Seduce And Attract With Your Personal Brand

In recent years, most companies have realized the importance of a good branding process and a powerful brand for business success. If you don’t have a brand, how do you get recognized, how do you differentiate yourself from others?

When we talk about a brand we are referring to something more than a logo, we are talking about nothing more and nothing less than the ‘soul’ of the company. Is there anything more important than that?

What would happen if we transferred the brand concept to interpersonal relationships, specifically, to the area of ​​seduction and attraction? Wherever you go, whoever you interact with, you are projecting your personal brand, you may do it consciously, or unconsciously, but you are doing it. Are you willing to brand yourself and improve your personal brand?

    What is branding and what is the brand?

    Both concepts are closely related. Andy Stalman, one of the most recognized branding specialists in Spain and Latin America, defines them simply: “Branding is the process of creating, developing and building the brand. And the brand is what people say, feel or think about your product, your service, your company, etc.”

    Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon, defines brand similarly: “Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not there.”

    Applying this to the field of seduction, your personal brand is therefore not how you perceive yourself, but how others perceive you, especially when you try to seduce. But it’s not about your physical appearance, or what you do or say, but about the intangible, your presence, your soul, your spirit. The failure or success of your personal brand depends much more on the internal than the external.

    A good example of this is when we are faced with a person with a spectacular physique, but who does not inspire us at all, does not attract us. Metaphorically, it would be like meeting someone with a good logo in its brand, but empty of soul, of content.

    What objective does the personal brand have?

    In the business and professional world, the objective of every brand is to achieve success; Therefore, taking it to the field of seduction, your personal brand should also be focused in that sense.

    We are not talking about you carrying out an exercise of self-analysis or introspection. It is not an analytical task but a creative one Ask yourself not who you are, but who you want to become.

    An analogy: if you are a photographer and you want to develop a successful personal brand, it is not about focusing on what your failures are or why you do not excel in certain areas, but on what type of photographer you want to be, and what you want your career being successful. For example: do you see yourself taking magnificent portraits of your clients, or rather incredible travel and adventure reports? Will your way of dressing as a photographer be elegant, or perhaps casual and bohemian?

    In the same way, applying it to seduction, In what sense do you want to direct your personal brand to be more successful in seducing and attracting?

    Improve your personal brand

    Overall, there are two basic ways to do it:

    1. Rational way

    This is the usual way in which people try to improve in different aspects of their lives. It is a good way to try to advance, but we will see later that in the field of seduction the creative way is the most appropriate for this purpose.

    Do a study on yourself

    Can start by studying what your strengths are, in what contexts you are best at seducing, with what type of people, under what circumstances, etc. You can write down on a sheet of paper all your virtues and skills that usually give you more results, and thus enhance them. For example: your happiness, your way of speaking, your tone of voice, etc.

    Gather all those qualities and be attentive to offer them to the girl or boy you like. It is good that you are aware of them and that they are part of your personal brand.

    Improve in areas that facilitate seduction

    Can incorporate new aspects and new skills into your life that offer you better results than the ones you currently have when it comes to seducing and attracting. For example: improve your physical and aesthetic image, learn Latin dances, cultivate empathy with others, improve your way of communicating, etc.

    Whatever you try to improve your personal brand, it will be fine. However, as we mentioned before, the rational way is very useful in many fields but not so much in seduction, since We are talking about exciting others, captivating, fascinating, and that is not achieved with reasons, not even with skills, but with emotions. Next, we move on to look at the creative way.

      2. Creative way

      If with the rational way you connected with your most logical and analytical part (your Left Hemisphere), now it is about connecting with your most emotional and sensitive part.

      Since in this case what you want is to be more successful at seducing and attracting, The creative way is surely the one that will give you the most results Here are two creative techniques to improve your personal brand:

      Get inspired by someone

      Bring to mind a person (friend, acquaintance or famous) who is already successful at seducing and, for a moment, be that person, be inspired by her as if you were really her, as if you could really feel yourself in their skin. Look at the way they walk, the way they dress, speak, position themselves, etc.

      How do you feel being that person? How do you handle yourself? What changes do you notice? What things do you notice? How do you talk to the girl or boy you like? What plans do you have to do together?

      The more you are inspired by a person who already seduces and attracts, the easier you will get closer to success. By doing so, you will verify that An immensity of possibilities will arise that you were not able to feel or see before That is the great power of the intuitive mind, the ability to create a new and better reality.

      Change your “hat”

      This technique is inspired by the famous book Six hats to think aboutby Edward de Bono, one of the most recognized psychologists in the area of ​​creativity.

      Imagine that you take a hat of a bright color (Edward de Bono chose yellow, but you can choose the one you like the most), and you put it on your head. When you do, you can only make positive judgments about your life. Negativity disappears from your thoughts, there are no longer negative evaluations about anything or anyone.

      By thinking like this, It’s about imagining yourself already being successful at seducing and attracting: you already like yourself, you already attract many girls, or many boys, you already feel good about your personal brand, comfortable with yourself, proud of yourself…

      Now that you are successful, now that you attract, how do you see yourself? How do you walk? What style of dress do you choose? What do you talk about with people you’re attracted to? Where are you going, what plans do you have with those people?

      Write down and perceive all the changes that are created in you by putting on that ‘hat of success’, that of joy, that of that personal brand that already seduces, that already attracts.

      As you can see, these two proposed creative techniques They are in line with what is sought in the personal brand: success To the extent that you place yourself in it, that you start from it, you will have the greatest guarantee to be part of said success.

      Now you have two powerful creative exercises to seduce and attract others. If you practice them, you will be improving your personal brand, and therefore I wish you much success!