The 110 Best Karma Phrases

Karma is a concept created in the Buddhist and Hindu religion, which is described as an energy with a moral charge that transcends the actions we perform and which is generated by our behavior; If good actions are done, karma will bring us good things, and if we do bad things, the opposite will happen.

This idea has become so popular that it has crossed borders and is today also known in Western societies. If you are interested in understanding its essence, keep reading; here you will find a list of very inspiring phrases about karma

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    The best phrases about Karma

    Although it is an Eastern belief, karma is an idea that has reached many people around the world. To know its impact, in this article we bring the best phrases about karma that will make you reflect.

    1. My actions are my only belongings. I cannot escape the consequences of my actions. (Thích Nhất Hạnh)

    Everyone is responsible for their actions.

    2. Sin makes its own hell and goodness makes its own heaven. (Mary Baker Eddy)

    If you do evil it will persecute you, if you do good it will compensate you.

    3. If you keep saying that bad things will happen, you have a good chance of becoming a prophet. (Isaac Bashevis Singer)

    What we think about ourselves can play for or against what we do.

      4. We become what we think.

      So be careful with your thoughts.

      5. How people treat you is their karma; How you react is yours. (Wayne W. Dyer)

      Don’t treat someone how you hate being treated.

      6. I have no reason to hate someone; I believe in good karma and spreading good energy.

      A belief that can bring a lot of peace.

      7. Those who are free from resentment will find peace. (Buddha)

      Resentment is something that eats us from the inside.

      Reflections on Karma

      8. The best revenge is to be different from your enemy.

      The worst thing you can do to your enemy is to see you doing what he hates, making you happy.

      9. If you’re really a bad person, you’re going to come back like a fly and eat shit. (Kurt Cobain)

      You won’t do well for long if you are a bad person.

      10. The field of karma is simple; As you have planted, you will reap. (Sri Guru Granth Sahib)

      It may not be today or tomorrow, but the future is relentless.

      11. Don’t judge yourself by the crops you reap, but by the seeds you plant. (Robert Louis Stevenson)

      Remember that your actions today impact your tomorrow.

      12. Strange things conspire when one tries to deceive destiny. (Rick Riordan)

      Create your own path.

      13. Karma said: you will love the one who loves you for not having loved the one who loved you.

      An irony that comes true for many.

      14. You will only understand the pain you caused when the pain catches you.

      Many are not aware of their actions until they experience it firsthand.

      15. Karma is not an inviolable driver of cosmic punishment. Rather, it is a neutral sequence of acts, results, and consequences. (Vera Nazarian)

      Life is cyclical, so whatever you do, it comes back to you.

      16. You can’t get away with tormenting people all your life, no matter who you are. (Jessica Brody)

      Sooner or later you will pay the consequences of your actions.

      17. Make a decision and prepare for action: the Universe will conspire to make it happen.

      When you decide and trust yourself, you are already halfway there.

      18. Before you begin your journey of revenge, dig two graves. (Proverb)

      A revenge also takes our soul.

      19. According to the karma of past actions one’s destiny unfolds, even if everyone wants to be lucky. (Sri Guru Granth Sahib)

      Do you believe in past lives?

      20. Beware of the anger of the patient man. (John Dryden)

      Calm people are the ones who can be the most lethal.

        21. He who does it laughing, pays it by crying.

        As the saying goes: ‘he who laughs last, laughs best’.

        22. People pay for what they have done and for what they have become. And they pay for it in a simple way: with the life they lead. (Edith Wharton)

        And it will not be when they are calm, but when they are off guard.

        23. What happens to us in life is marked by what we have done in our previous lives. Even in the smallest events there is no coincidence. (Haruki Murakami)

        An idea of ​​past lives as a repeating cycle.

        24. As only I have reached my current condition, I myself, by working hard and striving fervently, can reach the supreme state which is nirvana. (Eknath Easwaran)

        Only we can get out of our own grave.

        25. Don’t forget that you will attract what exists in your mind.

        The mind is more powerful than you think. It can motivate us or stagnate us.

        26. When you love and serve others, life surprises you by loving and serving you.

        Helping others brings us unique satisfaction.

        27. Those who act evil must be wished luck… sooner or later they will need it.

        You cannot escape your punishment.

        28. If you send the goodness of yourself to others, or if you share what makes you happy within yourself, everything will return to you multiplied ten thousand times. (John O’Donohue)

        When we share good things, they abound.

        29. Every action in our lives touches some string that will vibrate in eternity. (Edwin Hubbel Chapin)

        We are remembered for the actions we take. As many good as bad.

        30. Don’t hurt others with what hurts yourself.

        It is a very low form of hypocrisy.

        31. Things do not happen by chance in this world of arising and disappearing. We don’t live in some kind of crazy, accidental universe. (Sharon Salzberg)

        According to this belief, everything happens for a purpose.

        32. There is a wonderful mythical law of nature by which the three things we desire most in life – happiness, freedom and peace – are always achieved by giving them to someone else. (Peyton Conway March)

        The only way to achieve something is to set an example of it.

        33. We don’t always get what we want, but in the end life gives us what we deserve.

        A very important reflection to accompany us in our search for success.

        34. He who sows winds, reaps storms.

        You can’t expect something good if you have done wrong.

        35. What does destiny really consist of, receiving what you deserve or deserving what you receive? (Jodi Picoult)

        What would you say is the correct answer?

        36. What you refuse to accept will continue to happen to you.

        Things are only overcome when we face them.

        37. Cultivate your craft. Water it daily, pour some care and love into it and watch it grow. (J.B. McGee)

        When we work on something we are able to improve. So be it by taking small steps.

        38. I believe in karma. If the sowing is good, so is the harvest. (Yannick Noah)

        There is no other way it works.

        39. No one will punish you for your mistakes; They themselves will be in charge of punishing you.

        Your mistakes will one day come to greet you in the face.

          40. When you understand that wealth is not possession, you will be truly rich.

          Wealth is not just money but that peace to be happy and relax.

          41. If your actions boomeranged back at you instantly, would you still act the same way? (Alexandra Katehakis)

          A very important question you should ask yourself.

          42. With every crime and with every act of kindness we give birth to our future. (David Mitchell)

          Bad things are only solved with good things.

          43. Treat others as you would like to be treated. It’s simple.

          A law that has no traps.

          44.No one can escape our past karma. (Mahavira)

          The works of the past are those that will impact the future.

          45. I believe in good luck and faith and I believe in karma; that the energy you give to the world comes back to find you. (Chris Pine)

          An energy that can fill your soul with blessings.

          46. ​​When we change our interior, our life changes.

          Everything starts from within us.

          47. Life is an echo: what you send out, comes back.

          This is the way energy moves in life.

          48. You must understand that you cannot control the results, you can only understand your actions. (Allan Lokos)

          You can’t control everything, but you can take responsibility for what you do.

          49. What we have done, its result, comes to us whether today, tomorrow, a hundred years later or a hundred lives later, whenever it may be. And that is our karma. (Maharishi Mahesh Yogi)

          The way karma shows up in life.

          50. The greatest victory is the one won over oneself.

          Defeating our fears and insecurities is a war worth admiring.

          51. Once you have lived a little, you will find that whatever you send out into the world comes back to you in one form or another. (Slash)

          Everything always comes back.

          52. Everything that goes, comes back.

          A statement that cannot be changed.

          53. When someone has a strong intuitive connection, Buddhism suggests that it is due to karma, some past connection. (Richard Gere)

          Two elements that connect in a single person.

          54. Karma is simply an action in exchange for an action, whether good or bad.

          You can’t have something different than what you give.

          55. What you don’t want for yourself, don’t want for others.

          When we are aware of harm, we seek to improve the life of another.

          56. I believe that the laws of karma do not apply to show business, where good things happen to bad people. (Chuck Lorre)

          Could it be that there are dirty ways out in karma?

          57. Gratitude leads to having a widely open heart. You cannot receive anything great in life with a closed heart. Be grateful and reap the benefits! (Assegid Habtewold)

          Good things happen to those who are open to receive them.

            58. Whatever you do to animals you do to yourself. (Ben Mikaelsen)

            Your treatment of animals matters too.

            59. The rule is very simple: every experience is repeated or suffered until you experience it properly. (Ben Okri)

            You will continue to suffer until you are able to face your pain.

            60. Both good and bad come back, so it is better to choose the good.

            Do you think it’s worth choosing the bad?

            61. To serve karma, one must give good karma to others.

            You can’t get something great if you betray others along the way.

            62. When positive things are done, they come back with a good return. (Yannick Noah)

            So why not do positive things?

            63. A person who performs good karma is always held in high esteem. (Rig Veda)

            People appreciate those who have good deeds with everyone.

            64. Understand that everything is connected to everything else.

            We are all within an invisible network that connects us.

            65. How great a truth it is that violence turns against the violent and that the schemer ends up falling into the pit he digs for another! (Arthur Conan Doyle)

            Remember that everyone pays what they owe and gets what they deserve.

            66. Doing an act to others that you would rather not do to yourself reveals a powerful internal conflict. (Alexandra Katehakis)

            A discontent that is extremely harmful.

            67. Be careful with the person you step on when you go up because you may find them when you go down.

            When you despise someone, you devalue yourself.

            68. A disciplined mind brings true happiness.

            A mind that is capable of ordering chaos and silencing those negative voices.

            69. You must appreciate where you come from to know who you are in the present and who you want to be in the future. (Truth Devour)

            Your origins can be the driving force of your dreamed future.

            70. Remember that a plant does not sprout immediately. Be patient and know that in life you will reap what you sow. (J.B. McGee)

            Things are obtained with time and patience.

            71. The key to karma is balance. (Christmas Humphreys)

            The fundamental idea is to find balance.

            72. This is karma. You may not understand it now, but one day you will. The origin of your pain is within the maximum expression of your existence. (H. Raven Rose)

            There are things that we only understand when we grow up.

            73. I must have killed a lot of cows in my previous life for karma to hate me so much. (Katie McGarry)

            We don’t always have good luck at all times.

            74. We awaken in others the same mental attitude that we have with them.

            If you treat someone with contempt, you can’t wait for them to be nice to you.

            75. Karma doesn’t just talk about creating problems, it also talks about how to overcome them.

            It’s about finding a solution that fills your soul.

            76. There are two missions that we must fulfill throughout our lives. The first is to seek the truth. The second is to be good. (Suzy Kassem)

            Two important missions for our lives.

            77. Things happen according to certain laws, laws of nature. Laws like the law of karma, which teaches us that because a seed was sown, a fruit will grow. (Sharon Salzberg)

            The universe governed by the laws of karma.

            78. Give, don’t expect to receive anything in return. Give, and when you give willingly, you will begin to receive.

            When you give with a greedy intention behind it, you never earn respect from others.

            • You may be interested: “The 8 theories of altruism: why do we help others in exchange for nothing?”

            79. Even in the smallest events there is no coincidence. (Haruki Murakami)

            Nothing happens by chance.

            80. In the kingdom of love there is no competition; there is no possession or control. The more love you give, the more love you will have. (John O’Donohue)

            Love is what allows us to be abundant.

            81. Always tell the truth, so you won’t have to remember what you said. (Mark Twain)

            The truth is discovered sooner or later.

            82. Do things with love. That’s the key.

            When we do things with love, we are undoubtedly happier.

            83. If you think negatively, you will continue to see your problems. If you think positively, you will start to see solutions.

            The difference between being a pessimist and an optimist.

            84. The law of karma says that no matter what context I find myself in, it is not my parents, nor my science teacher, nor the postman, but only I who have put myself in this state due to my past actions. (Eknath Easwaran)

            We are responsible for the destiny that awaits us, which is manufactured through our actions.

            85. It is impossible to create your happiness around the unhappiness of others. (Daisaku Ikeda)

            Well, it ends up being a false and empty happiness.

            86. As long as karma exists, the world will continue to change. (Nina Hagen)

            The world never remains static and the same.

            87. When you plant a seed of love, you are the one that blooms. (Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati)

            By having a positive attitude towards life, we are able to improve at every moment.

            88. Karma is a cruel lover.

            It can take a long time or go against us.

            89. If you give something good to the world, eventually the karma will be good, and you will receive something good. (Russell Simmons)

            Good things always come, even if they tend to take time.

            90. It seems that situations happen to people, but in reality they are triggered by causes related to karma. (Deepak Chopra)

            The way karma lurks.

            91. I wish that whatever you want for me, you receive in triplicate for yourself.

            Whether for better or worse. Remember that what you give, comes back to you.

            92. Karma comes to everyone eventually. (Jessica Brody)

            Will you be ready when this moment arrives?

            93. Like gravity, karma is so basic that we often don’t even realize it. (Sakyong Mipham)

            It is part of the world and life itself, so it is something natural.

            94. History will repeat itself until we learn to change our path.

            After all there is a saying that says: ‘he who does not learn from his history is condemned to repeat it’.

            95. A boomerang returns to the person who threw it, but first hits its target. That’s what rumors do. (Vera Nazarian)

            Rumors only create destruction for everyone until it reaches the person who started them.

            96. You made the bed yourself and now you curse others for leaving you there. (Wesley Chu)

            Stop blaming others for your responsibilities.

            97. Understand that everything is connected to everything else. (Leonardo da Vinci)

            Things in this world are related. So what you do can affect others.

            98. The way people treat you is their karma; The way you react is yours. (Wayne Dyer)

            What karma do you show to others?

            99. There is no action that will not have a response in the future.

            Nothing we do fails to impact the future.

            100. Don’t worry so much about what you are going to receive, but rather about what you are going to give.

            After all, you get what you give.

            101. Someday, people will ask me what the secret to my success is… and I will answer “Good karma.” (K. Crumley)

            Karma can lead you to success.

            102. Karma, when well understood, is only the mechanics through which consciousness manifests. (Deepak Chopra)

            It is about the degree of consciousness that we have within.

            103. Karma is experience, experience creates memory, memory creates imagination and desire, desire creates karma again. (Deepak Chopra)

            Our experiences are important because they build us.

            104. Mark my words: someday she will get what she deserves. Karma is worse than she is. (Kathleen Brooks)

            Sooner or later everyone gets what they deserve.

            105. Every time something bad happens, there is something wrong with you.

            If you can’t change the environment, then you must change yourself.

            106. Hatred does not diminish with hatred, but with love.

            Hate only breeds more resentment. But love leads us to understand.

            107. There is not only good and evil, but what goes around comes around. Karma exists. (Donald Van de Mark)

            It is not only good and evil, but the intentions with which we make our actions.

            108. When you see a good person, try to become him or her. When you see someone who is not so good, reflect on your weaknesses. (Confucius)

            A very significant phrase to reflect on.

            109. Nature is always working to restore balance when it is disturbed by the actions of a man. (Christmas Humphreys)

            Somehow the world needs to maintain balance.

            110. I try to live with the idea that karma is something real. Therefore, I give what I want to receive. (Megan fox)

            An excellent way of life.