Is There Good Or Bad Luck According To Psychology?

Does good or bad luck really exist? What really is luck? Discover what good or bad luck is according to psychological research and how to benefit from it.

What is luck?

Throughout our lives different experiences and situations happen to us, each of them generates an emotional reaction: joy, sadness, anger, helplessness, etc. Most of the time, we have the feeling that we cannot control these situations and that we are victims of their circumstances and consequences. It is for this reason that we tend to categorize situations as good or bad, positive or negative. So much so that many people believe that they really have a good or bad luck in your life But, does bad luck or good streaks really exist?

Does bad luck exist?

The story that we present below teaches us that the good or bad luck does not exist and that our attitude when facing situations and learning from them is very important.

A Chinese story tells of an old farmer, widowed and very poor, who lived in a village. The old man had an old horse to cultivate his fields. One day, the horse escaped into the mountains. The old farmer’s neighbors came to his farm to commiserate with him and lament his misfortune, and they said to him: What bad luck that your only horse has run away! To which the wise old man replied: Bad luck or good luck, who knows?

A few days later, the horse returned from the mountains, bringing with it a herd of wild horses, so many that there was almost no room for them on the farm. Then the neighbors came to congratulate the farmer saying: What good luck that your horse returned and also brought with him a bunch more! To which he replied: Good luck or bad luck, who knows?

When the farmer’s son tried to tame one of those wild horses, it knocked him to the ground and broke his leg. Everyone considered this a misfortune, so they went again to tell the old man: What bad luck, your son has broken his leg! To which the old farmer simply said: Bad luck or good luck, who knows?

A week later, the country went to war and all the young men who were in good condition were recruited. When they saw the farmer’s son with a broken leg, they obviously left him alone and he was spared from going to war. Was that good luck? Or was it bad luck?… Who knows!?

There really is luck

What is it really like to be unlucky?

As you have been able to read, we can learn something new from each situation and we can choose to keep the positive part. The story encourages us to have an active role in our lives rather than remaining passive in the face of adversity, since the attitude we take will define our well-being. In this way when someone expresses ‘I have very bad luck ‘Actually what he is saying is that he only focuses on the negative aspect of things. It is important to look for solutions, alternatives rather than regretting what happens to us and getting stuck in looking for culprits or asking ourselves why.

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On the other hand, if we think that the good or bad luck This is created and invites us not to continually evaluate and classify situations and experiences as positive or negative. Well, it is more important to accept events, trust in our abilities and be open to everything that happens to us in order to be able to face new circumstances. We invite you to continue reflecting on this interesting story and put into practice the wisdom it transmits to us.

Because I have bad luck?

As we have already mentioned, there is no such thing as luck. Richard Wiseman, psychologist and researcher, explained that there are some particular patterns by which lucky things happen to us or we experience bad luck So much so that in his book The Luck Factor he explained what his research showed: that good or bad luck is just a matter of attitude.

The reason for this is that lucky people tend to be more open, calm and smiling, which translates into being an amulet against bad luck. On the other hand, those who believe that they do not stop have bad luck They tend to be more anxious, tense and feel unhappier.

In this way, through his studies, it was shown that the things that give bad luck They do not exist but in reality what determines the good or bad luck of events is how we approach it.

How to end bad luck?

How to remove bad luck in life?

It is clear that according to all the research on good or bad luck, what we must do to fight against bad luck It is precisely to improve our attitude. The key to being positive is not only to start seeing the world in rosy colors but also to be able to minimize the importance of some negative events that happen in our lives. To do this, Wiseman established that there were some rules that we could follow to remove the “bad luck” of our lives through our attitude.

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1. Maximize opportunities

One of the things that brings bad luck is constantly complaining about having fewer opportunities or seeing the bad things around you. To put aside all this negativity, the key is to focus our attention on the opportunity and not on what we lack. This happens because being focused on what we don’t have distracts us from searching, trying or creating new and interesting things. So leave behind amulets against bad luck and begin to have your eyes and attention more open to everything around you. The key to eliminating bad luck is precisely leaving our comfort zone behind and opening our horizon to new experiences.

2. Pay attention to your intuition

Even though we don’t usually use it, sometimes our intuition can be more effective than we first think. The reality is that intuition is a psychological mechanism that allows us to visualize some opportunities through the experience we have gathered over the years. In this way, when a person is relaxed, they can see more of their body’s signals and pay more attention to intuition. On the other hand, when you are anxious you are more likely to have a streak of ‘bad luck due to the fears that paralyze us and do not let us flow with all our ideals. To achieve this, meditation and relaxation techniques can be good allies against bad luck in life.

Keys to remove bad luck

3. Wait for good luck

To stop having bad luck and start having a Good luck The key according to Wiseman is precisely to believe it. In this way, believing in it helps most people stay positive and optimistic even though bad events may happen. It is obvious that it is impossible to always avoid going against bad luck, but if you can alleviate the negative things that this implies, it is better for both you and those around you. Thanks to believing that things will go better, this will help you face failures and not give up on anything.

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4. Turn bad luck into good

Perhaps an event that you consider to be have bad luck in life It can be converted through your attitude into a unique experience. For this reason, take control of your life and start seeing everything with different eyes. The key to being able to go against bad luck is to try to take responsibility for what you have under your control and let go of everything you cannot control. If you stop to think about it, how you see things is your own responsibility.

sometimes for remove bad luck in life It is not only necessary to change your attitude. The reason for this is that if you are constantly under a prism of negativity and pessimism, it may be very difficult for you to change your perspective without the help of a mental health professional. Likewise, with effort and above all with a lot of internal work you will be able to see the opportunities behind what you previously considered to be just bad luck.