Negative Self-esteem

How do you see yourself? The evaluations we make of ourselves appear due to the sensations and experiences that we have incorporated throughout our lives.

What is negative self-esteem?

Self-esteem is the awareness of one’s own worth and importance, and the assumption of one’s responsibility towards ourselves, for the construction of our life and towards our interpersonal relationships. The self-esteem It is related to many forms of behavior: aggression, negative emotions, depression, stress, and therefore… negative effects on health.

What are the components of self-esteem?

The components of self-esteem are diverse,

1. Self-concept

It is the opinion or impression that people have of themselves. It is constantly developed, depending on the circumstances and interpersonal relationships established by the subject.

2. Self-respect

Respecting yourself is essential to live in peace with oneself and with others. You have to attend to and satisfy your own needs and values; express and manage feelings and emotions appropriately. Look for and value everything that makes you feel proud of yourself.

3. Self-knowledge

Knowing yourself affects relationships with others and in understanding our environment. A famous phrase says “To know yourself, compare yourself with others.”

4. Self-acceptance

He accept ourselves as we are with our weaknesses and strengths.

5. Self-assessment

Getting closer to ourselves observe ourselves and see in a realistic way how we are, how we relate, what attitudes we have, how we behave,…

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What is negative self-esteem?

What influences our negative self-esteem?

Let’s think for a moment…What influences our negative self-esteem?

1. Self-criticism

We criticize ourselves, we judge ourselves strict and rigid way

2. Negative thoughts

The person attacks himself, disqualifies himself, insults himself, “I’m worthless”, “everything goes wrong”,… and it doesn’t always correspond to reality. She depresses us, paralyzes us fear of making mistakes

3. Criticism and evaluations of others

The opinion of others influences and affects us We tend to value ourselves based on other people’s opinions. And not everyone makes constructive evaluations.

4. We idealize others

People with low selfsteem They idealize relationships, friendships, work, etc. And the expectations we have of that person or situation may not be met and may disappoint us.

Let’s think that all people are unique, valuable and important We must discover new paths to achieve our goals. We must move away from destructive ideas and dedicate time, effort, motivation, self-esteem, self-confidence, creativity and commitment. All this from a dynamic attitude and action, starting from an awareness of ourselves and our possibilities. With responsibility and confidence in the future.e