The 80 Best Phrases Of Alejandro Sanz

Alejandro Sánchez Pizarro, better known as Alejandro Sanz, is a Spanish singer-songwriter born in 1968 in Madrid, Spain. During his long musical career, this artist has sold more than 25 million copies of his albums, he has also won 24 Latin Grammys and 4 American Grammys.

This singer could be considered one of the best representatives of pop music and one of the best artists to ever come out of the Iberian country. Since the beginning of the 90s, Alejandro Sanz achieved great success with his songs and this success continues to this day.

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    Great phrases and verses by Alejandro Sanz

    Would you like to know a little more about this famous singer? Below you can discover the 80 best phrases by Alejandro Sanz that you will surely love

    1. I believe in love and life, not in love for life.

    Love can go away in the same unexpected way that it appeared one day.

    2. He who feigns forgetfulness does not forget, but he who can forget.

    Forgetting people who were once with us can be difficult.

    3. Either you love with balls, or you don’t love.

    To truly love, you have to love with all your heart.

    4. Love shines in the eyes when you see the shadow of your loved one.

    When we see our loved one, we cannot hide our excited face.

    5. A song of mine goes through several stages: I compose it and perhaps start in a defined musical style, but I don’t like to pigeonhole the compositions and in the end, each one takes a certain path: rumba, rock, ballad, a mixture of styles that do not There is usually too much attention to pre-established canons.

    Alejandro Sanz’s creative process can be difficult to understand for some people.

    6. There is only one way to be happy in life, and that is to dedicate yourself to what you like most.

    By dedicating ourselves to doing what we love, we will surely be much happier.

    7. With music, life has more meaning.

    Music can bring many positive aspects to our lives.

    8. In life it is allowed to fall, but it is mandatory to get up.

    When we stand up, we show others that we were never truly defeated.

    9. It is so beautiful to dream, and so violent in truth.

    The truth can be hard and painful at times.

    10. Manuela has been the most beautiful thing that has happened to me in my life.

    Children are the greatest thing a parent can have.

    11. Travel to the corners that mean something to you, where the important things in your life happened.

    Certain places hold a great emotional charge for us, because the things we experience there make them special.

    12. Success is made up of 90% effort, 5% talent, and 5% originality.

    In order to achieve success, we will undoubtedly have to make a great effort.

    13. What I do is not just to do it, but to feel it.

    To be successful in the field of music, we must come to feel the music we play, realize that it truly represents us emotionally.

    14. It is very important to say what you think, even if you are wrong.

    Being consistent with our thoughts will allow us to evolve in life.

    15. Sometimes my heart goes where my voice doesn’t reach.

    Explaining certain emotions can be really complicated.

    16. No more postponeable deadlines, if it has to be that way, go ahead.

    We must know how to accept things as they are presented to us.

    17. I am passionate in my reactions, in my outbursts. Sometimes I get up on my left foot.

    Like any good Spaniard, Alejandro Sanz shows himself to be a very passionate man in his daily life.

    18. Sometimes I am yours and sometimes nobody’s.

    Situations can make us change our minds on many occasions.

    19. I don’t write to make records, I write out of necessity, not out of revenge.

    Like every great artist, Alejandro Sanz writes because he feels the need to express himself.

    20. Your name is written on all the desks where I study. When I look at you, it’s as if I died or were someone else than the one I always am.

    Our memories can take us back to past moments in our lives.

    21. The best friend is your own heart.

    We must always be faithful to our feelings.

    22. If I dress up, they recognize me by my waddling gait.

    This singer has a very peculiar way of walking, just like many Spaniards.

    23. When love ends, you are still missing something.

    Every great love leaves a great void within us.

    24. I am not a child, nor good.

    When we become adults, we see life in a very different way than when we saw it in our childhood.

    25. God made the world in 6 days, but maybe he would have needed 7, because he lacked a soundtrack.

    Music is something unique and for many of us totally essential in our lives.

    26. At night, when I pray, your name is a prayer, you are the purest love that I always carry in my heart.

    Love can mark us very deeply, being a good part of the person we are.

    27. There is no moon more beautiful than the one reflected in your gaze.

    Seeing the moon reflected in our loved one’s eyes can be one of the most beautiful things we will ever see.

    28. To those who lent me your hearts, to those who followed me, to whom else.

    Alejandro Sanz has always seen himself in a certain way indebted to his fans, he has always been able to feel personally very supported by all of them.

    29. Sometimes, not even in solitude we can talk to each other honestly.

    Being able to know ourselves is something that is sometimes difficult to do.

    30. What I don’t like sometimes is that I am too playful.

    We all do things that we later regret, it happened to this singer once too.

    31. You have to write a lot of nonsense to come up with something new.

    Innovating in today’s music can be very complicated, music never stops renewing itself with every passing minute.

    32. There is nothing more beautiful than living.

    Live life as we wish, that is what we should all do in our own lives.

    33. A word, sometimes laughs and sometimes cries, but a note is always a drop of my soul that evaporates.

    Sound music can convey many more emotions to us with its melody than any lyrics.

    34. While I’m talking, I’m always thinking about what I’m going to say next.

    Something we should all do in our personal lives is think before we speak.

    35. It is necessary to have discipline to lose it.

    Having a certain discipline can help us lead an orderly and correct life.

    36. There are things that are not told and die in hearts.

    Honesty is something very valuable and unfortunately in today’s society it is being lost.

    37. I don’t remember everything I feel but I do feel everything I remember.

    We will never forget the feelings we once felt for someone, that person will always occupy a space in our hearts.

    38. I have only let myself be carried away by instinct.

    Our instinct can help us make the right decision in any situation we find ourselves in.

    39. My name is Alejandro Sanz, not Saint Alejandro.

    This singer may have sinned on occasion, he is not a saint.

    40. I am an intense man and a fighter in love, but also a libertine when it comes to him.

    Alejandro Sanz himself has always liked to feel wanted and loved, just like almost all of us.

    41. The distance is not how far we separate, the distance is if we don’t come back.

    The most severe and real distance is time, not space.

    42. When there is true love there is no distance.

    If two people truly love each other, regardless of what may happen, they will be together when the time comes.

    43. Music is not sung, it is breathed.

    Music is an essential part of the life of this great artist.

    44. Loving from a distance is a great test of love.

    Without a doubt, long-distance loves suffer greatly.

    45. I am full of joy and happiness that I even wallow in it.

    The life of this singer allows him today to be a completely happy person.

    46. ​​What attracts me most to a woman is her personality, her ability to make decisions, clear ideas and a sense of humor.

    A woman’s personality is undoubtedly her most distinctive feature, our way of being, it identifies us as a person.

    47. It scares me to think that for some people, I am just a memory.

    All artists suffer ups and downs during their career and this singer had higher moments than today.

    48. The most beautiful landscapes are in the minds of the blind.

    To be able to fully experience something, we don’t have to see it, just feel it inside our heart.

    49. I have a lot of things to say and a lot of advance material.

    In order to achieve success, top singers never stop working.

    50. Love is what everyone talks about but no one really knows what it is.

    Love is something that we only discover as it really is, when we experience it firsthand, not everyone has been able to experience real love.

    51. I like the woman who tells me something without speaking to me, who has an aura.

    Certain people can transmit many things to us without even needing to speak.

    ###¨52. Desiring your neighbor’s wife is not a sin, it is having good taste.

    We all have eyes and at some point we feel attracted to the women we meet, as men it is something totally normal.

    53. There are people you can never forget, no matter how long it lasts.

    Certain people occupy a privileged place in our most personal memories.

    54. When love comes to you, it won’t help you to look it up in a dictionary to understand it, or read the nonsense I’ve said about it.

    Love is something that we simply must feel, nothing and no one can explain to us exactly what it feels like.

    55. A man is never mature to be President of the United States or to be Pope or to be King.

    Certain positions of responsibility surpass any person, we are never fully prepared for them.

    56. I am not interested in exposing my private life to people.

    The private life of this singer is something he keeps for himself and his loved ones.

    57. A sigh is a drowned poetry.

    A sigh can say many things and at the same time say nothing.

    58. Immediately a singer who makes love songs is a faggot. I’m not a faggot! Many times I feel like saying, and if it were, what? Well nothing would happen. It is directly related to the intelligence and culture of each one.

    Alejandro Sanz has had to face very unfortunate comments on some occasions, people always want to get in where they are not called.

    59. Misery does not come from the heart or the mind, it comes from the soul.

    To be truly miserable, we must be emotionally miserable. Our emotions can make us miserable.

    60. One always needs someone.

    We all need certain people who, over time, have formed our intimate core of loved ones.

    61. How cowardly Spanish politicians are, they are not going to vote for the Sinde Intellectual Property Law because it is unpopular… cowards and hypocrites.

    As a creator of audiovisual material, this singer has always fought for the right to intellectual property.

    62. Ten million copies sold is like ten times the Santiago Bernabéu stadium full of people with my album in their hands. If I think about it, I’m impressed.

    The number of sales of this singer is simply impressive, his music has reached a large number of people.

    63. I don’t like explaining the meaning of my lyrics, because I spoil a story for someone.

    To understand the music of this singer-songwriter we must stop and listen carefully.

    64. Those of us who make music are responsible for what is heard, we must always give our best.

    As the great artist that he is, Sanz always demands of himself one hundred percent of his capacity.

    65. I am whatever you want, but I am not a scoundrel.

    We must always be true to ourselves, we must not change for anyone.

    66. Why do I want a grammy if my awards are my fans.

    Fans are the greatest prize that an artist can achieve, they are their greatest source of inspiration.

    67. My success is kind, discreet, neither presumptuous nor overwhelming.

    Even if we achieve professional success, we should never boast about it.

    68. Good things shouldn’t be so short.

    When something is good for us, we wish it would last forever.

    69. The word “love” is overused, I would say almost worn out.

    Love is something that has been talked about for hundreds of years, it is very difficult to innovate writing about love.

    70. Living is the most dangerous thing in life.

    To die you only need to be alive, therefore, living is very dangerous.

    71. Give only what you have left over.

    When we have a lot of something, that is when we can begin to share it with others.

    72. I don’t wonder who I am, I don’t want to know.

    At this point in life, Alejandro Sanz knows perfectly well who he is and what he wants from life.

    73. You have to free yourself from your fears, your complexes, your doubts and above all forget about always wanting to show your good side, always wanting to look good.

    We must live life as we wish, dwelling on problems will not help us solve them.

    74. It’s true that I am difficult, but I have been the only deep thing for you.

    We should all live love as intensely as this artist does.

    75. I will kiss you like no one in this world kissed you.

    A kiss can transmit countless things to our partner.

    76. Love is like water, if someone doesn’t move it it stagnates.

    As they say, old water moves no mills. If a love is not good for us, we must let it go.

    77. I don’t hate anyone, I think it’s a waste of time and very tiring.

    Hate does not bring anything positive to our lives, if someone does not add joy to us, it is better that they stay out of it.

    78. It is one thing for you to show the part of yourself you want and another very different thing for them to steal photos of you, for them to undress you without your permission.

    Paparazzi are something this artist has always dealt with, fame unfortunately also brings us negative aspects.

    79. Writing is nothing more than bringing out the poetic part that lives in routine.

    Writing can help us free ourselves and organize our own ideas.

    80. I just throw out the words.

    Without a doubt this singer has great power for writing and oratory.