The 75 Most Famous Phrases Of Virgil

Publius Virgil Marón, better known simply as Virgil, was a Roman poet famous for having written The Aeneid, the Bucolics and the Georgics. He also had a relevant role in the work of Dante Alighieri, where Virgil guided him in his descent into hell.

The works of this writer were admired and studied since their beginnings in ancient times, but it was in the Middle Ages when some of his works were even considered prophetic, believing that in one of his works, the writer had come to predict the birth of Christ.

    Table of Contents

    Reflections and phrases of Virgil

    For all those who do not know the literary work of this writer, We have compiled the 75 most relevant phrases of Virgil so you can start discovering it.

    1. The time of living is brief and irreparable for everyone.

    Life has a certain amount of time and this time is never recovered.

    2. Very big souls stir in small bodies.

    Someone who is small in size can have a huge personality.

    3. Odd numbers are pleasing to the gods.

    Do you think that some numbers are luckier than others? Virgil thought so.

    4. Now the forests are covered with leaves; Now the year is in its most beautiful season.

    Spring is possibly the most beautiful season of the entire year.

    5. Who could cheat on a lover?

    A lover is something in itself secret, forbidden and possibly quite susceptible to betrayal.

    6. Without delay and without rest.

    We must carry out the tasks quickly, without wasting time.

    7. The descent into Avernus is easy and smooth; The doors of Dite are wide open night and day. But taking a step back and seeing the sky again, that is a difficult task and endeavor!

    Going down to hell can be relatively easy, the difficult thing is once inside being able to get out.

    8. Our race is resistant because of its lineage.

    In many of his works, Virgil talks about mythological beings of all kinds.

    9. Do not bow down in the face of adversity; rather boldly oppose it as much as your luck permits.

    We carve out our own future, we must not let problems break us.

    10. I discover the embers of the old passion.

    This writer’s way of writing was undoubtedly very poetic.

    11. Love conquers everything; Let us, therefore, also yield to love.

    Love is one of the greatest forces that can move human beings.

    12. Outside of me I take up my weapons and once I have them in my hand, I lack the necessary prudence.

    In order to carry out great feats we must be armed accordingly.

    13. Happy is he who knows the country gods!

    In ancient Rome they needed all the help they could get to make their gardens fertile.

    14. It is not lawful to trust when the gods are adverse.

    In the past, it was believed that a bad omen was enough of a sign not to act in a certain way.

    15. Distrust of the Danaans, even when they approach with their hands full of gifts.

    In Greek mythology, Danaus was the brother of Egypt, sons of the Nile and grandsons of Poseidon.

    16. We leave the confines of our homeland and our well-loved fields.

    In order to have adventures, we must leave our home and comfort zone.

    17. It is not Fate that overwhelms us. We are mortal and the enemy that harasses us is mortal. We have as many lives and hands as he has.

    In any battle we are as mortal as our enemies, we should not be afraid of them.

    18. Let’s start with Jupiter, Oh Muses! All things are full of Jupiter.

    Jupiter was the king of the Roman gods, named after Zeus in Greek mythology.

    19. A new great sequence of centuries is now born.

    Time never stops, it moves forward changing everything around us.

    20. Listen now to the treacherous deceptions of the Danaans, and let a single example of their crimes warn you of the rest.

    The Danaans were, according to the Iliad, part of the troops that managed to deceive the Trojans, thus being able to conquer the famous city.

    21. For the defeated there is no salvation other than despair of salvation.

    When soldiers were defeated in battle, they knew that they would inevitably die.

    22. They can, because they believe they can.

    If we are totally determined to do something, our decision will help us make it happen.

    23. Everything is conquered by hard work and necessity spurred by adversity.

    With work, effort and perseverance, we will succeed in our mission.

    24. Wars! Terrible wars!

    Wars are something terrible for all the people who suffer them.

    25. Intelligence moves matter.

    Intelligence can allow us to create everything we can imagine.

    26. Oh, young people! What force impels you to seek unknown paths?

    When we are young, it is the best time to explore the world and have adventures.

    27. Don’t abandon the coast… Leave the high seas to others.

    Skirting the coast is a much safer way to navigate.

    28. Fear reveals ignoble souls.

    Fear is a feeling that can paralyze us and greatly reduce our capabilities.

    29. Is dying so miserable?

    We will all die at some point, it is the law of life. It can be very complicated to deal with the death of a loved one or family member but it is something that, unfortunately, we cannot avoid.

    30. Start now, child, to recognize your mother with a smile.

    The first thing a newborn always sees is its mother, one of the most beautiful moments a mother can experience.

    31. Ah, if only Jupiter would bring me back the years already gone!

    Who wouldn’t like to be young again? This writer would have loved it.

    32. The descent to hell is easy.

    Committing sins and going to hell for them can be something quite easy to do.

    33. Poverty spurs in the midst of adverse circumstances.

    In ancient times, poverty was something that was found everywhere.

    34. While the king lives, harmony is absolute in everyone; once that one disappears, the harmony is broken.

    Our leaders largely dictate the quality of life that we perceive in our society.

    35. There are two doors of Dream, of which one is said to be made of horny matter, through which truthful ghosts can easily exit; the other shines with white ivories, but through it the Manes send false dreams upward.

    In this quote, Virgil refers to the entrances and exits of Hades, the underworld for the Greeks. An entrance door and an exit door.

    36. But in the meantime time flees; he flees irreparably.

    Time slowly slips away from us, every second that passes will never happen again.

    37. Whatever happens, the dangers and salvation will be one and the same for both of us.

    Staying with those we love is something we should all do in our lives.

    38. Rise from my ashes an avenger!

    The death of a loved one can provoke a lot of feelings in those close to them, even provoking a feeling of revenge.

    39. Vice prospers and lives by hiding it.

    Many people hide their vices and over time they become stronger.

    40. What is to happen, will happen.

    We cannot stop the inevitable, as Virgil tells us in this quote.

    41. How happy the peasants would be if they knew that they were happy!

    In order to be happy we must allow ourselves to be happy.

    42. Your honor, your name and your glory will endure forever.

    A great quote to say goodbye to that person who was great in life.

    43. Luck helps the bold.

    Luck is always a factor to take into account, but being brave will help us to a much greater extent.

    44. Meanwhile, the dawn had brought its pure light to the unfortunates, bringing them work and fatigue again.

    Life can be very hard for some people, you never know what the new day will bring.

    45. The spirit remains unmoved and lets the tears flow in vain.

    We must never lose our spirit and enthusiasm, we must be faithful to our way of being.

    46. ​​Small is the field of work, but the glory is not small.

    Even the simplest tasks can bring us great victories, we should not look down on anything or anyone.

    47. Even virtue is more beautiful in a beautiful body.

    Physical beauty is something that has been valued throughout history; the canons of beauty have therefore been very different over time.

    48. I don’t feel envy, but rather admiration.

    We should be happy about the achievements of others, we should not feel any envy about them.

    49. Oh, how happy the farmer would be if he valued the goods of his state!

    The state owes a lot to its farmers, it owes its well-being and future to them.

    50. Disastrous love, what things do you not precipitate the human heart into!

    Love can make us commit acts that we later regret.

    51. Look for your ancient mother.

    All beings ultimately come from the same mother nature.

    52. The gods also lived in the forests.

    In ancient times it was believed that the gods inhabited forests, lakes and mountains.

    53. I knew that puppies are like dogs, and young ones are like lambs; and so he used to compare the big with the small.

    Every living being is in its beginnings or youth a miniature version of itself.

    54. Even if I had a hundred mouths and a hundred tongues, and my voice were iron, I could not enumerate all the forms of crime.

    Crimes can be committed in a thousand different ways, new crimes are continually created in the world.

    55. Far, far from here, profane vulgar!

    In this quote, Virgil shows us his disenchantment with certain parts of society.

    56. Destiny will find its way.

    No matter what happens, in the end we will reach our own destiny. It is something inevitable.

    57. What is there that you do not drag into human hearts, oh execrable hunger for gold?

    The desire for wealth leads men to commit the most vile crimes, greed is very harmful in our lives.

    58. A hidden wound lives inside the chest.

    Emotional damage causes wounds that can take a long time to heal.

    59. If it is legal to compare the small with the large.

    Size is something that always has negative and positive aspects, depending on the way we look at it.

    60. Be firm and save yourselves for better days.

    At the beginning of any battle the soldier had to stand firm and hope for the best possible result.

    61. Everyone trusts themselves.

    Our personal abilities can be a decisive factor, allowing us to reach a successful conclusion in the most difficult situations.

    62. Not all of us can do everything.

    The most important feats can only be accomplished by a few men in the world.

    63. The fates call us.

    In this quote Virgil tells us about his famous fates, a type of divinities that make reference in the real world to the coincidences of life.

    64. I must not make a distinction between Tyrians and Trojans.

    Tyrians and Trojans were enemies of each other, Virgil wants to tell us in this quote that he is indifferent to the victory of any of them.

    65. How is it possible that such great anger fits into heavenly spirits?

    Anger can be a very difficult emotion to control and can lead to making big mistakes.

    66. Human things move us to tears, and their evils touch the heart.

    Human beings have always gone through great calamities and disasters since their appearance.

    67. Admire and praise extensive possessions, but you cultivate a small estate.

    We must concentrate on what we have, we must not focus on the assets of others.

    68. It is beautiful to die fighting.

    The death that every soldier would wish for himself.

    69. Women are always variable and changeable things.

    Relationships between men and women have always been stormy since ancient times.

    70. This is the place of shadows, of sleep and of the night full of drowsiness.

    Death will overtake us all and we will arrive at this place, where we will finally rest.

    71. Should each person’s violent passion be his god?

    Our passions and emotions largely direct our own future.

    72. Everyone is carried away by their own pleasures.

    Our pleasures can get us into more than one problem in life, we must be cautious in their enjoyment.

    73. A few appear swimming in the vast sea.

    There will always be certain people who, against all odds, will manage to stay afloat.

    74. Happy is he who has come to know the causes of things!

    Knowledge and wisdom allow us to live a much fuller life.

    75. Everyone has their day marked. Brief and irreparable is the time allotted to his life!

    We will all die when our time comes, we must make the most of our time as possible.