The 10 Essential Rules To Release Emotional Ballast

Emotional burden, how can we get rid of emotional burdens? Is there a way to reduce emotional load, stress and intrusive thoughts?

Throughout our lives we experience harmful feelings that remain latent in our vital memory. The consequence is a burden of resentments, afflictions, fears and conflicts but, Can we do something for our emotional hygiene?

How to get rid of emotional ballast

Below we offer you the ten techniques to eliminate these emotional burdens. The emotional burden must be purged before you can no longer move forward with it.

1. Focus on positive thoughts and control negative ones

Anxiety feeds on negative thoughts since they generate a huge amount of discomfort. Quite the opposite of the positive ones. In such a way that with positive affirmations we will be able to exchange thoughts with the tool of language, that is, if you repeat to yourself: “I can do it”, “I love myself”, “I am worth it” this is not enough, It is necessary to believe those words and internalize them for them to have an effect..

Thus, you have to enhance what you want to attract and your mind will take you by the hand to the emotional realm and you will be able to achieve it.

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2. Build goals

We tend to over-prioritize our immediate daily needs, this distracts our attention from what we think and feel on a day-to-day basis. We cannot foresee the future but we can we have the opportunity to manage the objectives so that, based on small challenges within our reach, we gain confidence.

3. Attitude designates the state of mind

Do you remember that day when everything turned out the other way around? Or, conversely, has it happened to you that you wake up on the right foot and everything seems to spin in perfect and delicious synchronicity? The difference is the attitude with which we face each new day. We see the world according to our inner state: the more optimistic we are in interpreting what happens to us, the better evaluation we will obtain of ourselves – self-esteem – and the better adaptation to the environment.

Consequently, a positive attitude is based on a good self-esteem

4. Will and action

Will is our ability to decide whether to execute an action or not. To have a good predisposition to voluntary action you have to be receptive, prioritize the steps to follow and positively visualize the objective. So, the will must be the spark that leads us to action.

5. Learning zone and comfort zone

We often impose a self-imposed comfort zone in which we feel safe and protected. But this area can lead to fear of the unknown and can immerse us in a vital isolation that is not advisable. To live life to the full it is necessary to explore new horizons, lose the fear of moving forward by accessing new worlds that provide us with new wisdom and personal maturity.

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When we decide to let life surprise us, without lazy fears, we access what is known as the “learning zone.”

6. Want, power and deserve

We must be very clear, it is essential, to understand that what really defines us is not the positive opinions or criticisms we are exposed to from others, but the assessment we make of ourselves, that is: self-esteem, the confidence we have in our possibilities.

7. Self-confidence: towards well-being

To achieve a correct progression in self-confidence, it is recommended that we know ourselves and what our potentials are so that we can focus on them. We must take care of ourselves and be emotionally self-sufficient, with the attitude of considering our limitations and making self-criticism if necessary.

It is also essential to dedicate a small moment each day to relax and bet on a sense of humor.

8. Turn the page without forgetting

We must not forget but overcome. We have to turn the page on all those losses, relationships, disappointments, discomforts, fears, relationships and sentimental wounds. Pain is part of those bad moments but suffering must be managed. Trying to eliminate bad memories will only work against you.

We need to admit a bad episode in order to be able to leave it behind, little by little. In this sense, It is important to know a capacity called resilience.

9. Criticisms: how to handle them

The difference between constructive and negative (or destructive) criticism lies in the intention, the words used and the way of saying it. But no matter how destructive criticism can be, if the recipient does not give it importance will not experience it as an offense. Therefore, when we issue criticism we must be prudent and make evident our appreciation, as well as our respect, look for the opportunity of the moment and always give the person in question the opportunity to respond, respecting their right to reply.

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This point is key to relax our emotional involvement during day to day.

10. Communication

Finally, and as the foundation of personal balance in our emotions, we have communication. It is vital to know how to communicate and understand each other in order to understand each other. The quality of communication can determine whether you have a full life or a string of conflicts.

It is advisable take several points into account if we want communication to be effective: