How To Take Advantage Of Life’s Opportunities

What do we do when we are presented with an opportunity? Should we take it or wait for the next train to arrive?

How to take advantage of life's opportunities

There is a very famous phrase that says that the train only passes once in a lifetime. In this way, if we lose it, we will not be able to recover that lost opportunity. Today we suggest you take a test to find out if you are taking advantage of the opportunities that life offers you.

Count how many A, B and C you get and check your result:


When you meet a person

A. I think: will it be trustworthy?

B. He doesn’t call me, I already have my best friends

C. I’m curious

They have changed your office

A. Have I done something wrong?

B. I don’t care, the work is the same

C. New opportunities may arise

The weekend plan is canceled

A. Panic spreads; and now?

B. I take advantage and stay home to rest

C. It is the perfect opportunity to make that pending getaway

It’s time to tidy up the house

A. How tiring it is to have to throw things away!

B. If I have to do it, I throw away what is essential

C. Getting rid of useless things makes me feel good

You have a sudden work trip

A. Who will feed the cat?

B. I make up an excuse and reject the commitment

C. How good! Here we go!

You are forgetful and it is not like you

A. I need a memory supplement

B. I realize it because others tell me so, but it doesn’t affect me

C. I notice it but I don’t judge myself

The surprises

A. They make me nervous

B. I hate them

C. I love them


Majority A

Any surprise or unforeseen event makes you anxious because you are afraid of losing control. You live avoiding changes and try to have everything under control. That is why novelty is never welcomed with serenity.

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If you manage to relax for a second you will be able to look at the good part of the “new” and even realize that they are often better situations than the previous scenario.

It is important that you understand that fear is the prelude to the new and that, in reality, true fear is that of the mysterious and dark side that inhabits us, which we often refuse to know.

Majority B

You have fixed ideas and you don’t see the “new” approaching.

You tend not to want to open the doors to change and, even if it is already something accomplished, you tend to deny it. You prefer to follow your routine and refuse to change it whenever an opportunity arises.

Careful! Life changes constantly and staying anchored to your “certainties” does not allow you to develop and discover day after day that we are different and that we are always letting new versions of ourselves come to light.

When the absolute calm lasts too long, sooner or later the storm breaks out.

Majority C

You are flexible and open to new things. If there are no signs of changes, you believe them. You are open to new developments and your flexibility is what allows you to welcome them positively, knowing how to make the best of the situation.

You have an adventurous spirit and are always willing to face any unforeseen event. You know how to adapt to circumstances without letting yourself be dominated by anxiety. You experience changes as opportunities for growth and development.

You are in tune with your inner world and respect what you really feel.

Don’t let any opportunity pass you by

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Regardless of whether we believe that opportunities only present themselves once or that the train can happen more times, the truth is that there are times in which we have situations before us that we could take advantage of but that we do not know how, or about which We doubt, situations that no longer arise again and that leave us with the uncertainty that it would have changed in our life if we had enjoyed it.

The opportunities can be work-related or related to love, friends, a trip… That is why at we want you to take advantage of all the opportunities that arise so that you know how to enjoy them and get the maximum possible benefit from them; always positive, of course.

As? With these tips:

  • Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Many times we do not take that passing train because we are afraid of making a mistake, we are afraid of not having made a good choice. Making mistakes is part of our life, it helps us learn, improve ourselves and become better people. Therefore, there is no need to fear making a mistake with the chosen decision. If it is not the right one, nothing happens: we will make the right option when the next opportunity presents itself.
  • Take a risk. Another fear we feel is suffering, that things will not go well or that the opportunity is not really what we think. Taking risks is normal. In fact, we always take risks with everything: when we choose one job and not another, when we commit to the person we love, when we leave everything and move to another city to start a new project. Therefore, it is not bad to take risks; On the contrary, it is good to evaluate the pros and cons of things and know what it may cost to have them or lose them.
  • Don’t think about it so much. When we are presented with a great opportunity we tend to think if it will be good, if we will do well by taking it, if we will not have problems… Many conditions that limit us. You have to know how to launch yourself, always with your head, of course; You have to know how to say yes, try new things and take risks.
  • Don’t be influenced by what they will say. Another issue that greatly limits us when it comes to making a decision or taking advantage of an opportunity: what will they think of me if I do this? In life we ​​will not always have the acceptance of everyone around us. Many will applaud the choice we have made; others will criticize or censure it. That happens with all aspects of life, so why condition our happiness by what people will say? Why not take advantage of an opportunity that is presented to us for fear of what others think?
  • Always act safely It is normal to hesitate and doubt when an opportunity presents itself, but if we decide to move forward, if we choose to take advantage of that opportunity, we must act safely and, as the famous saying goes, let the sun rise in Antequera.
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