The 70 Best Phrases Of Manolo García

Music is a feeling that embraces people’s global emotions which is why it is so easy to identify with the songs of different artists and make them part of our own reality.

The melodies, lyrics, voice and rhythm that each song has remain recorded in our minds to repeat them over and over again when our mood does not scream for them.

But have you ever thought about why music is so meaningful to people? The answer is very simple: because it has a stimulating effect on our brain, changing it completely. That is why we can have mood swings, calm down and reduce stress when we listen to music. It can even help us concentrate on a task or be an ideal companion for exercising.

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    Manolo García and his musical impact

    Many of us have an ingrained musical style, that is, we prefer one genre of music over another. But sometimes we find artists who create art with their songs, mixing rhythms that seem to disagree with each other, but they find a way to make them work.

    Such is the case of the great Manolo García the Catalan singer-songwriter who is characterized by his rock style with flamenco influences that embrace the most poetic metaphorical lyrics that you can’t get out of your mind.

    Manolo García is not only a singer-songwriter, but also a composer and a fan of painting, while his lyrics are characterized by having a surreal and lyrical style, maintaining his roots in his Catalan roots and offering a tribute to the Spanish language. We met him in his musical beginnings as part of the groups Los Rápidos and Los Burros, until he took the courage to go solo and currently delights us with his successes.

    Great phrases, verses and reflections by Manolo García

    His lyrics also leave us with some iconic phrases from his songs and interviews, which we take as a reflection of our lives. Get to know some of Manolo García’s best phrases

    1. And if life is a dream as some troubled sailor said, I prefer the trapeze to see them coming in motion

    (I prefer the trapeze) We must always encourage ourselves to live life in all its facets.

    2. There is no need to prove anything. Being a musician is not about being an athlete, it is not about breaking any record

    For Manolo García, music is an art that belongs to the world, not something to boast about.

    3. I keep a smiling look for you that intends nothing. I keep the heat of my skin in a pocket for you in case you came

    (A sunny afternoon) The hope of the return of someone loved.

    4. I will walk… the path is so long that in a hundred lives I will not spend it

    (I will walk) Keep going in life and never stop.

    5. I live in the absence of rogue desire

    (I prefer the trapeze) Will you wait for that person or will you go look for them?

    6. I was born in Barcelona, ​​I am Catalan from a Castilian family, and I see that we must respect people who feel their homeland and their origins

    It is important to maintain the humility of the place of origin to thank the place where you are going.

    7. We are fictitious people, urban castaways

    (I prefer the trapeze) We are not eternal in this world.

    8. Humiliating is not the way

    An important lesson about the negative impact of success.

    9. When you are not there, the mornings are tinged with sad songs, they are like the light perfume that bathes you for a moment and marks you.

    (Time is never wasted) The departure of a loved one can make our routine bitter.

    10. I’m like a stupid god who invents things

    Manolo García describes himself as a unique inventor.

    11. Time is never wasted, just one more bend in our illusion, eager for affection

    (Time is never wasted) Everything experienced is a lesson learned.

    12. When I’m working on records my face changes, I’m happy when the guitars play, when I write something and sing it. That’s poetry

    Can you see how it describes the happiness of doing what you love?

    13. In case time drags me to deserted beaches, today I close the book of dead hours

    (Mud birds) Never stop taking advantage of an opportunity, even if it didn’t work out before.

    14. I am serious in my work, in my intention to do things as best as possible, but I am not moving the pieces in a dark way, I move them with a light

    Professionalism has nothing to do with stepping over others.

    15. Share a little room of silence with me, lend me your suitcase of dreams tonight

    (To San Fernando, a little while on foot and another while walking) Always share with people who make you happy.

    16. I get lost in the maps, I navigate through their leaves, now the wind blows, when the sea was far away a long time ago

    (Mud Birds) The best way to know is by experimenting, so travel around as much of the world as you can.

    17. I am not a Peter Pan man, I am a man of my age, but I really like to play, not lose my smile

    Keeping a piece of our childhood doesn’t make us childish, it keeps us alive.

    18. The heat that you gave me did not return at any time

    (The shadow of a palm tree) Have you found the ideal person?

    19. Either you arm-wrestle me, or we play a single. Rub with me until you shine me

    (To San Fernando, a little while on foot and another while walking) Tell the other person what you want from them.

    20. I will return to my steps, to your steps father. I will retrace my steps that will be your steps mother

    (On your steps) Do you carry your childhood home with you?

    21. In my own way I have tried to poeticize my life. I do not resign myself to being a citizen who limits himself to living a modern life

    Don’t be a copy of someone else, find your own path.

    22. Your rejection was cold frost, with which you seasoned our civilized and exquisite ending

    (Golden leaf) Words can do a lot of damage

    23. Longing for another time when I was honored by your presence, which was your sincere, selfless and true friendship.

    (The shadow of a palm tree) On certain occasions we deeply miss those people who meant a lot to us.

    24. I no longer climb the hill that takes me to your house, my dog ​​no longer sleeps next to your candle

    (Mud birds) Life sometimes takes a while to settle down after a breakup.

    25. I like to go against the flow. I have never been happy to accept what they offer me and sign up for the bombing. I go alone, but it doesn’t matter, I go with myself. I never fight with myself

    Manolo García tells us about the importance of having confidence in ourselves.

    26. You fill the days with rhyme and verse with your presence of tender hands, you fill the days with your presence that something corrects me and never harms me

    (I would stay with you) Stay with someone who fills your routine with color.

    27. He who lives his own way does not need the world or the mountain

    (I will walk) It is not about anarchy, but about following what we like to do.

    28. In today’s world everything tends to be small, and the wings of thought fly less. Words give more wings to ideas.

    Words have a lot of meaning, so we must treasure them and learn from them.

    29. If I could be looking into your eyes now… I would be writing this song here

    (Charcoal and dry branches) The muses are generally those who fill our soul with love.

    30. A country is a friend of the soul, a person you love, a father with whom you have a very cohesive relationship

    You always have to thank and above all respect the place of origin.

    31. That the dawn always finds me awake, that reveals to me the hunger that I have for you

    (Like someone giving a soft drink) Have you stayed up late for a love?

    32. All that has stayed with me forever: my grandfather, the night, the ditches, watering, the hoes

    We are what we are, thanks to the people of our childhood.

    33. Stay away from the mirage of eternal love, you are only literary fickleness. You do not give the pilgrim a lodging, nor do you show the thirsty water, nor do you show the truth to those who long to know.

    (With blue men) There are bitter experiences that make us stop believing in love.

    34. I dream of a better world, I have my ideas of how the world would be better: equity

    If we all treated each other for who we are, instead of what we are or have, the world would be better.

    35. I have only wanted from you what you gave me when I asked for nothing

    (What you gave me when I asked for nothing) When someone gives you the best of themselves it is a true gift.

    36. Even if I earned less living I would want to continue playing

    There are jobs that, even if they are very well paid, make us unhappy.

    37. I am no longer a song or a dream. You are no longer here, I no longer feel the blow of your silence

    (Who I have loved so much) When someone leaves, they can take a part of us with them.

    38. Always up without thinking about the fall

    (Bite the dust) It doesn’t matter that you fall, it matters that you get up.

    39. The important thing is the work, not the author. The author: dandruff, cavities, halitosis, aerophagia… human. But the work is immortal, spiritual, it can reach someone

    The works are a reflection of what we carry inside, an eternal expression.

    40. I want to get away, go into the silence. I want to get away from this life that I live without conviction and enter the time of lights

    (Rose of Alexandria) Giving up what affects us is brave.

    41. It doesn’t make me dizzy to look back because I don’t look back, it makes me excited to look forward

    How many times have you been stuck in the past?

    42. And if it rains we will go out into the rain… to empty the seedbed of smiles and wait for harvests

    (We will go out into the rain) Always do the right thing, because you will see the beneficial crops you reap.

    43. I don’t have stage sickness, I like it, but I like so many things

    It is important to maintain humility no matter how high we have reached.

    44. I don’t want to be your prison, never. I would rather be a wheel of stone on a slope of sand

    (Shadow of the shadow of your hat) A true relationship does not imprison you, it helps you grow.

    45. I don’t like being squeezed and I don’t squeeze anyone

    Don’t do what you don’t like to be done to you.

    46. ​​You forced me to feel good in solitude. To dive to a strange depth that made me feel like an abyssal fish thousands of meters below the surface of a sea of ​​tears

    (Song of the lonely man who reconciled himself with the world) Loneliness is never a good companion.

    47. Because I know that faith is believing in some god even if they do not exist or existing even if that god sometimes does not believe in you

    (We are lightness) Believing is not about forcing something, but knowing that you can achieve it.

    48. I allow myself poetic license. I look for poetry everywhere, at all times

    Searching for the beauty of the world is what inspires Manolo García.

    49. Don’t try hard, you see, I’m not perfect. Your contempt, your arrogance, have not allowed the damage to be healed well.

    (Golden leaf) Sometimes other people seek to make us feel less and we should not allow that.

    50. Everything that can bring me emotion, dreaminess, travel, interests me

    Perhaps not everyone is moved by the simplicity of the world, but it is necessary to appreciate what moves us.

    51. We all love so blindly at times that we would try to kiss the devil on the mouth, comb the wind

    (We all love desperately) An interesting reflection on how lost we become in love.

    52. With your lips embrace me, masochist I am. But I never thought I would meet a gladiator

    (Gladiator) It’s okay to feel vulnerable with someone special.

    53. There are some central themes, some small obsessions: the passage of time is always there. I like life so much… it is the need to exist

    Time is fleeting. What have you done to enjoy it?

    54. As roads cross and then separate again, your life and mine crossed; darts towards the target of our lottery

    (For breathing) Some call it destiny, others the red thread. How do you call it the chance of finding someone?

    55. Knowing that you don’t love me and that you love someone else and not feeling defeated or alone. Forget what you have experienced, live what you have slept; I want it all

    (I want it all) In a situation of uncertainty, it is always preferable to face the truth even if it is painful.

    56. If I fought with myself I could lose. Since I don’t want to lose, I don’t fight, I am comfortably installed in myself

    Love and self-confidence are powerful tools that make us invincible.

    57. We all love desperately, while the angel falls, erased from a prefabricated Eden

    (We all love desperately) Have you lost your mind for love?

    58. If I think someone is repeating themselves, I don’t tell them, I keep it to myself, I don’t want to hurt them.

    Although it is better to be sincere, we must measure the words with which we express ourselves.

    59. You arrived happily in a flash to that dump of shadows in which we sometimes get bogged down… you arrived in a light

    (One year and another year) You always have to see the positive side of everything.

    60. I don’t force myself in a painful way. I look for ways to move forward

    The main motivation to achieve a goal must be from us, that is why we must demand ourselves.

    61. Maybe someone else likes that inconsistency, the lack of interference that is now your enjoyment

    (A theatrical twist) A relationship that is not stable cannot be healthy in any sense.

    62. Sometimes the days invite you to travel guided by the morning light

    (Far away from the river) Always find reasons to enjoy each morning.

    63. And it is better not to wait, because life fades away in the wait, patient but never absent, because if I wait too long my train will move away

    (I will walk) Waiting too long can only cause you to miss opportunities that will not be repeated.

    64. In a new situation you have to use resources that you yourself don’t know you have.

    Once again, Manolo García emphasizes the importance of trusting that we can achieve something.

    65. I look for you in the perfume of women who pass by, in the silences that grow when they do not speak

    (A sunny afternoon) How much have you missed someone?

    66. I do not copy or plagiarize, my self-love and my ethics prevent me from doing so, but from everything I have heard there are influences

    There is no need to cheat to be successful

    67. I save a sunny afternoon in case it’s necessary, that is a treasure that no one can take from me

    (A sunny afternoon) Brightening someone’s day with a small detail is a beautiful thing.

    68. In the meantime, help yourself to whatever you want, I want to redeem you. But, without surprises

    (Charcoal and dry branches) When we redeem ourselves, we must let the other person take the reins for a while.

    69. And I have learned that you are not a goddess or devil, just a woman of flesh and blood. Not even a fallen angel, yes, the most beautiful in Eden

    (I have sat and waited) Nobody is perfect and that is exactly what is attractive.

    70. For me, being here is a new canvas. It’s the moment, there is nothing more

    Appreciate every moment because time does not return again.

    You see? Poetry and songs can leave us phrases that are tied in a special way to our lives. Manolo García is a great exponent of this task.