The 80 Best Phrases Of Pablo Escobar, The Most Famous Drug Trafficker

Pablo Escobar Gaviria He was one of the most famous drug traffickers in history, and although he died in 1993, his story continues to create excitement. Such is the case that a series has recently been broadcast that narrates his life.

If you want to know the life of this well-known drug trafficker you can read our article: “Biography and personality of Pablo Escobar, the irreducible drug trafficker”

Table of Contents

Famous quotes from Pablo Escobar

Throughout his life, Pablo Escobar uttered many quotes. In the following lines you can find some of the lines that most define this feared character.

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1. They have to kill me with a bullet and not from fear… with 30 bullets at a traffic light, like a gangster has to die

This character was always surrounded by crime and drugs.

2. It makes no sense to continue making the rich richer

A few words that relate to how the oligarchy works.

3. The mind is like a parachute, it is useless if it does not open

Mental flexibility is one of the greatest virtues that human beings can have.

4. Sugar kills, salt kills, motorcycles kill like a beraco, cars kill, airplanes kill, whiskey kills, cigarettes kill, marijuana, cripa (transgenic cannabis) kills, cocaine kills… It must be legalized and a very big problem will end.

A quote that refers to the legalization of drugs.

5. There is no company in Colombia that takes more dollars from the United States than us, Los Narcotraficantes.

Successful drug traffickers have made a lot of money selling drugs.

6. Americans can build the walls they want, but cocaine will reach them there

The United States has always been one of the main consumers of drugs from Latin America.

7. They observe you, criticize you, envy you and in the end imitate you

Some people, when they criticize, do so out of envy.

8. Why Bogotá, if Medellín has everything

Pablo Escobar was known as the Medellín cartel, where he was born.

9. Mexican drug traffickers don’t have a flag, they just kill and kill and kill and they don’t know where they’re going.

Being a Colombian drug trafficker, he openly criticized Mexican drug traffickers.

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10. Everything dangerous turns into silver

In his opinion, to make money you have to take risks.

11. Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer

Better to have enemies close to know what they are doing.

12. Time is your time partner, you will see how you waste it

Time can run for us or against us.

13. Life must be lived irresponsibly, but responsibly

Escobar gave this reflection on life

14. Drugs have killed more people than the FARC

Drugs, although they may make you feel good at first, are deadly.

15. There are three ways to do things: good, bad and how I do them

Pablo Escobar considered himself a different person, and that is why he got where he did.

16. The great homicide that I regret in life is the women we killed and Dr. Luis Carlos Galán

Pablo Escobar was not a saint, along the way he left many lives behind.

17. Donald Trump is a miserable dog, he is a bastard full of money, full of hate

A harsh criticism of the now president of the United States.

18. If you are going to do surgery on your wife to make her look more beautiful, first do heart surgery to treat her better.

The love for a woman is not only physical.

19. The dog that has money is called Mr. Dog.

A polite way of saying miserable.

20. Medellín is a very beautiful city, but built on a cemetery, it is full of dead people, it was an orgy of blood

The struggle between classes has also claimed lives in Medellín.

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21. Because I also eat chicken wings

A phrase that invites the reader to reflect in depth.

22. For me, the most important things after my mother are money and women.

The drug trafficker made it clear what his preferences in life were.

23. The worst thing about asking for favors is when the time comes to pay them

Drug traffickers can do favors, but when they are not returned, then they usually collect in their own way.

24. I thought ‘El Chapo’ was disciplined, but he’s just a big bandit

Escobar’s opinion on Mexican drug trafficking.

25. Well, if half the world wants to kill me, we hire the other half the world to defend me

An ironic phrase directed at those people who wanted to put an end to drug trafficking.

26. With the politicians we have in Colombia, being a bandit is an honor

A criticism of the Colombian political class and how they steal from the people.

27. The day you do something bad, do it well, don’t be so stupid as to let yourself get caught

A play on words with some humor.

28. That unfortunate dog will not have enough in this life to regret what he just did to me.

Escobar wasn’t exactly good with people who tried to mess with him.

29. Think like a poor person and you will live like a poor person

A motivational quote from Escobar, in reference to attitude.

30. Silver or lead

This is Escobar’s most mythical phrase. Either money or a bullet.

31. Poverty is something temporary, but humility must be eternal

Escobar came from a poor family and always put values ​​such as humility and loyalty first.

32. He messes with me and I kill his dog, his cat, his parents, and if his grandmother is already dead, I dig her up and kill her again.

This is one of the most macabre and well-known phrases of this well-known drug trafficker.

33. Don’t get into drugs

He always knew how to take care of his community, despite being a drug dealer.

34. There can only be one king!

One of the most epic phrases of his career.

35. With me the only thing you’re going to get your hands dirty for is to count money

He always knew how to surround himself with the best subordinates to carry out his illegalities.

36. Depending on the rat, the poison is put in the bait.”

One of the most famous phrases of drug trafficker Pablo Escobar.

37. All empires are created with blood and fire

Even though he was a criminal, he always knew how to make accurate analyzes of life.

38. I always get what I want, and when I don’t, it’s because I didn’t want it.

Pablo Escobar achieved unimaginable heights for someone of his time.

39. I know my own history very well, therefore I am the only one who can judge and criticize myself whenever I want.

Some of his most famous phrases reflected clear egomania on his part.

40. God rules in heaven, I rule in Colombia

Nobody ruled more than Pablo Escobar in Colombia in the 80s.

41. That unfortunate dog will not have enough in this life to regret what he just did to me

His phrases about violence and murders will always go down in history.

42. Sometimes I am God, if I say that a man dies, he dies the same day

We can never imagine the power that Pablo Escobar had to decide who lived and who did not.

43. Friends are those who see you crying and tell you: Who do we kill?

Friendship and loyalty to friends was always one of the most important values ​​for him.

44. You have to have bad days to realize who is family, who is a friend and who are true loves

This drug trafficker was always surrounded by people who wanted to take advantage of his power.

45. The family ends up being our Achilles heel

Most gangsters tend to have a very high idea of ​​family.

46. ​​Hints don’t work with me, you speak clearly to me and that’s it.

Pablo Escobar was always a direct man throughout his life.

47. There are three ways of doing things: as you believe, as they believe and as I say.”

One of the most famous phrases of this Colombian criminal and drug trafficker.

48. My back is not a voicemail. Whatever you want to say to me, do it to my face please

Concepts such as fidelity and honesty are highly valued in the world of the mafia.

49. The one who laughs and does it to me, crying pays me back, mija

Escobar was always relentless with enemies and people who betrayed him.

50. Above those who run, there are those who fly

The Colombian version of the Spanish saying: “He who does not run, flies.”

51. Everything in this life has a solution, except death

Escobar left us some profound philosophical phrases.

52. I am a decent man who exports flowers

Like any other drug trafficker, lying and deception were common throughout his life.

53. I would rather be in a grave in Colombia than in a jail cell in the United States

Throughout his career he always showed off his Colombian identity.

54. How do you solve all the problems in life? With silver millet

A truly disheartening reflection on life.

55. Mischief was born from hunger

Escobar was poor the first years of his life and suffered real hardships.

56. In a world of hypocrites, the sincere ones are the bad ones.

Pablo Escobar presented himself throughout his life as a victim of the system.

57. The family ends up being our downfall

One of the many phrases about Pablo Escobar’s family.

58. I have plenty of people who hate me, but there is never a shortage of people who love me.

He always showed off his family, which was the most important thing in his life for him.

59. Only those who went hungry with me and supported me when I went through a bad time in my life will eat at my table.

He always had in mind those people who were faithful to him.

60. Anyone who is allied with César Gaviria, the order is bullet

Throughout his career, he managed to make a wide variety of deadly enemies.

61. There are two hundred million idiots manipulated by a million intelligent men

Nobody knew how to analyze the society of his time like Pablo Escobar.

62. My desire is not for there to be a confrontation between the Colombian people. I seek peace and I have always sought peace and I have longed for peace

Although he spent his life committing crimes, he never wanted to start a war in his country.

63. It is not the wiser who reads the most, but the one who understands best

Some of Pablo Escobar’s phrases have gone down in history to this day.

64. Never stay silent when it is convenient to speak and never speak when it is convenient to remain silent.

Escobar managed in his daily life a code of conduct similar to that of the classic mafia.

65. If you want to know a person, don’t ask them what they think, but what they love

Throughout his history he left phrases for history about human nature.

66. My family did not have significant economic resources and we experienced difficulties like those experienced by the majority of the Colombian people; so we are not alien to those problems, we know them deeply and understand them

It is well known that Pablo Escobar was born in a humble environment.

67. Faith moves mountains, but money makes the world tremble

Pablo Escobar was in his time one of the richest men of his time.

68. Don’t confuse my kindness with weakness. I’m kind to everyone, but when someone isn’t kind to me, weakness is not what you’ll remember about me.

He was a tough man, who knew how to punish his enemies proportionally.

69. I didn’t change, I just learned, and learning is not changing, it is growing

Throughout his life he lived through truly traumatic experiences.

70. Don’t get used to anything, then you won’t need anything

Although he became wealthy during much of his life, he knew how to see the important things in life.

71. Do you know why I’m doing well? Because I always have God close

Pablo Escobar was, despite everything, a man who feared God.

72. I met María Victoria when I didn’t have a peso in my pocket, at that time she loved me poor and without money, and now rich and with problems she still loves me the same. That’s love

His wife was one of the most important pillars of his life.

73. You can have several, but love only one

During his life, he had countless lovers, as well as a faithful wife.

74. Millet, take care of what you cannot buy with money like a treasure.

One of the phrases that can accompany us throughout our lives.

75. The motivation to move forward is not who wants to see you succeed… it is who wants to see you fall

He always knew how to find those things that motivate him to continue with his misdeeds.

76. Fake friends always call you to ask you for something, sincere friends do it to ask if you are okay.

Friendship, fidelity and love were some of the themes he dealt with in his life.

77. Women today want you to love them the old way and to bitch them the modern way.

One of Pablo Escobar’s most humorous phrases.

78. Where there is a car, motorcycle, money and designer clothes, there are a thousand women. But when you are poor you only count on your mother, she is the one who really loves you.

A very accurate phrase about life, from this well-known drug trafficker.

79. Money doesn’t buy women, but it makes prostitutes fall in love with them.

Nobody had more money than him in Colombia in the 80s.

80. A truly sincere friend will always be a brother

Escobar knew how to value the loyalty of friends like no one else.