Resistance (unconscious) To Change

Why are we afraid to make changes even if they are to improve our situation? We unconsciously generate resistance to feeling better… Become aware. Bet on your well-being.

Resistance (unconscious) to change

When we consider starting therapy (or any change in our lives) there are different ways to start it or try it:

Without fear, without resistance, with the desire to see and look at your path from another point of view, at the risk of discovering our own, unconscious, semi-hidden, innocent errors, which, installed in us, have taken shape in our lives without us realizing it and even having grown fond of them, out of habit, out of unconscious respect for our own learning and tools that we have been using on our journey. Coming to therapy with this open attitude and without fear of making changes greatly facilitates the path back to well-being…

However, despite the conscious desire to find improvement, this positive drive is frequently mixed with an unconscious fear, a resistance camouflaged under circumstantial excuses: “this month is not going well for me”, “better to start after the holidays”, ” When the course ends I’ll ask for an appointment”, “I’ll wait to see if it goes away”… And successively the start of a process that scares us is postponed, to the point of never getting started. The result of the continued postponement and the possibility of perpetuating it over time, depending on the reason for requesting help, can trigger in several ways.

  • 1.That oneself, on one’s own feet, find a healthy way to achieve improvement and well-being, through trial and error, but with a positive attitude.
  • 2. Get used to living with pain, letting it become so embedded in our lives that we do not know how to see it and live it in any other way. Resigning ourselves to walking with a stone in our shoe.
  • 3.Not only get used to living with pain, but also unconsciously encourage its increase, to your own detriment, inevitably entering a negative spiral.
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If you are in a bad moment, if you are considering asking for help, weigh the desire to change something in your life and the fear of making moves. Become aware of your resistances.