Humor is one of the best ways to face life, and laughter brings us many benefits. In fact, several investigations have found evidence that it influences our mental and physical health.
Among some positive consequences of laughter, it generates certain hormones in our body that provide us with happiness and good humor.
Phrases to laugh that can brighten your day
Aware of these benefits, in this article we have prepared a list of phrases to laugh and that tell us about life from a casual point of view. They are the following.
1. Don’t depend on anyone in this world, because even your shadow abandons you when you are in the dark!
Emotional dependence is not good for us, because it destroys us as people.
2. Laughter is a tranquilizer without side effects
Laughter is a good form of therapy, it is what is known as laughter therapy.
3. Better late, because I sleep in the morning
A humorous way to change the phrase “Better late than never”
4. Humor is the reason when life has gone crazy
A quote from Groucho Marx, in an attempt to define, in a fun way, what humor is.
5. Save water. Don’t shower alone
If two people shower together, the water bill will notice.
6. I don’t know whether to cut my veins or leave them long
A funny quote that deals with a very serious topic: suicide.
7. When I grow up I want to be a priest. They live like God!
The priests live at the service of the Lord, and perform acts of religious worship.
8. I don’t think the friendship between man and dog would last if the dog’s meat was edible.
Evelyn Waught uttered this witty phrase about the relationship between people and dogs.
9. Why will gelatin shake? Will he know what awaits for him?
In reference to whether the jelly trembles with fear because they are going to eat it.
10. Absolute truth does not exist and this is absolutely true
A play on words about the absolute truth.
11. Any idiot can tell the truth. To lie takes imagination
A funny phrase from Jaume Perich, who was a Spanish writer, cartoonist and comedian.
12. You have to lick it to get it wet, you have to suck it to stop it, you have to push it to get it in, how difficult it is to get the thread into a needle!
It might seem like this phrase is related to sex, but it actually refers to how to put a thread into a needle.
13. In this life they don’t forgive you if you stop winning, and they hate you if you always win
The former player and former coach of Real Madrid, Jorge Valdano, pronounced this very true phrase.
14. Wise people speak because they have something to say. Fools talk because they have to say something
An ironic phrase from the great philosopher, Plato.
15. I never forget a face, but with you I will make an exception
A phrase that is addressed to someone we like very much.
16. Nobody dies from working too hard, but just in case it’s better not to risk it.
An irony about work. Work seriously damages health.
17. Happy are those who expect nothing, because they will never be disappointed
When you have no goals or expectations, you don’t fail.
18. The confusion is very clear
A phrase that uses two antonyms: confusion and clarity.
19. Why can the same magazine be in the bathroom for years and we don’t care?
An existential question that can leave you sleepless for days.
20. What tense is “should not have happened”? Imperfect condom?
A joke about the tense of “it was a mistake.”
21. I wanted to commit suicide by taking 100 aspirin, but when I was just on the second one, I felt much better.
Aspirin helps combat pain. This phrase is a joke about this drug.
A curiosity that I’m sure many of you had not considered.
23. Laz drojaz te buelben vruto
A reflection with a touch of irony on the consumption of frogas.
24. My wife betrayed me a week ago and I still haven’t grown horns… Will I lack calcium?
A way to take infidelity with humor.
25. And what do you tell me… is the dog mine?
This phrase can be applied when the story does not suit you.
26. If you find your boyfriend with another woman, take a deep breath and stay calm, so you won’t miss when you shoot
Again, a phrase to laugh about infidelity.
27. Why is it that when we pick up a box of medicines, no matter how many times we turn it, we always open it on the wrong side and the leaflet appears folded there?
Something that has surely happened to all of us at some point.
28. If I have seen you I don’t remember, if I undress you… I won’t forget!
It can be used when you like a person and find them attractive.
29. Love is a magnificent thing… until your wife (or husband) surprises you.
A joke about marriage and the marital relationship.
30. I have to go to the eye doctor, but I never see the time
A quote with a great touch of humor.
31. More money, fewer acquaintances and more friends
When you have money, you make friends from everywhere.
32. Taking an exam I remembered you, now I remember why I failed
Sometimes, when you think so much about that person you like, it is difficult for you to concentrate even to study or take an exam.
33. Flee temptations slowly, so they can catch up with you
In reality, you have to do just the opposite.
34. Military intelligence are two contradictory terms
Groucho Marx using a joke about the lack of intelligence of the military. Obviously, there is no truth to this statement.
35. If you want women to follow you, get in front!
In reference to that, you don’t have to go after anyone and you have to be valued.
36. Don’t think badly of me, miss, my interest in you is purely sexual
Groucho Marx. Again, one of his jokes that can make someone feel bad. But that is simply a joke.
37. To graduate as an otorhinolaryngologist, the main thing is to learn the word
A quote that jokes about the length of the word otorhinolaryngologist
38. You fall 23 times in a row on top of your mother-in-law holding a knife and everyone says you’re a murderer.
The relationship with in-laws can sometimes be complicated.
39. You are the light that illuminates my life, I hope you don’t melt!
A romantic and at the same time fun phrase.
40. They took an intelligence test on me and it was negative.
Meaning that you are not, precisely, an intelligent person.
41. Foolishness is the strangest of illnesses, the sick person never suffers, those who truly suffer from it are others
A version of Albert Einstein’s legendary phrase.
42. My God, give me patience, but give it to me now!!
Asking for patience without having even a little bit of it.
43. Don’t take life seriously, after all you won’t get out of it alive
A great reality that is better taken as a joke.
44. If drunks had control, we would have everything double
In reference to the blurred vision that people suffer when they are drunk.
45. Do you know the difference between toilet paper and bathroom curtains? No. Aha, then it was you!
A joke that can be used with a friend or family member.
46. Take advice in wine, but decide with water later
Drinking alcohol does not favor decision making.
47. Do infants enjoy childhood as much as adults enjoy adultery?
A funny phrase about infidelity.
48. Turtles actually know how to fly, the thing is that they are so slow that they can’t take off.
A joke about turtles and their slowness.
49. Men would lie a lot less if women didn’t ask so much.
A way to exonerate some lying men.
50. When someone gets upset, where do they go?
Boxes meaning: “home”.
51. If study increases, let the dwarfs study
Studying makes us grow as people, although this phrase makes fun of it.
52. Make a politician work. Don’t vote for him!
Politicians do not have a very good reputation nowadays.
53. The important thing is money, health comes and goes
A phrase that has no truth in it, but is funny.
54. The first day I saw you, I threw myself at your feet and not because I loved you, but because I slipped
A fall that, without a doubt, is unfortunate.
55. The important thing is not to win, but to make the other lose
A way of saying the same thing, but with other words.
56. If voting served to change something, it would already be prohibited (Eduardo Galeano)
A deep reflection with which we can think about the liberal democratic system.
57. There must be something bad about work, or the rich would have already monopolized it (Cantinflas)
The great actor Mario Moreno left us unforgettable quotes throughout his career embodying his most famous character: “Cantinflas”.
58. It is better to be silent and appear stupid than to speak and clear up doubts definitively (Groucho Marx)
A phrase that has gone down in history, uttered by what was the most popular comedian of the 30s and 40s.
59. A day without a smile is a day wasted (Charles Chaplin)
Chaplin dedicated his entire life to bringing smiles to all countries in the world.
60. I don’t believe in an afterlife, but, just in case, I changed my underwear (Woody Allen)
This American filmmaker has made several generations laugh for more than half a century.
61. I love him like a brother: like Cain loves Abel (Woody Allen)
A truly humorous quote, based on one of the most famous biblical stories.
62. Outside the dog a book is probably man’s best friend, and inside the dog it is probably too dark to read (Groucho Marx)
Groucho Marx’s surrealism made millions of people laugh during the depression era.
63. Women have been made to be loved, not to be understood (Oscar Wilde)
A phrase that today could be controversial for some people.
64. Surely, there are many reasons for divorces; but the main thing is and will be the wedding (Jerry Lewis)
Although marriages are reasons for happiness for many people, for comedians it was always a topic to laugh about and tell jokes of all kinds.
65. Time is the best teacher; but unfortunately he kills all of his students (Robin Williams)
The great American comedian Robin Williams dealt with many topics throughout his career, about which he made countless jokes and jokes of all kinds.
66. Sex without love is an empty experience. But of all the empty experiences that exist, it must be recognized that it is one of the best (Woody Allen)
There are many jokes about sex that we can find in the work of this New York filmmaker.
67. Two things are infinite: human stupidity and the universe; and I’m not sure about the second (Albert Einstein)
One of the most intelligent men in history left us truly humorous phrases that have gone down in history.
68. I’d rather be cremated than buried, and both rather than a weekend with my wife (Woody Allen)
Love, relationships and coexistence problems have always been very common themes in Allen’s work.
69. Some people bring joy wherever they go; others generate it when they leave (Oscar Wilde)
Without a doubt, a phrase that is still valid today.
70. The best three words in our language are: “I told you so.” Gore Vidal.
Some people truly enjoy saying those three words.
71. Times are changing. People take comedians seriously and laugh at politicians (Will Rogers)
One of the signs of the times we live in.
72. I find television quite educational. When someone turns it on at home, I go to another room and read a good book (Groucho Marx)
Many of his ironies directly attacked television and the entertainment industry.
73. Why should we accept sexual advice from the Pope? If he knows anything about sex, he shouldn’t! (George Bernard Shaw)
The church has long pontificated on people’s private lives.
74. Friends, I don’t trust children. They are here to replace us (Stephen Colbert)
A very striking way to see the little ones.
75. Education is what remains after you forget everything you learned in school (Albert Einstein)
Many of the quotes from this famous German physicist can serve as a guideline for educating our children.