The 8 Types Of Decisions

To live is to choose, It’s a constant change In our daily lives, we are all used to having to make decisions about an endless number of issues that affect us.

From the most mundane decisions (what shirt I will wear today, what I will cook, what ingredients I want on my pizza…) to the most important ones (what car I will buy, what I want to be in life…), all of them pass through the sieve of our emotions and our rational thinking

Making good decisions: the great key to success in life

Making good decisions is a true art and There are many factors that influence us when making a decision In general, the manuals indicate that good decisions are those that are made thoughtfully and rationally, using an analytical thinking style.

1. Rational decisions

For example, when buying a car, we would have to exhaustively compare the features and prices of various models and brands, in order to reach certain conclusions about the suitability of each of the available options. They involve our analytical intelligence and makes us weigh the pros and cons of the decision we are about to make.

2. Emotional and intuitive decisions

Although it is true that when we rigorously analyze all the aspects to take into account it is more likely that we will reach better conclusions about which is the most suitable car, in reality not all decisions can be made from this perspective. To a greater or lesser extent, All the decisions we make are influenced by a good dose of intuition, and mediated by our emotions

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Continuing with the example of the car, and although we are capable of carrying out a rational examination of the brands and models and our demands regarding the automobile we want to purchase, it is likely that we feel a certain predilection (perhaps unconscious) for some brand or model over of others, and although rationally there are not sufficient reasons for this to be so. This is explained by heuristic thinking, and that is that human beings make decisions highly influenced by our motivations and hidden desires. And this doesn’t have to be negative! Maybe we will end up buying a car that from a purely rational perspective is not the most suitable, but if we are happier with that decision… who can conclude that we have done wrong?

In reality, the important point when we are considering whether to make one decision or another is, precisely, to bring out all our conscious and unconscious thoughts, from the most rational to the most intuitive and emotional, and find a satisfactory middle ground between both factors

The other 6 types of decisions

The decisions we make, in addition to what has already been stated, can be classified according to different criteria In the following six points I will describe the decisions from an organizational and business perspective.

According to the forecast

If we take into account the level of structuring and foresight with which we take them, we can speak of programmed and unprogrammed decisions.

3. Programmed decision

These decisions are previously described and established by some type of regulation more or less formal, and its execution is carried out based on a schedule. They are routine and strategic decisions that, in principle, are automatic and have immediate effect.

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4. Unprogrammed decision

They are not programmed or described in any regulatory text, and they occur as a result of the interaction of the corporation with the human and institutional environment. They tend to be spontaneous and tend to have a greater scope over time.

According to the urgency

considering the urgency level with which decisions have to be made:

5. Routine decisions

When the circumstances are similar and the context is also similar it is likely that companies will look for ways to establish certain recurring mechanisms for making decisions.

6. Emergency decisions

When the situation is unexpected and there are no precedents companies must take special measures to adapt to the development of events.

According to the importance for the company

Companies must function correctly in various areas: from daily routines to communication with other companies or institutions. In this sense, we can divide the decisions according to this factor.

7. Strategic

These types of decisions They inquire about the company’s objectives and try to translate these goals into specific development plans Usually, these types of decisions are what guide corporations towards success or failure, since they mark the path to follow. These are decisions that are usually made by the CEO, the manager and/or the shareholders.

8. Operations

They are decisions essential for the proper functioning of the organization and one of its missions is to resolve conflicts between people, both from a human and work point of view. Its management must be careful since operational decisions also include determinations about hiring and firing.

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