​The 110 Best Phrases Of Friedrich Nietzsche

Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) is considered one of the most influential Western philosophers and thinkers of his time where his works of “Superman” and “God is Dead” stood out, always having a critical sense towards religion and its “enslaving” morality, as he himself would point out.

Nietzsche based his ideas on the criticism of Western German culture, which in the 19th century was subject to Christianity, accusing Hegelian rationalism and the conservatism that this entailed, thus diminishing the most emotional development and earthly pleasure in society as a whole.

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    Nietzsche’s most notable phrases

    Below we offer you a series of famous phrases that Friedrich Nietzsche He spoke in an intellectual life marked by his poor state of health (he suffered from syphilis) and his failure in the field of love.

    1. Not that you have lied to me, that I can no longer believe you, that terrifies me

    This is how the author described his distrust towards people who were not sincere.

    2. The individual has always fought not to be absorbed by the tribe. But no price is too high for the privilege of being yourself.

    You should never get carried away by trends or social pressures. Otherwise do what you think is appropriate.

    3. Monkeys are too good for man to be descended from them

    Nietzsche was very critical of human behavior and his warlike condition.

    4. If you try, you will often be alone, and sometimes scared

    You always fight against everyone and against prejudices when it comes to thinking differently from others.

    5. Hope is the worst of evils, because it prolongs man’s torment

    Friedrich was not given to pseudo-compassionate talk. Rather he was a realist.

    6. He who has a reason to live can face all the “hows”

    The author often wrote about how to lead a meaningful and fully happy life.

    7. Without music, life would be a mistake

    His passion was music and Wagner was his most direct influence in his early theoretical years.

      8. The destiny of men is made of happy moments, all of life has them, but not of happy times

      As we mentioned previously, Nietzsche was very aware of the theme of happiness in his works and thoughts.

      Nietzsche Quotes

      9. Everything that is done for love is done beyond good and evil

      Human beings are willing to do anything when it comes to conquering love.

      10. The foulest word and the rudest letter are better, they are more polite than silence

      He was a direct, concise character who avoided political correctness. You have to speak loud and clear.

      11. Those who have loved man the most have always done him the most harm

      A somewhat pessimistic interpretation of love.

      12. Independence is not a right, it is a privilege that corresponds to a minority

      We always find ourselves subjugated to the values ​​and trends of the society in which we live.

      13. When suffering comes, look it in the face and face it

      We have to be able to face adversity.

      14. Seeking happiness in faith is not wanting to seek the truth

      Faith is not something that can be measured nor does it respond to the truth of things.

      15. In love there is always some madness, and in madness there is always some reason

      Love is not something irrational, as they say.

        16. Only when we build the future do we have the right to judge the past

        We have to be able to look forward, always.

        17. The most common lie is the one with which people deceive themselves

        This is how critical Nietzsche is of people who lie.

        18. Is man a failure of God, or God a failure of man?

        The existence of God is denied by the author with this reflection.

        19. Love is not blind, it is only blinded by the passion it carries within

        Fire and emotion is what pushes us to be in love

        20. Man was the one who created God in his image and likeness

        NIetzsche believed that God is nothing more than the reflection of man, wanting to dominate the masses.

        21. Intellectuality is measured not by intelligence, but by the doses of humor that are capable of using

        Although he suffered a lot in his life, he gave great importance to a sense of humor.

        22. To become wise it is necessary to experience certain experiences, often dangerous

        We have to face situations that are uncomfortable for us and get out of the comfort zone.

        23. What doesn’t kill me will make me stronger

        In the face of any adversity overcome, we must continue fighting.

        24. I need living companions, not corpses that I have to carry

        The importance of being surrounded by positive and restless people.

        25. The perfect woman is a human being superior to the best of men

        Friedrich thus described the ideal woman. She assiduously venerated the female figure.

        26. Life is too short to get bored

        Above all, positivity and enjoyment of life.

        27. We are used to life because we like love

        Nietzsche thus justified the existence of the human being.

        28. Hope is a much more powerful stimulant than luck

        Faith moves mountains, they say. And hope is part of it.

        29. A man has more character when he follows his temperament, his instinct

        Society educates and indoctrinates us to be purely rational, leaving aside our human passions.

        30. Sex is nothing more than a trap of nature to avoid extinction

        Perhaps because of the lack of success among women, Nietzsche formulated this reflection.

        31. Remorse is like a dog biting a stone: stupid

        There is no need to regret anything in this life. Everything happens for a reason.

        32. Any idealism in the face of necessity is a deception

        Friedrich was an entirely realistic entity, with his doses of passion and imagination.

        33. Denying the existence of God will be the only salvation of the world

        This is how the German author believed that the world’s problems would be solved.

        34. God is dead, it seems that men murdered him

        The author had little faith in divinity and his role in earthly life.

        35. The age of marriage always comes before falling in love.

        Sometimes people get married due to family and societal pressures.

        36. Only questions with answers are the ones we come to understand

        We only analyze what we understand and obtain an answer.

        37. War makes the victor stupid and the vanquished resentful

        Wars only serve to antagonize and encourage hatred.

        38. Politics is the field of work of certain mediocre minds

        This is how critical he was of political science, since it subjugates societies.

        39. Politics divides people into two groups: the instruments and secondly, the enemies

        Once again, criticism of the instrumentalization that human beings make of politics.

        40. We have art so as not to die from the truth

        Art is what allows us to have a more liberated and expressive society.

        41. When you have many things to do, the day has 100 pockets

        There is no need to waste time, there are many hours in the day.

        42. Parents have to do a lot to justify having children.

        His father died at the age of 5, perhaps this may have affected him when making such a will.

        43. There is nothing more hypocritical than eliminating hypocrisy

        Contradiction and hypocrisy are part of human society.

        44. Man is a being who is considered a lover par excellence

        Loving and being loved seems to be the formula for existence.

        45. Without art, life would also be a mistake

        Another statement in favor of art as a liberating instrument for people.

        46. ​​The mouth can lie, but the grimace of the moment reveals the truth

        A phrase to reflect on lying.

        47. Marriage ends many short follies with long stupidity.

        Nietzsche constantly reflected on love relationships.

        48. The path to everything great is through keeping silence

        There is no need to brag about achievements. Always walk with humility.

        49. I firmly believe that animals see men as beings equal to them.

        Nietzsche was curious about the animal world and nature.

        50. A bad conscience is easily cured. The bad reputation is not

        A metaphor that can leave us thinking.

        51. People who give their full trust believe they have the right to trust others.

        A good paradox that presents relationships of trust.

        52. Nobody learns, or is even taught, to endure loneliness

        Loneliness as one of the great psychological problems.

        53. It is perseverance that makes men great, not strength

        The power is in the mind, and not in the physical.

        54. What we do is never understood, it is only welcomed by praise or criticism

        What good is everything we do?

        55. We come to love our desire, and not the object of it

        Man is tenacious only to achieve what he sets out to do, even if the purpose does not matter.

        56. The worth of a man is measured by the amount of loneliness he endures

        Again, Nietzsche sees mental strength in solitude.

        57. The theory of reincarnation is the starting point of the history of man

        He didn’t believe in God, but he believed in reincarnation.

        58. Madness is not common among individuals. Groups, parties and peoples, it is the norm

        One more criticism of the values ​​imposed by the group and society in general.

        59. Only after a law is instituted can we talk about justice or injustice

        There is no need to judge laws before implementing them.

        60. Every fearful person does not know what it is like to be alone. Behind her shadow there is always an enemy

        Solitude as a way of understanding the good conscience of those who enjoy it.

        61. The higher we rise, the smaller we seem to those who do not know how to fly.

        Nietzsche gave us really beautiful images to describe his system of thought.

        62. I would only believe in a god who knew how to dance.

        The existence of God is another of the topics that this great thinker addresses the most.

        63. Where one cannot love more one must pass by.

        Nietzsche offers us a series of famous phrases about love and human relationships.

        64. Every conviction is a prison.

        One of the passions of this great thinker was freedom of thought.

        65. The thinker knows how to consider things simpler than they are.

        One of the ways that this German philosopher had of defining thinkers.

        66. Life itself is the will to dominate.

        There are many surprising phrases that Nietzsche gave us.

        67. You should die proudly when you can no longer live proudly.

        One of the phrases of this great thinker that should accompany us throughout our lives.

        68. What we are punished for most is our virtues.

        No one knew how to portray German society at the end of the 19th century like Nietzsche.

        69. Christianity must not be adorned or adorned: it has waged a war to the death against that superior type of man, it has extracted from those instincts, by distillation, the evil, the evil man – the strong man considered as a typically man. reprehensible, as a reprobate man.

        Nietzsche undertook a true crusade against Christianity, something that earned him quite a few enemies.

        70. It is easy to make things complicated, but difficult to make them simple.

        Simplicity, simplicity and righteousness were themes that Nietzsche addressed extensively.

        71. I am distressed by the idea of ​​having my intelligence all to myself, because it is better to give than to have.

        Nietzsche was one of the most important thinkers of his time.

        72. I am not a man, I am a battlefield.

        The risky philosophical approaches of this great thinker are not for everyone.

        73. The real world is much smaller than the world of imagination.

        This great German thinker theorized about the world of imagination and its infinite possibilities.

        74. In this world of images created by ourselves, we have invented ourselves as a unit, as that which remains constantly changing

        One of the many reflections that Nietzsche developed about society and the collective.

        75. The path to everything great is through keeping silence.

        Nietzsche firmly believed in a path towards overcoming human problems.

        76. What distinguishes truly original minds is not that they are the first to see something new, but that they are able to see as new what is old, known, seen and despised by everyone.

        This philosopher knew how to categorize and describe the minds of great geniuses like no one else.

        77. The advantage of a bad memory is that on many occasions you rejoice in the same things as if it were the first time.

        Nietzsche abounded in irony and provocative phrases throughout his career.

        78. He who fights with monsters should beware of becoming a monster himself. When you look for a long time into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you.

        One of the most remembered and provocative phrases by Friedrich Nietzsche.

        79. Once you were monkeys, and now man is cuter than any monkey.

        Many of the theories that this great thinker developed spoke of the evolution of man.

        80. There are no moral phenomena, but only a moral explanation of the phenomena.

        Nietzsche knew how to discuss the morality of society at the end of the 19th century, like no one else did before.

        81. Some mothers need to have unhappy children, otherwise their maternal goodness cannot manifest.

        Nietzsche also philosophized extensively about family, morality, friendship and love.

        82. There are two types of morality: morality of lords and morality of slaves.

        One of the cornerstones of Nietzsche’s philosophical thought.

        83. Between the sense of guilt and pleasure, pleasure always wins.

        Some of the main topics addressed by this fascinating German philosopher.

        84. The same as the tree. The more it wants to rise towards the height and towards the light, the more strongly its roots tend towards the earth, downwards, towards the dark, the deep, – towards evil.

        One of Friedrich Nietzsche’s most famous metaphors.

        85. The greatness of man lies in being a bridge and not a goal: what you can love about man is that he is a transition and a sunset

        This philosopher had a very specific idea about what the new man should be.

        86. Great style is born when the beautiful obtains victory over the enormous.

        One of his great passions was the beauty and weaknesses of men.

        87. The maturity of a man is to have regained the seriousness with which he played when he was a child.

        One of the most beautiful phrases that this great thinker gave us.

        88. I love those who do not know how to live in any other way than sinking into their twilight, because they are the ones who pass to the other side.

        Some of his phrases represent true declarations of intent.

        89. I show you the superman. Man is something that must be overcome. What have you done to overcome it?

        The “superman” is one of the fundamental pillars of his philosophy.

        90. They also tend to play nice with you. But that was always the cunning of the cowards. Yes, the cowards are clever!

        Nietzsche knew how to direct truly provocative statements to an audience that perhaps was not prepared to hear them.

        91. When I meet a creature, I find the will to power

        Some of Nietzsche’s obsessions were power, human nature and freedom.

        92. Man is defined as a being who evaluates, as a being who loves par excellence.

        Nietzsche analyzed in detail each and every one of the weaknesses of the human being.

        93. What we do is never understood, and is always received only by praise or criticism.

        Nietzsche never worried about the criticism that his work could bring.

        94. You don’t hate yourself while you despise yourself. You only hate your equal or your superior.

        Hate, love, human nature and relationships were widely analyzed by this genius of philosophy.

        95. One forgets his fault after having confessed it to another, but normally the other does not forget it.

        Human relationships were another of his great obsessions.

        96. Industrious races find great annoyance in enduring idleness.

        Some of his observations generated great controversy at the time.

        97. Those who have loved man the most have always done him the most harm. They have demanded the impossible from him, like all his lovers.

        Love was another of the topics on which he spoke widely.

        98. Simplicity and naturalness are the supreme and final goal of culture.

        One of the most revealing sentences of his philosophy.

        99. Everything that is absolute is part of pathology.

        Nietzsche had a very eventful life and was involved in controversy.

        100. Not only does he lie who speaks against what he knows, but also he who speaks against what he does not know.

        A very accurate reflection on lying.

        101. The irrationality of a thing is not an argument against its existence, but rather a condition of it.

        His reflections on language and reality are still valid.

        102. We only understand those questions that we can answer.

        Nietzsche worked profusely on the logic of language and the nature of human understanding.

        103. In some, chastity is a virtue, in many it is almost a vice.

        One of the many provocative phrases that Friedrich Nietzsche uttered.

        104. Convictions are more dangerous enemies of the truth than lies.

        The moral and religious convictions of the time were widely analyzed by this brilliant philosopher.

        105. We don’t like a good thing when we don’t live up to it.

        Some of his phrases contain true deep philosophical discussions.

        106. Isn’t life a hundred times too short to be boring?

        One of his obsessions was to make the most of life.

        107. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

        One of the most famous phrases of this great thinker, which have gone down in history.

        108. If alms were only given out of pity, all the beggars would have already died of hunger.

        Nietzsche x-rayed Western society at the end of the 19th century like no one else.

        109. Hope is a vital stimulant far superior to luck.

        A very optimistic and positive phrase.

        110. All idealism in the face of necessity is a deception.

        One of Nietzsche’s most famous phrases.