Proactive Person: Definition, Characteristics And Examples

Proactive person: definition, characteristics and examples

Proactivity is related to the work environment. It appears on hundreds of resumes and human resources are looking for proactive people for their companies. In PsychologyFor we explain to you what is a proactive person and how to be one so that you expand your job opportunities.

What is a proactive person: 10 characteristics

What does it mean to be a proactive person? A proactive person It is one who knows that the ultimate choice of anything is yours in that you can always choose how something affects you. She does not allow herself to be overcome by circumstances but rather take action and modify what is in your hands whether it is the circumstance or the way it affects you.

He also understands that there are events that are not under his control and accepts them. Anticipates problems by preventing them from occurring or proposing solutions. They are considered valuable for being productive and decisive.

The main characteristics of proactive people are the following.

1. They have self-knowledge

Proactive people know themselves, are aware of their strengths and weaknesses, and strive to improve the latter. In the following article you will find more information about self-knowledge.

2. They use assertiveness

They are assertive in their communications and that helps them have good relationships and get what they need. For example: if an authoritarian boss insists on doing the task his way and the proactive employee knows that there is a better way, through assertive communication he can reach an agreement.

3. They practice creativity

Proactive people are creative and find a solution for every type of problem that comes their way. Example: When the usual solution does not work, try others that may give the expected results.

4. Your locus of control is internal

They are made responsible for what happens to them instead of blaming the environment and that allows them to change the situation, either by modifying their behavior or choosing the way in which what happened affects them. For example: if a proactive person has a very demanding and somewhat unpleasant supervisor, he chooses not to let that affect him.

5. They are focused

Having a proactive attitude also means being focused. They focus on the work and not on the unimportant issues surrounding it like gossip or complaints. For example: while others spend their time complaining about the difficulty of the assigned work, they invest that time in looking for resources that make the task easier.

6. They are responsible

They take responsibility for their tasks, assume possible failures and learn from them. For example: if a proactive person has made a calculation error in a document they were making while their colleagues around them were talking to each other, instead of blaming distractions, they take responsibility and review the following documents before handing them over.

7. They take care of their circle of influence

Their circle of influence is usually increasing so their resources are expanding. For example: he takes care of his relationship with his colleagues and they help him when he needs a favor.

8. They have self-control

Among the skills of a proactive person is emotional self-control. They do not allow emotions to dominate them in stressful situations. For example: a customer arrives with complaints about a product that has been damaged due to misuse and blames you. Instead of reacting aggressively to the accusations, he calmly explains what may have happened and seeks a satisfactory solution for the client and the company.

In the following article you will find what self-control is and techniques to exercise it.

9. They are dynamic

People with a proactive attitude are active, enterprising and energetic. For example: propose changes that can improve the company instead of sitting around waiting to be assigned tasks.

10. They have a vision of the future

They think long term and anticipate difficulties that may arise. Another example of proactivity in everyday life is that a proactive person, in searching for solutions to a problem, takes into account the long-term impact.

Difference between proactive and reactive

The 3 main differences between proactive and reactive people are the following:

  • Wait vs. Act. A reactive person waits for things to happen to react and a proactive person anticipates them.
  • emotional management. While the reactive person gets carried away by emotions, the proactive person chooses to control them.
  • Responsibility. Reactive people blame circumstances for their mistakes or bad luck, proactive people assume responsibility and change what is necessary.

Differences in reactive vs. language proactive:

  • I can’t do anything – Let’s look for alternatives
  • I am like this – I can improve
  • It affects me – I can control my emotions
  • I won’t be able to – I will try as many times as necessary.
  • I have to – I choose
  • I must – I prefer
  • If… (conditional) – Whatever happens

How to be a proactive person

Proactive people are happier in general because they do not leave their happiness in the hands of circumstances. They know they always have a choice. How to be more proactive? There are ways to work and enhance proactivity. Here are 10 tips to be a proactive person:

  1. The first thing you should do is a self-exploration. Get to know yourself and find out your strengths and failures.
  2. Take care of the things you can change, assume the things you can’t change, and learn to differentiate between them.
  3. Expand your circle of influence by being assertive, collaborative and sociable.
  4. Review your language and make modifications (previous section)
  5. If you commit to something, don’t leave it halfway.
  6. Take your responsibility.
  7. Anticipate problems.
  8. Offer the best of you.
  9. Get started, don’t sit and wait for them to tell you what you should do. Create your own opportunities.
  10. And most importantly: remember that you always have a choice.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • R. Covey, S. (1997). The 7 habits of highly effective people. Barcelona: Paidós

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