How To Overcome The Fear Of The Unknown

How to overcome the fear of the unknown

There are situations that generate uncertainty. For example, the idea that the first time is usually the most difficult is well known and it is quite true, although thinking about it in detail we have no reason not to fear, since we lack the resources to face the new and unknown.

In general terms, novelty is presented as something that awakens various feelings and can generate fears and insecurities, however, this should not be an obstacle to being able to carry out the activities that we propose in life. If you want more information on this topic, in this PsychologyFor article, we will provide you with information about how to overcome the fear of the unknown.

What is fear of the unknown

The fear of the unknown is the response that the human being manifests in the face of novel situations that you face in life. Furthermore, this fear represents a signal against a stimulus that is perceived as a threat due to not having information about it. Consequently, people present this fear as a mode of defense that prevents them from making contact with the situation, person, place and/or object in question.

Why are we afraid of the unknown?

Although human beings acquire information throughout life through different experiences, the truth is that new situations generate a large load of uncertainty because we don’t know what they will be like.

When this happens, we tend to look for ways to act based on past experiences. to know how to face unknown scenarios. Even so, it must be taken into account that if the experiences you have had regarding novel situations have been unpleasant, these can generate even more fear of the unknown and lead to the avoidance of this type of unprecedented scenarios.

How to overcome the fear of the unknown - Why we are afraid of the unknown

Consequences of fear of the unknown

When the fear of the unknown manifests itself in most situations, it is usually affect our feelings, thoughts and behaviors. Next, we will describe the main consequences of fear of the unknown:

  • Avoidance of new experiences: The anxiety generated by uncertainty can make you not want to face new situations. You may seek to avoid unfamiliar circumstances that produce unpleasant sensations due to fear of the unknown.
  • High stress levels: The Central Nervous System has a tendency to activate in the face of feared stimuli. From a physical point of view, people with extreme fear of the unknown show elevated levels of cortisol, the hormone linked to stress. Discover how to lower cortisol in this article.
  • Occurrence of mental disorders: Fear is closely related to anxiety and can manifest itself through symptoms typical of some clinical condition. If the fear of the unknown covers a large number of social, work and family areas, it is possible that there are other factors that influence its development.

How to overcome fear of the unknown

Beyond the difficulties caused by fear of the unknown, there are methods that promote improvement in this type of situation. In the following items, we will address different methods on how to overcome the fear of the unknown:

  • Make a list of emotions and thoughts about feared situations: If you manage to question those ideas that cause fear of the unknown, its intensity can decrease considerably. This is because you can give concrete meaning to a situation in which information is missing.
  • Face situations: Although this may seem difficult, taking action cuts off thoughts linked to unknown situations. Furthermore, you can implement strategies that will allow you to cope with feared stimuli.
  • Make the most complex scenarios visible: When you think about worst-case scenarios, it is important to consider the consequences of them. For this reason, it is advisable that you ask yourself what is the worst that could happen to prepare a possible response to the general uncertainty.
  • Accept uncertainty: in life you cannot know everything, that is why the fear of the unknown arises in the face of unprecedented moments that you have not experienced before. Faced with this paradox, it is essential that you accept the uncertainty that will unfold in the face of the unknown and navigate it. In this article you will find information on how to manage uncertainty.
  • Change the focus of thought: You may often view new situations as dangerous, since you do not have previous experiences that provide you with information about how to proceed in them. By changing the way you view the unknown, you will be able to see new situations as a benefit instead of a problem.
  • Identify if it is your own fear or someone else’s: When you are in contact with people who live with anxiety and tend to respond with fear of the unknown, it is possible that this feeling rubs off on you. However, the truth is that this is not our own fear but rather a foreign emotion. In these cases, it is pertinent that you ask yourself if the fear of the unknown is real.

How to overcome the fear of the unknown - How to overcome the fear of the unknown

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Tizón, JL (2011). The power of fear. Where do we hide our everday fears?. Buenos Aires: Millennium.
  • Vallejo Ruiloba, J. (2002): Introduction to Psychopathology and Psychiatry. Barcelona: Masson.

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