I Think, Therefore I Am: The Psychological Meaning Of This Phrase By Descartes

What does Descartes’ phrase mean: I think, therefore I am? Can our thoughts be controlled? Discover the meaning of this famous phrase by Descartes and its psychological application.

I think, therefore I am: The meaning of this phrase by Descartes

In our daily lives, even though it may not seem like it at first, there is nothing that is really safe for us. Even some truths that may seem obvious raise doubts if we ask them. Descartes, the French philosopher, also had these doubts, but he went further to try to find out if there really could be any truth that was irrefutable. This is how he mentioned the famous phrase, I think therefore I am

I think therefore I am: Explanation

Cogito ergo sum is one of the Descartes quotes best known within philosophical knowledge and culture. This phrase translates to I think therefore I exist in Spanish, but in reality it should be said I think, therefore I exist. The reason for this is that the Cogito ergo sum and its meaning are extracted from the conclusion that Descartes reached to try to extract a reality that was really true.

The conclusion of first I think, therefore I am extracted by this French philosopher, it is one of the bases of rationalism, the philosophical current that accentuates the role of reason in acquiring knowledge. Descartes came to this philosophical phrase as a conclusion to his theories. Through his thoughts, this author wanted to look for something concrete on which reason is based, that is, an unquestionable truth with which to base all other knowledge.

In order to reach the Cogito ergo sum and its meaning, Descartes began to doubt everything around him (known as methodical doubt). By doubting everything, he can only recognize one point that is undoubtable: the one in which his own thinking, his reasoning, arises. Whatever this is ‘I’it is undeniable that it is indisputable that this exists and therefore can be a basis for the objectivity of our existence.

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I think therefore I am: Meaning

He meaning of Cogito ergo sum It is clear: the beings we think exist. This is an irrefutable reality. It may be that as thinkers we are in an illusion or living in the matrix, but what is completely real is that in these moments we are thinking. In Descartes and his phrases we can see that the only thing that cannot be doubted is precisely that we exist (even though what surrounds us may not do so).

I think. Therefore I exist and its meaning

The problem of believing in I think and therefore I exist or in the Descartes thought is that most people believe that this cannot be changed, that is, that our thoughts are automatic, free and we are mere spectators of them. But this is not so. Our thoughts can be controlled and modified, since we are the ones who create them. Isn’t that great news? We have control over our mind, and if you learn to do so, in many cases you can change the way you feel and behave. To understand this phrase 100%, we must first demystify a second belief: the power of our thoughts.

What influences us? I think, therefore I am?

The Descartes’ methodical doubt It led us to a conclusion that perhaps has more relevance today than we imagine. Believing in I think, therefore I am or in cogito ergo sum, means thinking that we are predefined beings and that we cannot change our way of thinking. Thoughts are something powerful and they make the human being stand out, it is because of everything that influences us. Our way of thinking changes the way we feel and, consequently, behave. Many of the times when we feel upset or angry it is because we have been ruminating about it for a while, generating certain emotions and behaviors, not always ideal.

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It is true that there are specific situations that make us feel a certain way (eg: an aversive situation, such as a dismissal, can make us feel bad or angry), however, our thoughts have the power to increase or decrease those emotions (if We spend all day thinking about it and thinking about how miserable we are, entering into negativity or catastrophism, we will most likely feel even worse; however, if we try to redirect those thoughts and not think about it or change the perspective of the situation, can help us see it in a different way and therefore feel differently. We will continue to feel bad about that dismissal, but in the end we will face it in a different way, also acting in a different way.) Are these not enough reasons to motivate us? to want to change and control our way of thinking? What you need to know now is how to control it.

How to control our thoughts?

It is true that to reach possess this ability it takes time (like all skills, for example riding a bike); However, with practice and effort you can become an expert in controlling your thoughts. Here are some keys to help you get started with your training:

What does I think therefore I am mean?

1. Be aware

Be aware that it can be modified, and fully believe in it: there is nothing like being sure of what one does. That security and confidence that you can do it will give you the strength to achieve it.

2. Pay maximum attention

Pay maximum attention to detecting these thoughts: It is very important (especially at the beginning) to be very attentive to those thoughts. inappropriate or dysfunctional thoughts that are causing you discomfort or are not helping you, to be able to detect them at the beginning of that thought and be able to act on it, before it generates an inappropriate emotion.

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3. Identify the type of thoughts

Be clear about what the irrational or maladaptive thoughts that you want to combat: when we talk about controlling thoughts we are not referring to living in an unreal world in which we only think in positive terms. It is about stopping irrational (invalid) or maladaptive thoughts (even if they are real, they are not helping us) that prevent us from living peacefully and facing our problems better. There are many guides that explain some types of irrational thoughts that human beings have. You can use these categories to help you detect them more easily, although the important thing is that in the end you know how to discriminate when a thought needs to be discarded.

4. Reason your thoughts

Once you have detected them, it is in your power to know if you must reason and debate them, or eliminate them directly because you already know that they are neither obvious nor help you continue. This last step can be more complicated, especially how to do it properly and effectively. For this reason, it is advisable to contact a professional who can train in the most effective strategies for each particular case.

Remember, it is not an easy job and it requires a lot of practice to achieve that skill, but once it is achieved it is very powerful. Now you know the secret: you can control your thoughts What are you waiting for to start?