Map And Territory

These are two concepts widely used in psychology, and that in a very general way, help us understand in a (very) global way, one of the possible origins of people’s discomfort.

Map and territory

Territory: total and equal reality for all people, for example, the population of Barcelona is the same for everyone, its streets, the emblematic buildings of the city, the different areas and distributions.

Map: the part of reality that is our own, that is, the subjective way with which we interpret the territory. Continuing with the previous example, Bruc Street is not perceived in the same way by a person who lives, who works, or who passes by for the first time. Although it is the same territory for all three people, the experiences and memories related to the street will be completely different for each of these three people, so the territory will be the same, but the map will not. Therefore, we can affirm that there is a single territory (world) but multiple maps, a map for each person. We have been creating this map since our childhood from the maps of the people around us.

When reality contradicts our map, people have different reactions, the two main ones are:

  • Deny reality and cling to our map as the only way to see and interpret the world.
  • Open ourselves to reality by incorporating new perspectives that our map did not have until then, providing us with new resources to face reality.

Thus, from a psychological point of view, it is important to see if the map with which we live and perceive our life brings us closer to well-being, is useful for us to move around the territory and helps us to be who we really want to be.

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To reflect.

Does your map fit the territory? Do you feel free or imprisoned? Does your map take into account your wants and needs? Do you think a self-review and update of your map would be good for you? What would you like to change about your map? Stop, what would you change it?

Map and territory