Intellectual Values: What They Are, Characteristics And List Of Examples

Throughout their lives, human beings acquire different types of values ​​that define their personality and their way of acting. One of the factors that influence personality are intellectual values ​​such as, for example, wisdom, reasoning or memory. These values ​​help human beings to improve their cognitive aspect and to be more critical of their reality and their environment. However, since these are subjective concepts, their appreciation is different for each individual.

In this PsychologyFor article we will explain What are they intellectual values ​​and their characteristics. In turn, we will show you a list of examples to help you understand their importance and how they can influence the perception of reality, as well as the production of ideologies or cultural currents.

What are intellectual values

Intellectual values ​​are those that are related to cognitive processes and reasoning. That is, they are the values ​​that improve the human being’s ability to analyze, understand and reflect on phenomena to understand the context, produce new ideas or make better decisions in the face of the circumstances presented to us.

Likewise, these values ​​are related to truth and reason and have the objective of helping the person to discern between right and wrong, between good and bad. This is a subjective quality that can change over time as new knowledge or learning is acquired.

Importance of intellectual values

Intellectual values ​​have as their elemental purpose the search for truth and wisdom. That is, they are important because they allow us to expand evaluative judgment and learning to identify what is fair and good. Furthermore, also They are important for the following reasons:

  • They are the basis for intellect and good manners.
  • They facilitate understanding of the world around us and, by starting from logic, prevent us from getting carried away by false beliefs.
  • It helps people handle information in an objective way based on the truth.

Likewise, intellectual values ​​are those that lead to generating new ideas that are based on truth, reason and knowledge. For this reason, they are also capable of leading to self-realization and the permanent search for learning.

List of examples of intellectual values

Next, we explain the different types of intellectual values ​​so that you can identify them and know the impact that each of them has on the decisions we make in our daily lives and that will serve to become better individuals:

1. Intelligence

Intelligence is one of the essential intellectual values, since it is related to the way in which knowledge is acquired and how the information we receive from the environment is processed. That is, it is about knowledge of the truth through memorization, reflection and analysis.

2. Creativity

Creativity is another of the main intellectual values ​​and refers to the ability to create, propose and innovate through ideas and processes that raise new concepts. In the following article you will find How to develop creativity.

3. Rationality

Rationality has to do with the ability to reason based on facts and real evidence, without being carried away by subjectivity or assumptions. It is one of the main intellectual values, since it serves to expand mental schemes and to balance other values ​​such as skepticism.

4. Integrity

This intellectual value is what guides actions and attitudes through the moral standards that have been acquired throughout life. In this way, people who have the value of integrity know treat others with respect and avoid actions that could cause harm to other people.

5. Critical thinking

Critical thinking is one of the most important intellectual values, since it is the ability that ensures the critical state of experiences to determine what is true and what is not. Therefore, it is a value that serves as a wall against lies and allows the truth to be exposed

6. Logical analysis

Do you want to know another intellectual value? Logical analysis is one that allows people to study all the parts that make up a situation to reach a certain conclusion Through this analysis, the solution to the problems can be achieved, as long as it is analyzed without cognitive biases and from a logical and focused point of view.

7. Impartiality

This is the intellectual value that allows us to examine evidence and points of view in a rational way. That is to say, serves to reach solid conclusions that respond to reason and not emotion.

8. Understanding

Understanding is an intellectual value that is related to capacity for analysis and reflection based on data and information obtained from the environment. As it is a value that is associated with intelligence, it allows us to obtain new knowledge or get closer to the truth through reason.

9. Self-realization

Finally, self-realization consists of satisfaction we experience when achieving goals and objectives that we had set for ourselves. In addition, it is a feeling of inner well-being, since the self-actualized person feels that he can achieve his goals through his own effort, which increases his self-esteem and determination.

Intellectual values: what they are, characteristics and list of examples - List of examples of intellectual values

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Cortina, A., Gray, J., María, J., Trías, E., & Vargas, M. (2002). Education and values. Library.
  • Frondizi, R. (2001). What are the values? Mexico, DF: Breviaries of the Economic Culture Fund.
  • Tender, B. (1994). Human values. Editors’ workshop.

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