The 5 Basic Needs Of The Human Being In Personal Development

Basic needs of the human being in personal development

Human beings live at the constant crossroads about what our authentic needs are, what we really need to feel good, know ourselves and grow, and What are those needs that we have created over time based on our fears and insecurities?

We usually believe we need behavior on the part of others, a context that favors us, a status, certain possessions, that they reward us or a set of factors that are external, we cannot control and end up generating frustration and discouragement. What are the basic psychological needs of human beings for their personal growth? Let’s see it.

    Basic psychological needs in personal development

    Abraham Maslow, the famous humanistic psychologist, left us a theory in which, in a simple way, he told us about a scale of needs ordered according to a hierarchy.

    First it is necessary to cover the basic organic needs and, later, we reach deeper and more personal needs, related to our personal (or professional) self-realization. This is where the vast majority of people encounter difficulties.

    On the contrary, based on fears and insecurities that we have not known how to understand and manage in a functional way, we have created a set of contrary needs and it is the origin of the vast majority of our problems and difficulties.

    In the last 10 years, as a psychologist and coach, I have accompanied people through change processes where, whatever the objective or change they needed, or whether the focus was personal or professional, sooner or later they ended up working on these needs and in the value system. If we try to meet our fictitious needs, the result will always be frustrating because we will also neglect these real and basic needs.

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    In this video I explain what the 5 basic psychological needs of human beings are for their personal growth and, above all, what prevents you from being able to cover that need and how to do it. The good news: it’s a process that depends on you.

    First it is necessary to say what those basic psychological needs are not: that you seek a lifestyle that becomes too complex, you accumulate objects, you demand too much of yourself or you have too many expectations or demands from the outside world. Needing too much of the outside world (people, objects, lifestyle) is usually the result of not understanding and managing our emotions and living based on insecurity, fears, frustration, even anxiety (an anxious lifestyle, since we have related those needs with a source of well-being that we cannot control).

    First need: decision

    You have the need, above all, to make your own decisions

    Human beings need to decide for themselves, since making decisions is what helps you know, achieve the changes and development you need and, ultimately, build your own life. When we don’t make decisions, both personally and professionally (because other people make them for us or because we become paralyzed), the result is frustration and the feeling of not having control.

    The lack of decisiveness or communicating limits is a problem related to your fears (what you fear may happen in relation to others).

    Second need: connection

    The human being is an emotional, social and affective being We need to bond with others and, sometimes, although those bonds exist, they are not deep or honest enough due again to the fear and insecurity we feel in our encounter with others or with the other.

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    This does not mean that your well-being depends on others (it depends mainly on you) but that we need to share our emotional life with others and the world in a healthy, balanced way, and above all based on trust and with deep connections (what which does not imply dependency).

    Third need: achievement

    We need to grow and challenge ourselves, not with too much self-demand but with curiosity and enthusiasm Through achievement and positive effort (because we really want to live that process) we know ourselves, we discover ourselves, and we grow.

    Achievement is also one of the main motivations of human beings along with achievement and connection.

    Fourth need: self-knowledge

    Getting to know you is a lifelong process and we never finish doing it completely. However, sometimes we can become paralyzed. When we don’t make decisions or take action about what we really want, we end up feeling like we don’t know ourselves Self-knowledge, above all, is not achieved with readings, reflections or mantras, but always with action. The greatest possible awareness is in actions.

    Fifth need: self-realization

    We need to feel, above all, that what we do is deeply aligned with our values ​​and desires When what you do and what you want come together, we find self-realization. Of course, this does not imply a selfish attitude, since personal self-realization is only possible if we establish healthy and generous connections with others and the world.


    Human Empowerment

    If you reflect on these five needs, you will discover that they all depend on you and that the mere fact of not meeting them usually leads to discomfort. Changing this situation depends on experiencing a process of profound change where the change occurs in you and above all, it stays with you forever. Consult me ​​at or on the author page and we will take the first step; Remember that you can request a free first exploratory session at, or you can contact me through this page.

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