The 60 Best Quotes By William Morris

The 60 best quotes by William Morris

William Morris was an architect, textile master, writer and activist of socialism in the United Kingdom, he was known for being part of the British Arts and Crafts movement and for being a fervent defender of traditional textile art created from artisanal production, as well as how to pursue the conservation of the civil and religious architectural heritage of their country.

Here you will find a selection of the best phrases of William Morris commented.

Table of Contents

The most memorable William Morris phrases

Art can be in many things and can transmit different messages, as we will see below in William Morris’ phrases about art and society.

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1. History has remembered kings and warriors because they destroyed; art has remembered people because they created.

Art tells us about people’s ability to create in any circumstances.

2. A good way to get rid of an uncomfortable feeling is to do something.

Art is an excellent form of emotional catharsis.

3. With the arrogance of youth, I decided to do nothing less than transform the world with beauty.

The rebellion of artists is to create their own construction of an ideal world.

4. There are people to whom the mere act of breathing seems to bring joy.

Appreciating the little things in life makes us more positive.

5. The real secret to happiness is taking a genuine interest in all the details of everyday life.

Be grateful and appreciate everything that makes us smile.

6. I don’t want art for a few any more than I want education for a few, or freedom for a few.

He looked for an art that everyone could love or identify with.

7. Don’t have anything in your house that you don’t think is useful or beautiful.

One of his best pieces of advice, at home is where our happiness begins.

8. The reward of work is life. Is not sufficient?

The opportunity to live how we have always dreamed.

9. It took me years to understand that words are often just as important as the experience, because the words make the experience last.

Words can leave a trail of positivity or resentment in their wake.

10. As long as the system of competition in the production and exchange of livelihoods continues, the degradation of the arts will continue.

Criticizing the commercial interest of art, which prevails to this day.

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Quotes phrases from William Morris

11. Truly, brothers, communion is heaven, and lack of communion is hell.

Showing his religious side, a very significant part for him.

12. There is not a square mile of the habitable surface of the earth that is not beautiful in its own way, if we men refrain from deliberately destroying that beauty.

Nature is there to teach us that simple things are the most beautiful and the most necessary.

13. Doing nothing but complaining and not acting, that is throwing away your life.

When you have a negative view, it is impossible to enjoy life.

14. I cannot enter into political-social issues with any interest, because in general I see that things are tangled, and I have no power or vocation to fix them to a minimal degree.

Speaking about his position on the politics of his country.

15. My work is the embodiment of dreams in one way or another.

Bring a part of your imagination into the world.

16. A man who works, doing something that he feels will exist because he is working at it and wants to do it, is exercising the energies of his mind and soul as well as those of his body.

Everything we do is valuable.

17. Give me love and work, these two only.

The things that keep people’s vitality burning.

18. I want a real revolution, a real change in society.

Throughout his career, Morris acted for beneficial change for people in society.

19. We live in a time in which mercantilism, or a system of reckless waste, and communism, or a system of neighborly good sense, are being fought.

The two political and cultural positions of their time.

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20. The past is not dead, it lives in us, and it will be alive in the future we are helping to make.

The past cannot be erased and it is necessary to know it to avoid repeating the same mistakes.

21. It is our childish part that produces the works of the imagination.

That is why many artists always encourage us not to abandon our childhood innocence.

22. If a guy can’t compose an epic poem while weaving a tapestry, he better shut up, it will never do any good.

Appreciating art as a part of life above any other work.

23. Art made by the people for the people, as a joy for the maker and the user.

The main objective of his art. Creations where people feel close.

24. I’m going your way, so let’s go hand in hand. You help me and I help you.

One of the fundamental bases of any relationship is to support each other in their projects.

25. No pattern should be without some kind of meaning.

For Morris, any artistic step is full of meaning.

26. May tomorrow cross its own rivers.

Do you think the future is already written?

27. I love art and I love history, but it is living art and living history that I love.

Art and history that tells people’s real experiences.

28. The heart desires, the hand abstains. The Deity ignites, the soul reaches.

It is normal to be constantly fighting with our heart or our reason.

29. Free men should live simple lives and have simple pleasures.

Simple things bring us calm and satisfaction, instead of the chaos of always wanting more and more.

30. If I were asked to say what is both the most important production of Art and the most longed for, I should answer, A beautiful House.

Our home is our greatest artistic creation.

31. There is no single policy that one can point to and say: this built Morris’ business. I think I must have made no less than a thousand decisions in each of the last ten years.

Success does not come from a single thing, it is a succession of steps and choices we make.

32. I am going, if I can, to be an architect, and I am already too old, and there is no time to waste.

It’s never too late to do something you’ve wanted to do.

33. I can’t suppose there is anyone here who thinks it is a good life, or a fun life, to sit with your hands in front of you doing nothing, to live like a gentleman, as the fools call it.

Disagreeing with conformist people.

34. Your hearts clarify everything in the best possible way And the world that you thought was shrinking is glorious and good…

We have the ability to see the world with a more beautiful touch.

35. Happy as we are, times can change.

Nothing is guaranteed in this life.

36. It is right and necessary that everyone should do work that is worthwhile and pleasant to do, and that it be done under conditions that are neither excessively tiring nor excessively anxious.

The true goal that we must all pursue and have the opportunity to fulfill.

37. If others can see it as I have seen it, then it can be called a vision rather than a dream.

The need for someone else to understand our ideas.

38. The success of a company is the result of the proportion of correct decisions made by the executive in charge.

A company must be led by a good leader who manages to unite the individual capabilities of his team.

39. Talking about inspiration is pure nonsense; there is for such a thing. It is a mere matter of craftsmanship.

Yes, inspiration exists, but we can’t wait for it to arrive to create.

40. The simplicity of life, even the simplest, is not a misery, but the very foundation of refinement.

We tend to believe that the more we possess, the more we are. Which is a misconception.

41. If I have been successful in any way, even if it is only in a small corner of the world, among the men and women I love, then I will consider myself blessed, blessed, blessed, and the work continues

Success is different for everyone, because it is a personal goal.

42. The greatest enemy of art is luxury, art cannot live in its atmosphere.

Many creators agree that luxury is the most harmful thing that exists for art.

43. It is in the interest of living art and living history that I oppose the so-called restoration.

Against restoring the original pieces, because it loses its history.

44. Artists can’t help themselves; They are driven to create by their nature, but for that nature to truly thrive, we need to preserve the precious habitat in which that beauty can flourish.

We must all help conserve the nature that gives us home and inspires us to create.

45. There is no excuse for making something that is not strikingly beautiful.

Beauty is something that appears in open-minded people.

46. ​​We won’t be here long… so let’s help each other while we can.

Do something good, not for a reward, but for the satisfaction of helping.

47. If you cannot learn to love true art, at least learn to hate false art.

You don’t need to be an art lover to appreciate the work of artists who put their all into it.

48. Don’t our hands still meet, since we still live today, forgetting June, forgetting May, considering October sweet?

The love that does not know the direction where it is going.

49. When we were children, time passed so slowly with us that it seemed like we had time for everything.

Without a doubt, something that we all miss in adulthood.

50. Nothing should be done with man’s work that is not worthwhile, or that should be done with work that is degrading to the doers.

Advising us to look for what fulfills us and not waste time with what makes us unhappy.

51. Society, a great organic mass of well-regulated forces that serve to achieve a happy life for all.

Society is there to contribute to our own identity, although we should not always cling to it.

52. Memory and imagination help you while you work.

A perfect harmony when we do what we love.

53. I don’t remember being taught to read, and by the time I was seven, I had read a lot of books, good, bad, and indifferent.

A perfect example that we must be self-taught.

54. We will not be happy unless we live like good animals, unless we enjoy the exercise of the ordinary functions of life: eating, sleeping, loving, walking, running, swimming, riding, sailing.

Happiness lies in finding harmony with the natural things around us.

55. Apart from the desire to produce beautiful things, the main passion of my life has been and is hatred of modern civilization.

Being against the consumerism that was taking over their world.

56. Dreamer of dreams, born out of my due time, Why should I strive to straighten the crooked?

A description of yourself, as you perceived yourself.

57. Love is enough: even if the world is shrinking and the forests have no voice except the voice of complaints.

Many of people’s dissatisfactions and pain are due to the lack of love in their lives.

58. No man is good enough to own another.

No one has the right to control another person’s life.

59. The jewels of life are not strung all together in a single strand.

Life is never static so it can surprise us at all times.

60. That restless and unsatisfied feeling is a real force that vibrates out of order; It can be converted into a practical account by giving proper expression to your creative character.

We can use chaos to create our own personal order of our ideas.