How To Recognize The Symptoms Of Agoraphobia?

How to recognize the symptoms of agoraphobia?

agoraphobia It is a disorder that has not always been well understood. It is an anxiety disorder that affects between 5 and 7% of people worldwide.

It is usually understood as the fear of staying in open spaces or in crowds, but this barely defines what this disorder really is.

Next we are going to learn what exactly agoraphobia is, how it manifests itself and what symptoms it causes in affected people.

What really is agoraphobia?

Agoraphobia is a type of phobia that generates anxiety and panic. The affected people they feel disabling fear and anxiety when they are in public places from which it is difficult to escape, or where it is difficult to find help. Generally, this anxiety disorder is related to public places (hence the term agorawhich means square in Latin), but it does not necessarily occur in these open places, but can also occur in private contexts, at home or even when alone.

Although it can appear at any age range, agoraphobia usually arises in late adolescence or young adulthood, before the age of 34. It is more common in women than in men, as are most anxiety-related disorders.

Symptoms of agoraphobia that should put you on alert

Among the most common symptoms of agoraphobia we find fear and panic If you know someone who shows these types of symptoms in the situations that we will describe below, they may suffer from this anxiety disorder:

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The vast majority of people who suffer from agoraphobia have nothing more than symptoms associated with intense fear or panic of the aforementioned situations. However, There are certain situations that combine both physical and psychological symptoms among which we can find:

In most cases when some of the symptoms of agoraphobia occur, there will be no other serious symptoms, simply the fear of performing that action. But Sometimes there are a series of symptoms, both physical and psychological where we can find the following:

People who suffer from this anxiety disorder feel overwhelmed when they experience one of these situations, and have the unpleasant feeling of not being able to control this irrational and disproportionate fear and anxiety, compared to the low level of real danger that these situations entail. For this reason, in moderate and severe cases it is necessary to go to a psychology and anxiety specialist so that they can effectively diagnose and treat the root of the problem.

This disorder is also related to suffering from panic disorders. This type of disorder is defined by experiencing attacks of irrational terror that trigger a series of very intense and unpleasant physical symptoms.

Causes of agoraphobia

As with most psychological disorders, the reason why agoraphobia arises is not known for certain. The causes can be very varied and will depend on a multitude of factors in each individual. These causes They may be characterized by high dependency, low self-esteem or assertiveness, anxiety, or a compulsive search for approval

Through different variables of the individual and their environment, the subject will develop agoraphobia or not. Sometimes agoraphobia can arise after experiencing a traumatic situation.

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How to overcome agoraphobia?

Although it is a disorder that tends to worsen if we do nothing, the truth is that if we notice that we have these symptoms, we can remedy it by going to a specialist. Psychological therapy will provide you with tools and knowledge that will help you, little by little, get rid of bad feelings.

One of the most effective strategies if we suffer from agoraphobia is not to avoid or avoid situations in which we feel fear. The more we face these situations, the more we ‘train’ our mind and become aware that we are not in real danger. If it is too difficult, put yourself in expert hands and, with the help of a family member or friend, Go to a psychologist who can work with you

If you suffer from unpleasant panic attacks, you should seek treatment as soon as possible The sooner you receive professional help, the sooner you will prevent symptoms from getting worse. Anxiety, like many other mental disorders, can be more difficult to treat if we let time pass and let the problem become chronic.