The 10 Best Infusions For The Cold

Infusions for the cold

Some plants and herbs that we easily find at home or in herbalists have proven useful in combating discomfort and reducing the symptoms linked to the common cold.

The common cold or cold normally does not require medical intervention, although we must be attentive and monitor that the symptoms improve and the condition does not increase. In this sense, there are different plants that have shown positive results in improving the state of health, one or the other being more appropriate depending on the most notable symptoms or discomfort of each subject.

In this article We will talk about the types of cold infusions that can be helpful for better health recovery.

What do we understand by a cold?

The common cold, also known as catarrh, shows nasal congestion as its main symptoms, that is, increased mucus and sneezing. Although we can also identify other symptoms, such as headache and sore throat or cough among others.

The causes of the appearance of this pathology can be different, the most common being rhinovirus infection, which consists of the inhalation of viruses through the mouth, nose or eyes. We find these viruses in the air, it is the means of transmission, when they are expelled by another person who is infected, thus being the mode of contagion.

The severity of the symptoms is usually not very intense, with the discomfort relieving in a week or 10 days if we follow a healthy routine and take care of our health. Normally does not require medical intervention Since with rest the symptoms usually go away relatively quickly, but if you want to reduce the discomfort more quickly, taking pharmacy products that do not require a prescription help mitigate this alteration. Even so, if you see that the symptoms do not improve after 10 days or that they worsen, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

The best infusions to calm cold symptoms

Now that we know better what the symptoms related to the common cold are, we will now mention some remedies in the form of infusions for the cold that we can use to relieve the symptoms and improve our state of health, always keeping in mind that If we do not see improvement, we must go to a professional to perform a more precise intervention

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And one of the most used remedies to try to reduce the discomfort linked to a cold are infusions, understood as a type of drink that is prepared with hot water and some type of herb or part of a plant such as a flower, root, leaves or bark. This drink can be taken simply because we like its flavor or with the purpose of strengthening our health, for medicinal purposes.

Let’s see, then, what types of infusions are recommended to prepare when we show cold symptoms.

1. Thyme infusions

Thyme is a plant used for both cooking and medicinal use This type of aromatic herb shows many beneficial properties for improving our state of health. It is antibacterial and antiviral, thus helping to combat and eliminate pathogens, anti-inflammatory, reducing inflammation and neck pain, expectorant and mucolytic, facilitating decongestion of the respiratory tract and analgesic, thus calming pain.

Thyme infusion

There are different ways to take thyme: prepare an infusion and drink it, you can add a little honey if you want to enhance the calming effects; Gargle with the infusion to cleanse and calm the area or use steam with hot water and thyme, thus helping to decongest the airways and breathe better.

2. Elderberry infusions

Elderberry has shown health-improving properties, and Both its leaves and flowers are used as its stem It has different benefits such as: expectorant, helping to remove mucus; antioxidant, increasing vitamin C; and anti-inflammatory. Likewise, it reduces fever, cough and muscle pain.

Normally, the most used part of the plant is the flowers. Infusions are made with dried elderflower flowers, combining it with other plants such as licorice or eucalyptus to reduce irritation of the respiratory tract.

3. Ginger infusion

Ginger also has multiple favorable properties for good health. It is anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, thus relieving neck pain and strengthening the state of our immune system. It also shows antibacterial properties, helping to disinfect. Other uses have been observed as a remedy to reduce nausea and vomiting.

Ginger infusion

We can take ginger as an infusion, boiling a few pieces and enhancing its benefits by adding a little lemon juice and, if you want to sweeten it a little, honey.

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4. Mallow infusion

Mallow infusions have also proven their benefits in relieving cold symptoms. Provides vitamins A, B and C as well as mineral salts. This product helps reduce nasal congestion, itchy and irritated throat, and cough Likewise, it shows expectorant, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and relaxing properties, helping to reduce muscle tension and pain.

After adding the mallow to hot water, we must let it rest for approximately 5 to 10 minutes so that the water takes its proportions.

5. Sage infusion

Sage is a plant also used as a natural remedy. They have different properties such as: anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect; decreased sensation of sore throat thanks to its analgesic effect; and has an expectorant function, helping to decongest and reduce cough. In short, it is considered a natural antibiotic.

Sage infusion

After letting the sage brew for about 3-5 minutes, let it rest for about 10 minutes before straining the infusion. If we want to sweeten or enhance its benefits to relieve cold symptoms, we can add honey, cinnamon or a little lemon juice.

6. Oregano infusion

Although we are used to using oregano as a dressing, it can also be useful to take it as an infusion given its properties as a natural remedy. Oregano has been found useful as: anti-inflammatory, expectorant and balsamic, helping to expel mucus, reducing irritation and dryness caused by the cold. Likewise, it is a natural antibiotic, and helps neutralize or reduce the effects of pathogens and also acts as an antihistamine

To prepare the infusion we must add the oregano to hot water and let it rest for about 10 minutes. If we want to modify its flavor, make it sweeter, we can add a natural sweetener such as honey.

7. Echinacea infusion

Echinacea is one of the herbs that has the most research to prove its effectiveness. It has been shown to have positive effects on the immune system, enhancing the functioning of white blood cells that act as the body’s first defense. Likewise, it allows you to fight viruses and bacteria, thus making us more resistant to possible infections That is, we observe a preventive utility.

In addition to echinacea, propolis is often used, which has been shown to be effective in treating colds, since it acts as an antibiotic and antiviral. It helps keep the vocal cords and throat in good condition, reducing irritation and inflammation.

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The instructions for use are as follows: mix approximately half a tablespoon of echinacea with boiling water and let it sit for about 10 minutes. Later, we can add a few drops of propolis to achieve a greater and better effect on cold symptoms.

8. Eucalyptus infusion

Eucalyptus has shown positive effects to restore good health when we have a cold. Favorable results have been observed especially in improving the condition of our respiratory tract thanks to its anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties, which help expel mucus and decongest so you can breathe better. Of course, be very careful when regulating its quantity, because this plant can poison relatively easily.

Eucalyptus can be taken as an infusion by letting the mixture of eucalyptus and boiling water rest for about 10 minutes or by making steam to help better decongest the nasal passages.

9. Fennel infusion

Fennel also acts as an antiviral, thus being useful in fighting infections such as the common cold. So, It has been shown to be useful in decongesting and expelling mucus and helping to reduce cough reducing the irritation and sore throat that are linked to this action.

It is recommended to drink fennel infusions after meals, as this promotes better digestion. Likewise, although fennel is not linked to any type of contraindication, it is advisable not to take more than three infusions daily, since a high daily consumption of fennel can lead to a greater risk of arrhythmias and seizures.

10. Margarita infusion

The flowers and leaves of the daisy also show useful properties in combating cold symptoms. This plant acts as a cough suppressant, which means that it helps reduce cough and therefore neck irritation. It has also shown favorable results in expelling mucus and possible toxins, thus reducing the possibility of infection.

The infusion can be prepared with dried or fresh flowers, adding water and letting it boil for approximately 3 minutes. Then we turn off the heat and let it rest for another 3 minutes before straining and drinking the infusion.