Negative Attitudes Of A Person: List And Examples

Negative attitudes of a person: list and examples

Attitudes constitute a set of behaviors that define a specific way of acting in a person’s life. Negative attitudes, as their name indicates, are a set of behaviors whose consequences usually cause negative effects on the person who issues them or on third parties who are affected.

In the following PsychologyFor article we are going to list a list of 20 negative attitudes with their examples items that are totally inadvisable for life, since these behaviors have unfavorable effects that can occur in the subject who carries them out or in the people around them.

What are negative attitudes

A negative attitude encompasses any attitude adopted by a person that may harm to a greater or lesser extent, to herself or a third person, causing, in the short, medium or long term, negative consequences for the affected person.

Next, we present 20 negative attitudes that a person can adopt whose consequences will not benefit their life or their environment. We encourage you to identify the most frequent negative attitudes in your life to grow and work on your weaknesses with this exercise.

Negative attitudes of a person: list and examples - What are negative attitudes


This negative attitude closes all possibility of new experience in life, depriving the person of the beauty and goodness that, in its authentic part, it contains. Take this distrust test if you want to know if you have this behavior that is limiting you in your daily life.

Verbal and/or behavioral aggression

The person who adopts this negative attitude causes a lot of pain to his neighbors through their bad words and actions. Not only does it harm the emotional and/or physical state of the individual being attacked, but, with this negative behavior, one becomes socially isolated and, where appropriate, produces a feeling of guilt and rejection towards oneself.


Impulsive people, in many cases, they end up regretting This type of behavior leads to errors that affect both them and third parties. If you are an impulsive person, we encourage you to work on it for your own benefit with our post How to control impulsiveness.

Negative attitudes of a person: list and examples - Impulsivity


This attitude can be very harmful to the health of the person who suffers from it. It is necessary for the subject who has this anxious behavior to go to therapy and work on improving it to be able to enjoy her life and the people around her. On the contrary, your well-being could be buried for their anxious symptoms.

On this path of recovery, at PsychologyFor we want to help you with this post on Relaxation Techniques for Anxiety.


People with this negative attitude, linked to haughty behavior, they usually stay alone in the medium or long term. This is because the people they interact with end up tired of their arrogance that they constantly express.

If you want to know more about this negative attitude, read our article The psychological meaning of pride.


Adopting this negative attitude is very harmful to life since, on the one hand, it is burdensome for the people we interact with and, on the other hand, it can negatively affect our physical and mental health by continually disappointing us in life.

To learn more about this behavior, we recommend you consult our article Characteristics of negative people.

Negative attitudes of a person: list and examples - Negativity


People with suspicion are extremely fearful. This causes these individuals to lose a huge amount of life force by using it to remain on the defensive at all times. Likewise, their continued fear leads them, like distrustful people, to miss out on a large number of life experiences that could nourish, cheer and strengthen them.


The attitude of judgment is one of the most pernicious negative attitudes that exists. Each of the negative judgments made arrives, in a way incomprehensible to the human mind, like hurtful arrows to the people being judged, strongly wounding their hearts. In the case of self-judgments, likewise, the person self-destructs self-harming with continued negative speech about herself.

Negative attitudes of a person: list and examples - Judgment


People with high levels of competitiveness they cannot reach states of calm and peace by being aware, at all times, of acting in a way that always surpasses others. These negative attitudes, in the long term, can also be very harmful to the health of the people affected.


Thinking too much about things is one of the negative attitudes currently present in our society. And not by giving it more thought will you arrive at a better solution. Rumination It’s a mental trap that entangles the person in labyrinths of thoughts with no way out or any benefit.


In this list of a person’s negative attitudes, lying could not be missing. Individuals who do not do what they say, They tend to generate great distrust on the people around them in the short, medium or long term. His word, over time, becomes something not credible, as in the story of the wolf.

For more information, read our article Psychological profile of a lying person.

Negative attitudes of a person: list and examples - Lie


Manipulating people is a totally disrespectful attitude that degrades people’s dignity by not taking them into account at all. It’s about a selfish behavior that superimposes the individual’s own needs over the desires of any person in his environment.


When a person feels like a victim, they are immersed in a state of helplessness that limits them to “non-action” in their life. Furthermore, people who adopt this vital attitude tend to accumulate, over time, resentment within themselves since, by considering themselves victims, They blame others for their situation vital and, even if it is in a passive and apparently harmless way, they attack their neighbors with judgments and, sometimes, bad actions or words.

To learn more about this negative attitude, consult our post Playing the victim: why and how to stop doing it?


Acting in this way is a totally intolerable negative attitude. No one has the right to despise or mock their fellow human beings, since we are all human beings with equal rights and duties. These behaviors are usually part of the armor of many people with low self-esteem or with psychological disorders, therefore, it is recommended that they go to therapy to become aware and improve their health.

Negative attitudes of a person: list and examples - Contempt


Rigid and authoritarian people cause a lot of pain in the environment around them. Individuals with these kinds of negative attitudes They are incapable of empathy by others, which leads them to act solely according to their own criteria with little awareness of the abuses they may commit on other people.


Another of the most recurrent negative attitudes is rigidity. When talking about this behavior, we are referring to the lack of mental flexibility to tolerate and consider worthy any perspective that is contrary to the one we ourselves possess.

An example of rigidity would be showing ourselves to be intolerant and disrespectful towards an idea that does not have a negative impact on us from a neutral point of view, however, we react with rejection or violence. Therefore, rigidity is something that isolates us from others and prevents us from continuing to grow feeding us new values ​​and ways of seeing the world.


This negative attitude of a person leads them to have an unhappy life, since making comparisons is an exercise that seriously damages their self-esteem. This is so since the comparison is not made from an objective point of view, that is, taking all the peculiarities and factors on the table.

To make it better understood, let’s take an example: a person compares himself with another on social networks and feels unhappy because he does not have the same money or because he considers that the other person has a happier life than his. Therefore, a bias occurs important since the individual is harmed through incomplete and largely subjective information.

Negative attitudes of a person: list and examples - Comparison


With this negative attitude, a significant paradox occurs, and that is that the subject who makes the mockery has seriously injured his self-esteem. Therefore, when a person commits this despicable act, he often lives in the bitterness of his own inner life.

Furthermore, mockery is an attitude carried out by unhealthy personalities and it is one of the most deplorable acts of the human being, since the person who is the object of humiliation can seriously harm their psychological health, especially when they have low self-esteem.


When we talk about intolerance, we talk about the continuous lack of respect for people with beliefs other than the one we practice ourselves. This leads to rejection attitudes towards some social group whether because of their skin color, sexual, political or religious orientation.

An example of this negative attitude occurs when we marginalize or insult a person, whether consciously or unconsciously, for being from an ethnic minority. It also happens when we do not respect other bodies and urge fat people to diet or exercise without these people asking us for our opinion.


Sexism could not be missing from this list of negative attitudes. A sexist attitude or being sexist is completely intolerable and consists of consider a person of the opposite sex inferior for the very fact of being so. Socially, sexism is very integrated into our society and is manifested in the violence suffered by both women and men, as long as they do not behave in line with heteropatriarchal stereotypes.

Among many of the examples of sexist attitude that we could describe, we highlight: making fun of a man for expressing his feelings or showing sensitivity, making libidinous comments about a woman’s body without her having asked for it, or charging less than a man performing the same functions and in the same position as this.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Negative attitudes of a person: list and examples we recommend that you enter our Personal Growth and Self-Help category.


  • Lomnitz, Claudio (2005). On negative reciprocity. Revista de Antropología Social, 14( ),311-339.(Consultation date February 17, 2022). ISSN: 1131-558X. Available at:

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