Self-harm in adolescents is not a game. If we take into account that Up to 45% admit to having cut themselves at some time or that during the pandemic this behavior grew by 180% we can get an idea of ​​the seriousness involved in this topic.
Self-harm in adolescents refers to deliberate, self-destructive behaviors that involve physically harming themselves. This behavior manifests itself in various ways, cutting the skin being one of the most common, but it can also include scratches, burns and blows, among other methods.
It is important to note that self-harm should not be confused with suicide attempts; Although both behaviors may have elements in common, self-harm is usually done as a way to manage emotional pain and not necessarily with the intention of taking one’s own life
Why do teenagers self-harm?
The reasons behind self-harm are complex and can vary from individual to individual. Some of the causes are the following:
Social consequences of self-harm in adolescents
The social consequences of cutting in adolescents are significant. We leave you the most important ones for the normal development of the kid:
Treatment of self-harm
Treatment of self-harm in adolescents generally involves a multidisciplinary intervention that addresses both the physical and emotional aspects. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is the most effective to help adolescents. providing a safe space to explore and understand underlying emotions. As it does?: