confront them. The help of a professional is important for both ideas barriers, phobias, and emotional barriers, because all of them have a solution with will and with the appropriate treatment.