Kinesthetic Body Intelligence: What It Is, Characteristics And How To Improve It

Kinesthetic body intelligence: what it is, characteristics and how to improve it - What is kinesthetic body intelligence

In Western culture, traditionally, there has been a separation between the body and the mind. Due to this, intelligence related to the body has not been considered as such until a few years ago, with language and mathematics predominating as a measure of intellect. Kinesthetic bodily intelligence is beginning to be increasingly valued and researched, so if you want to know more about it, keep reading this PsychologyFor article: Kinesthetic body intelligence: what it is, characteristics and how to improve it.

Kinesthetic body intelligence refers to the ability to understand, interpret, and respond to bodily sensations, movements, and gestures. It encompasses a deep awareness of one’s own body and the ability to use physical cues to navigate the world around us. This form of intelligence is often associated with athletes, dancers, and individuals with highly developed proprioceptive skills, but it extends far beyond the realm of physical performance. Here, we explore the concept of kinesthetic body intelligence and its implications for personal development, learning, and overall well-being.

What is kinesthetic bodily intelligence?

What is kinesthetic body intelligence? Kinesthetic bodily intelligence is part of psychologist Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Gardner identified a series of capacities that went beyond the concept of academic intellect and established that they are present in all people, although to a greater or lesser degree of development. These skills are essential for adaptation to the environment and the environment.

Kinesthetic bodily intelligence refers to the set of cognitive skills that facilitate connection and coordination of the mind with the body, allowing control and precision over it. Likewise, it is the capacity that is related to the use of one’s own body for action, for the achievement of objectives, as well as for the manipulation and transformation of elements.

Understanding Kinesthetic Body Intelligence

Kinesthetic body intelligence involves a heightened sensitivity to bodily sensations, movements, and spatial awareness. It encompasses proprioception, the sense of the body’s position and movement in space, as well as kinesthesia, the perception of bodily movements. Individuals with high levels of kinesthetic intelligence can accurately interpret and respond to physical stimuli, whether it’s coordinating complex movements, maintaining balance, or sensing subtle shifts in posture and alignment.

The Role of Kinesthetic Intelligence in Learning and Development

Kinesthetic intelligence plays a crucial role in learning and development across various domains:

Physical Skills Development

In activities such as sports, dance, and martial arts, kinesthetic intelligence is essential for mastering complex movements, coordinating body mechanics, and achieving peak performance. Athletes and performers rely on their kinesthetic awareness to refine their techniques, enhance their agility, and optimize their movements for maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

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Experiential Learning

Kinesthetic intelligence is also central to experiential learning, which emphasizes hands-on, interactive experiences. By engaging in physical activities and tactile experiences, learners can deepen their understanding of concepts, reinforce learning outcomes, and develop practical skills that translate into real-world applications. Kinesthetic learning methods, such as role-playing, simulations, and interactive demonstrations, cater to individuals with diverse learning styles and preferences.

Emotional Regulation

Beyond physical prowess, kinesthetic intelligence can also facilitate emotional regulation and self-awareness. Paying attention to bodily sensations and movements can provide valuable insights into one’s emotional state, allowing individuals to recognize and manage stress, anxiety, and other psychological challenges. Practices such as yoga, tai chi, and mindfulness meditation integrate kinesthetic awareness with breathwork and mental focus to promote emotional balance and well-being.

Cultivating Kinesthetic Body Intelligence

While some individuals may naturally possess high levels of kinesthetic intelligence, it is also a skill that can be cultivated and developed over time:

Mindful Movement Practices

Engaging in mindful movement practices, such as yoga, tai chi, or qigong, can help cultivate kinesthetic awareness and promote physical and mental well-being. These practices emphasize slow, deliberate movements, breath awareness, and mindful attention to bodily sensations, fostering a deeper connection between mind and body.

Sensory Exploration

Exploring different sensory experiences can also enhance kinesthetic intelligence. Experiment with textures, temperatures, and tactile sensations to become more attuned to the subtle nuances of touch and proprioception. Activities such as massage, bodywork, or sensory integration exercises can heighten sensory awareness and promote relaxation and body awareness.

Physical Expression

Expressing oneself through movement, dance, or creative activities can tap into kinesthetic intelligence and foster self-expression and emotional release. Whether it’s through improvisational dance, expressive arts, or spontaneous movement, allow yourself to move freely and authentically, without judgment or inhibition.

How kinesthetic bodily intelligence is expressed

Kinesthetic bodily intelligence is responsible for management of the strength, coordination, balance, speed, flexibility, etc Likewise, body expression and the perception of measurements and volumes depend on it, as well as allowing the learning and automation of skills.

Therefore, bodily intelligence corresponds to the control of body movements, their coordination and the handling of objects using hands and work instruments. Both fine and gross motor skills are included. The kinesthetic bodily capacity is located mainly in the cerebellum, basal ganglia and motor cortex.

Characteristics of kinesthetic bodily intelligence

The main characteristics of people with a high development of kinesthetic bodily intelligence are the following:

  • They usually explore the environment and the environment through the sense of touch and movements.
  • tendency to do use of the body for the expression of emotions and feelings. Control of non-body language.
  • Easy and quick learning of new physical skills.
  • Sense of rhythm and coordination< Especially for hand-eye coordination.
  • Skill in both fine and gross motor skills.
  • They learn more easily through participation, interaction, and direct experience. Just as they prefer concrete learning experiences to abstract ones.
  • They have sensitivity towards physical spaces and the environment.
  • Interest to try new physical activities that has not been done before. Physically restless people.
  • Attraction to sport dance and manual activities such as painting, sewing, etc.
  • They use movement to obtain information about themselves and their environment.
  • Increased internal body awareness and body care through healthy habits.
  • Ability to handle and manipulate various instruments and objects.
  • Safety, precision and agility in their movements.
  • The jobs and activities to which people with this ability are usually attracted are crafts, sports, dance surgery, mechanics, acting, gardening, etc.
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Examples of kinesthetic bodily intelligence

There are various people who have stood out or stand out historically for their kinesthetic bodily capacity. Some of the characters who have bodily intelligence are:

Nadia Comaneci

Nacia Comaneci is a former gymnast of Romanian origin. Throughout her career she achieved nine Olympic medals, four in the world championship and twelve in European competition. She is the first rhythmic gymnast to achieve a perfect score of ten points in an Olympic competition, at the age of 14.

Gian Lorenzo Bernini

Gian Lorenzo Bernini was an Italian sculptor, painter and architect. He was the creator of the baroque style in sculpture, in addition to being considered the most talented sculptor of his generation. Bernini had an extraordinary ability to capture psychological and emotional states and capture them in the bodies of his sculptures.

Isaac Hernandez

Isaac Hernández is a Mexican ballet dancer, currently recognized as the best dancer in the world for the highest award in his discipline. At the age of twelve he won gold in the most important competition for young ballet dancers in New York, for which five of the most important dance schools offered him scholarships to study there.

Kinesthetic body intelligence: what it is, characteristics and how to improve it - Examples of kinesthetic body intelligence

How to work on kinesthetic bodily intelligence

In the traditional educational system there is little appreciation and recognition of this ability; Little time is dedicated to it in the educational plan, the teaching methodology does not incorporate it and, furthermore, little social value is given to the professions related to it.

However, the development of kinesthetic body capacity has multiple benefits for people, such as enhancing brain connectivity and cognitive capacity, developing body awareness and control, or optimizing the body’s own processes. But how can we develop kinesthetic bodily intelligence?

Below we show you a series of activities to develop kinesthetic body intelligence in children and adults:

  • Mimic games: There are many games to develop kinesthetic bodily intelligence that you can practice with your social environment in which non-verbal language predominates, such as guessing movies using gestures, as well as board games with various mimicry tests.
  • Body awareness: Try to pay greater attention and listen to your body, seeking to be aware of the processes and changes that occur in it, as well as the bodily manifestations according to the mood and mental state. It may help to make brief written records to facilitate this task.
  • Physical activities: There is a wide variety of physical activities that can be done, whether related to sports or dance. There are a large number of dance styles, as well as you can do sports in the gym, on a team or in adventure sports. The important thing is to try different types until you find one that motivates you to do it.
  • Artistic activities: Nowadays there is a wide range of artistic activities such as painting, photography, sculpture, etc. In addition, workshops of only a few hours duration related to crafts, crafts, sewing, etc. are often held that allow you to try the activity without commitment.
  • Theater: Performing theater is a good opportunity to work on body expression and non-verbal language, as well as promoting empathy and understanding of mental states different from one’s own.
  • Yoga: Other activities to develop kinesthetic intelligence are both yoga and relaxation activities, since they promote connection with one’s body and its processes, a healthier mind-body relationship and greater control over it.
  • Lose shame: Sometimes people feel that they have little aptitude for everything related to the physical and movement, which generates a feeling of insecurity and avoidance of this type of activities. It is important to stop perceiving them as a test and look for enjoyment in them. Going in the company of other trusted people can help you have a good time and see them as something fun.
  • Don’t limit creativity: work from the rupture between beautiful and ugly, explore freely and express yourself through different disciplines trying not to impose limitations or pressures on yourself. You can also try to give different uses to different everyday objects than usual.
  • Explore environments: Another activity for kinesthetic bodily intelligence is the exploration of various different media or environments, paying attention to their details through the sense of touch and the bodily reactions or sensations that occur depending on one environment or another.
  • Play a musical instrument: Kinesthetic bodily intelligence is also related to musical intelligence, so playing an instrument favors the development of coordination of different parts of the body.
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Kinesthetic body intelligence: what it is, characteristics and how to improve it - How to work on kinesthetic body intelligence

Kinesthetic body intelligence is a valuable form of intelligence that encompasses the ability to understand, interpret, and respond to bodily sensations, movements, and gestures. By cultivating kinesthetic awareness through mindful movement practices, sensory exploration, and physical expression, individuals can enhance their learning, development, and overall well-being. Embracing kinesthetic intelligence opens up new avenues for self-discovery, personal growth, and creative expression, enriching our understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Kinesthetic body intelligence: what it is, characteristics and how to improve it we recommend that you enter our Cognitive Psychology category.


  • Cruz, PM, Fernández, VL, & Cordón, AE (2017). An exploratory study of the relationship between musical, visual-spatial, corporal-kinesthetic intelligence and motor creativity in the teaching-learning process. Teaching & Teaching: Interuniversity Journal of Didactics35(2), 55-75.
  • Del Pino Medina, JM, Milan, EG, Ríos, SM, García, GG, & Pérez, FJM (2009). Multiple intelligences and sport. Notes. Physical education and sports1(95), 5-13.
  • Rubio, N. (2012). Stimulation of bodily intelligence in five-year-old children.