Professional Psychology

Sometimes we ask ourselves, how can a psychologist help us, what is the use of therapy, here you can find a reflection on the matter…

Professional psychology

What is your profession? What have you trained in? or because of your years of work experience you have extensive background that makes you a professional in a certain sector…

Have you ever heard the phrase “I haven’t studied medicine, but you can tell from afar that you have a bad cold”? We could change the word “medicine” for “psychology”, “engineering”, “hairdressing”, “mechanics”… and an endless number of professions. Assuming that recognizing a cold turns us into doctors, putting dye in our hair turns us into hairdressers, listening to a friend telling about a problem turns us into psychologists, and changing a car battery turns into mechanics. There is a “popular belief” that being successful in life in certain circumstances gives us a professional title. It is true that there are very crafty and skilled people for certain activities, the so-called “handymen”, who may repair a hair dryer or paint a wall. But I insist and take an example from a well-known Swedish furniture store, assembling an Ikea piece of furniture does not make you a professional cabinetmaker or furniture assembler. Still you are skilled: CONGRATULATIONS!

I am sure that although we all “have presumed to be doctors” while we put a band-aid on a small cut, in case of real need for a professional, we recognize our ignorance and go to the nearest medical center or the one that corresponds to us. And we appreciate being cared for by the professional who spent his years of training, internships and even who continues to train continuously to apply the best remedies for our cure. The same thing when the car fails us, we go to the mechanic. And even if we know how to cut the ends of our hair or apply dye, when we want to prepare for a “special day” we put ourselves in the hands of an expert hairdresser.

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Taking this discourse to the field of psychology, there are many times that I have heard the phrase: “I have not studied psychology, but it is obvious from the beginning that he is having a bad time and what he needs is to go out and party” (I put it example!!) The same as when we assemble an Ikea piece of furniture, feeling self-sufficient is positive, as is having qualities and being decisive… but that ability does not make us experts in a certain subject.

It is also true that many times in situations that we can control with our own tools or knowledge, we assert ourselves and resolve problems and conflicts gracefully. We fix things at home, we change the car tire alone, we even self-medicate!!! In the field of psychology, our homemade tools are often an afternoon of coffee with a trusted friend or family member. And on many occasions, depending on the circumstances, we overcome the pothole that has caused us to fall. But if you see that an afternoon of coffee and healthy conversation is not enough, don’t hesitate, go to a professional. You will have more tools to help you resolve your conflict.

If this is your case, do not hesitate to ask for professional help.