The 5 Toxic Patterns In Relationships (and How To Overcome Them)

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In any relationship, it is normal to experience disagreements or conflicts. However, When these problems persist and increase, they become destructive patterns that seriously damage the relationship between the couple These negative interactions are often maintained over time, transforming into toxic patterns that are used unconsciously in response to the partner’s behavior.

What are the five toxic patterns in romantic relationships?

In this article, we will explore five common toxic patterns as explained by the founder of Relational Therapy, Terry Real. We will also look at how understanding these patterns can help couples free themselves from destructive cycles and create a healthier relationship.

1. Being right: The need to affirm ourselves

The first toxic pattern is the constant need to be right in an argument or disagreement. This behavior comes from a desire to impose one’s own perspective, often at any cost. Couples who employ this pattern may refuse to listen to each other’s point of view and become defensive when questioned. As a result, both members end up feeling unheard and invalidated, leading to a lot of frustration and additional conflict.

To overcome this toxic pattern, practice active listening by giving your partner the opportunity to express themselves without interruptions or judgments Also acknowledge your partner’s feelings and concerns even if you don’t agree with them. This validates their emotions and promotes more constructive conversation.

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2. Controlling your partner: The fear of losing control

The second toxic pattern is the impulse to control the partner in an attempt to maintain power within the relationship. People who use this pattern may manipulate, dominate conversations, or make decisions without consulting their partner. This behavior can lead to feelings of resentment and lack of trust.

To overcome this toxic pattern, Encourage open communication by expressing your concerns and feelings openly You can also seek a compromise by finding a middle ground on issues that are important to both parties, fostering mutual understanding and respect.


3. Express yourself without a filter: The need for immediate gratification

The third toxic pattern is the inability to keep emotions or thoughts to oneself, leading to impulsive outbursts and aggressive communication styles. People who use this pattern may attack their partner without considering the consequences of their actions. This behavior can create a hostile environment that further distances the couple.

To overcome this toxic pattern, practice emotional regulation by taking deep breaths, counting to ten, or engaging in relaxing activities before addressing conflict with your partner Also communicate assertively rather than aggressively; Express your feelings and needs without attacking your partner’s character.

4. Getting revenge on your partner: The cycle of revenge

The fourth toxic pattern is revenge, where participants seek to get even with their partner for perceived grievances or mistakes. This behavior can create a vicious cycle of “tit-for-tat” interactions that increase conflict and erode trust.

To overcome this toxic pattern, pause before reacting to your partner’s actions, giving yourself time to process the situation and respond calmly rather than impulsively Also choose empathy over revenge, trying to understand your partner’s perspective and emotions that motivate their actions. This can help you address the problem more effectively without resorting to vindictive behavior.

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5. Withdraw or disconnect from your partner: Withdrawal as a form of control

The fifth toxic pattern is the use of silence or withdrawal as a means to control the partner. People who employ this pattern may refuse to speak or participate in conversations, leaving their partner feeling isolated and unheard. This behavior can lead to feelings of resentment and emotional distance in the couple.

To overcome this toxic pattern, Establish open lines of communication by expressing your need for space or time alone without making it a punishment for your partner Also communicate with your partner when you feel ready to address the issue, making sure you both have the opportunity to express your feelings and concerns openly.


Understanding and overcoming toxic patterns in relationships is essential to fostering open communication and emotional intimacy in relationships. By recognizing these patterns and implementing more constructive ways of addressing conflict, couples can create a strong foundation for lasting love and intimacy.
