Pleasurable Sexuality Through The Years

Pleasurable sexuality through the years

Sexuality is expressed through thoughts, beliefs, fantasies, desires, attitudes, values, behaviors, practices and interpersonal relationships. But we must also understand that sexuality is a necessity and a positive factor for the person in their integral development.

However, It is often thought that older adults do not have sexuality, since they have been subject to changes, limitations and sociocultural barriers; thus depriving them of their right to pleasure and affection, ignoring that sexual potential can be up to death, even with the functional, behavioral and psychological changes that aging entails.

Sexuality after the years of youth

The changes of aging make sexuality in older adults complex and difficult to understand; understanding sexuality as the psychological expression of emotions that requires the quality of assertive communication and a lot of confidence to share a love full of pleasure with or without intercourse.

It must be taken into account that At this stage of life, affection, affection and attention take on great importance Despite all this, sexuality in older adults is shrouded in myths, limitations and sociocultural barriers.

Some of these are: sexuality is only for young people or people of childbearing age, older adults lose interest in sex, older adults who want to have sex are perverted, among many barriers that limit the sexual freedom of older adults. , establishing prejudices in society and in the family members themselves. Having a conception that the elderly becomes an asexual being; However, half of them retain their sexual desire. This is because The human being is sexual from birth to death

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Sexuality has a biological, psychological and social component; However, on many occasions older adults begin to retain the desire to express their emotions and feelings; due to fears that society and culture have imposed on them, ignoring that the expression of their sexuality plays an important role for personal satisfaction and quality of life.

Barriers that make it difficult to enjoy sexuality

One of the barriers to continuing an active and healthy sexual life are changes and physiological transformation; the acceptance of a different body, the fear and shame of not producing the same sensation, pleasure and desire in your partner

In women, there are significant changes such as vaginal atrophy, which is expressed in the aging and death of cells in the intimate area and therefore reduction in vaginal lubrication. In men it is mainly erectile dysfunction; since due to his age there is not enough blood flow and a satisfactory erection is not achieved, which inhibits and reduces interest in the sexual act.

Communication and expression regarding tastes and interests when having a sexual relationship is of vital importance ; recognizing that sexuality is not only about reaching intercourse, but is also formed through self-knowledge and knowledge of the body, both one’s own and that of the partner.

Sexuality in old age

Another strong limitation is religion, the beliefs that are still held about sexuality have caused many older adults to stop expressing their desires and, especially women, to fail to maintain an active sexual life; since there is the conception that its only sexual function is directed only at procreation and not at sexual enjoyment.

It must be recognized that in general there are older adults who live with relatives or are admitted to various institutions, which makes it difficult to have better privacy therefore the decrease in desire and attraction towards their partner, due to prejudices created generationally, taking into account that physical contact, not merely sexual, is essential to maintain the quality of life for both.

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It has been shown that the absence of the aforementioned can lead to mental and organic diseases, without understanding that the total or partial absence of sexual relations in the couple is due in large part not to a lack of desire, but to the opportunity. to do it.

Nevertheless, The absence of a spouse, whether due to loss or separation, becomes a limitation for active sexuality framed in society by beliefs and moral areas, the latter often generates self-stimulation that leads to deterioration of the physical, psychological and mental part (diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, emotional disorders, depression, anxiety, among others), it is possible highlight that sexual enjoyment in couples generates comprehensive benefits for the person, even with the transformations that occur as they age.

Although it is true that during aging some biological, social, economic and psycho-affective changes occur that make sexual performance difficult, There are also functional, behavioral and psychological changes that influence sexuality, generating great barriers and limitations in the older adult at the moment of enjoying their sexuality; Another of the great limitations are family members, since they usually have taboos that are often difficult to break, even more so when the older adult is a widower, because he/she is considered a pervert.

The issue of housing (as mentioned above) is usually one of the significant barriers, because many of these elderly people live with relatives or live in Geriatric Homes where most of the time they sleep in separate beds even if they are married, which It limits them from continuing with an active sexual life.

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This is not implying that the adult will be in a constant intimate relationship; Privacy is intended to continue with active sexuality which as mentioned above is based on physical contact: kisses, hugs, caresses, words and care for each other as a way of showing affection.

What can be done?

To break through these limitations and barriers, it is necessary remove taboos that prevent older adults from achieving a pleasurable sexual life; The knowledge we have must be updated, since it is governed by wrong concepts in which it is proposed that sexual activity should disappear as age advances, considering that wanting or having a sexual life after the age of 60 is not natural. , physiologically, morally or socially well regarded.

Over the years there has been a generational transition in religion and culture where sexual relations are no longer punished and since it is between adults there is more enjoyment due to the maturity that one has, but there is still a long way to go.

It is time to learn to communicate so when you reach this age you can enjoy pleasurable sexuality without taboos or barriers.