The 90 Best Loyalty Phrases

Fidelity Phrases

Fidelity is a highly valued personal characteristic, since it is a quality that allows us to establish strong commitments with ourselves and with others; It is not a couple issue, but rather encompasses many situations that we experience daily.

In this article we will see a selection of the best phrases about fidelity commented.

Table of Contents

The most memorable loyalty phrases

It is important to remain loyal to those we love and what we like to do in life, so that there is no reason to regret it. Therefore, here we will review several famous quotes and reflections on fidelity.

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1. The fidelity of many men is based on nothing more than laziness; that of many women in custom. (Anonymous)

Both men and women have their reasons for being loyal, although not all of them are equally valid.

2. Fidelity is the effort of a noble soul to become equal to another greater than it. (Goethe)

Fidelity is an act that often serves to improve people.

3. I have never cheated on my wife. It’s no merit: I love her. (Georges Duhamel)

True love does not allow deception.

4. I fell in love with my wife and never fell in love again. (Pablo Picasso)

For some people, love comes only once in a lifetime.

5. When the battle rages, the soldier’s loyalty is tested. (Martin Luther)

In difficult times, loyalty appears.

6. Fidelity is not gray. It is black or white. You are either completely faithful or not faithful at all. (Sharnay)

Being faithful does not allow nuances, whether it is or not.

7. Punishments should be imposed when appropriate. Fidelity is not contrary to just correction. (Confucius)

Fidelity is a prize that is given and earned.

8. Trust. Comes back. Invoke the Lady and you will be faithful. (Saint Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer)

Being faithful to God brings its reward.

9. When you love, fidelity is hardly difficult. (Henry De Montherlant)

If you love with all your heart, then infidelity has no place.

10. Faithfulness has a calm heart. (William Shakespeare)

He who is faithful lives in peace.

11. There is no friend as loyal as a book. (Ernest Hemingway)

Friends betray, books don’t.

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12. Loyalty is a pearl among grains of sand that only those who truly understand its meaning can see.

A loyal person is a found treasure.

13. The paths of loyalty are always straight.

Loyalty admits no shortcuts.

14. God prefers our fidelity in the small things that he entrusts to us, much more than our ardor for the big things that do not depend on us. (Francisco de Sales)

Sincerity lies in simple acts.

15. When God wants to drive someone crazy, He satisfies all their desires. (Paulo Coelho)

Be careful what you wish for.

Reflections of fidelity

16. Loyalty and devotion lead to bravery. Courage leads to the spirit of sacrifice. The spirit of sacrifice creates confidence in the power of love. (Morihei Ueshiba)

A loyal person is also a possessor of other virtues.

17. You are faithful to him, but he already tells a certain story; that a memory lies between him and you. (Ramón de Campoamor)

The believer in love lasts over time.

18. Words must faithfully express our thoughts. (Confucius)

What we say is a faithful reflection of what we think.

19. If you really love someone, being faithful is easy.

True love drives us to be faithful.

20. Loyalty and devotion lead to bravery. Courage leads to the spirit of sacrifice. The spirit of sacrifice creates confidence in the power of love. (Morihei Ueshiba)

A loyal person fully trusts in the power of love.

21. You propose fidelity unconsciously: you have a family, some children. How are you going to play love out there? (Pablo Picasso)

The family is worthy of all your loyalty.

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22. Young men want to be faithful and cannot achieve it; Old men want to be unfaithful and they can’t do it. (Oscar Wilde)

Fidelity is a matter of mental maturity.

23. To say friendship is to say complete understanding, quick trust and long memory; that is, fidelity. (Gabriela Mistral)

There is no friendship without fidelity.

24. He who is loyal raises his gaze with humility, and he who is disloyal, with pride. (Ramón Llull)

Loyalty and humility go on the same path.

25. Where there is faith there is love, where there is love there is peace, where there is peace there is God and where God is there is nothing missing. (Blanca Cotta)

To be faithful to God is to remain surrounded by love and immense peace.

26. Loyalty is a characteristic trait and those who have it give it freely.

Honesty is a virtue that is given selflessly.

27. Loyalty is staying by someone’s side even if their actions are against your will. (MF Moonzajer)

Loyalty is remaining, although the scenario is not ideal.

28. The woman forgives infidelities; but she doesn’t forget them. Man forgets infidelities, but he does not forgive them. (Severe Catherine of the Master)

Infidelity and forgiveness do not always go hand in hand.

29. Giving trust is a test of courage; Being faithful, a sign of strength. (Marie Von Ebner-Eschenbach)

Remaining faithful in a relationship is a heroic act that must be highlighted.

30. Man is faithful by believing God, who promises; God is faithful giving what he promises to man. (San Agustin)

Fidelity to God goes hand in hand with faith.

31. A promise is a vague concept until the moment the concept of loyalty comes into play. (Yukio Mishima)

We must always be faithful to our principles.

32. Be true to yourself. If you are, it will emerge naturally towards others. (Unarine Ranmaru)

Fidelity begins with yourself.

33. I belong to the people I love and they belong to me; They, and the love and loyalty I give them, shape my identity more than any word or group ever could. (Veronica Roth)

Love for loved ones is what we have left in life.

34. Bought loyalty is always suspect and generally short-lived. (Tacit)

You cannot buy loyalty as it will not last forever.

35. One is true to oneself and one is enough. (Jean Anouilh)

Being true to yourself is the step to promoting fidelity.

36. For me, patriotism is more than loyalty to a place on the map. It is respect for some values, for a way of thinking. (Barack Obama)

Fidelity to values ​​is a way to respect yourself.

37. It is not our fault if life is so arranged that the loyalty of an action is always in opposition to its advantages. (Maxim Gorky)

Guilt and loyalty are sides of the same coin.

38. The violence that some do to themselves to remain faithful to what they do not love is hardly worth anything more than infidelity. (François de La Rochefoucauld)

You should not remain faithful to those who do not deserve it.

39. Youth is a suspicious thing even when fidelity is secure. (Saint Ambrose of Milan)

It refers to how important fidelity is in youth.

40. Only he who commands with love is served with fidelity. (Francisco de Quevedo)

He who pays with love receives the same.

41. Fidelity is trust established as a norm. (Jose Ortega y Gasset)

To earn someone’s trust you have to be faithful.

42. Fidelity that has been bought with money can be defeated by money. (Seneca)

He who buys fidelity is usually betrayed.

43. Faithfulness is a gift, not a requirement. (Lilli Palmer)

Loyalty is given with love.

44. What does fidelity mean, what do we expect from the person we love? (Sándor Márai)

We only expect the person we love to be completely faithful.

45. The scholar does not consider gold as a precious treasure, but rather loyalty and good faith. (Confucius)

Values ​​are a more precious commodity than all the money in the world.

46. ​​I want to die a slave to principles, not to men. (Emiliano Zapata)

Being faithful to the principles and values ​​instilled is what is really important.

47. Being loyal is one of the most respectable and virtuous human qualities.

Fidelity is a very courageous and admired quality.

48. The fidelity we owe to our friend is a sacred thing, which does not allow the slightest irony. (Pythagoras)

Loyalty in friendship is something sacred.

49. He said that when you find something, thing, place or person perfect you have to be faithful to it.

Fidelity must be put into practice at all times.

50. It is not enough for a wife to be faithful, it is necessary for her husband, her friends and her neighbors to believe in her fidelity. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)

A phrase that reminds us of the saying: ‘Caesar’s wife not only has to be one, but look like one.’

51. Be true to yourself and thus, in the way that night follows day, you will be consistent with your peers.

If you remain faithful in everything, everything will remain faithful to you.

52. Loyalty does not depend on circumstances because it is the permanence of principles. (Francisco Garzón Céspedes)

Loyalty is a value not a product of circumstances.

53. Fidelity is the sister of justice. (Horace)

There can be no justice without honesty.

54. There is no merit in being faithful when what we see does not tempt us or when no one is looking at us. (Redondo Pains)

Fidelity is something that is done while alone or accompanied.

55. What value does a friendship have if we only love the other person’s virtues, their fidelity, their firmness? (Sándor Márai)

You must always accept loved ones as they are.

56. God does not expect me to be successful. He only demands that I be faithful to him. (Mother Teresa of Calcutta)

Fidelity to God is the only thing that matters to him.

57. The most frugal in promising is always the most faithful in fulfilling. (Duke of Lewis)

What is promised must be fulfilled.

58. Who will guard the same guardians? (10th June Juvenal)

We must always protect our fidelity.

59. Placed in a historic transit, I will pay with my life for loyalty to the people. (Salvador Allende)

The loyalty of the rulers is fundamental.

60. Loyalty is something that everyone talks about and very few practice, as it is a spiritual position that is not available to everyone.

All human beings are not born to be loyal.

61. If you have never lived with a dog, you will never know how far the words generosity, companionship and loyalty go.

Animals are very loyal beings.

62. There is nothing worse than those who confuse loyalty with the acceptance of all mistakes. (Paulo Coelho)

For this Brazilian writer, accepting mistakes is a sign of fidelity.

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63. Loyalty cannot be printed. It cannot be produced on an assembly line because its origin is in the human heart, the center of self-respect and human dignity. (Maurice R. Franks)

True values ​​are felt in the heart, we are born with it or we learn them along the way.

64. Wouldn’t it be obligatory to accept the disloyal friend in the same way that we accept the selfless and faithful one? (Sándor Márai)

Each person has their mistakes and we have to accept them as they are.

65. Let me if you must, but be faithful if you are with me. (Elizabeth Edwards)

When we stay in a relationship, being faithful is a decision.

66. A promise is a vague concept until the moment the concept of loyalty comes into play. (Yukio Mishima)

A promise is not always synonymous with loyalty.

67. There is something in the generous and selfless love of an animal that reaches directly to the heart of one who has often tested the false friendship and fragile fidelity of man. (Edgar Allan Poe)

A pet always teaches the value of true loyalty.

68. Stories are more full of examples of loyalty from dogs than from friends. (Alexander Pope)

Dogs are beings that are full of loyalty, we must learn from them.

69. It is as absurd to pretend that a man cannot always love the same woman, as it is to pretend that a good violinist cannot always play the same instrument. (Honoré de Balzac)

Love for the same person over time is an act of complete fidelity.

70. Being faithful in small things is a major undertaking. (San Agustin)

If you are faithful in a little, you will also be faithful in a lot.

71. The first seed of abundance is gratitude.

You always have to be grateful.

72. You don’t earn loyalty in a day. You earn it day by day. (Jeffrey Gitomer)

Loyalty is practiced daily.

73. The fidelity of married women, when love does not encourage them in their marriage, is probably something against nature. (Marie-Henri Beyle)

Loyalty often does not come along with love.

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74. Perfection consists in fidelity to small things. (Gabriel of Saint Mary Magdalene)

Loyalty starts with small things.

75. Authentic fidelity is decided by the one who gives it, never by the one who receives it. (Santiago Posteguillo)

Loyalty is important to the one who gives it.

76. Fidelity is a strength. (Laiah Gifty Akita)

He who exercises loyalty is forever armored.

77. Loyalty means giving me your honest opinion, whether you think I’ll like it or not. (General Colin Powell)

Being loyal is saying what is good and what is bad.

78. The strength of man is tested in misfortune, and the faithfulness of a good friend is tested in the storm. (Theodor Korner)

In bad times is where you meet your friends.

79. Fidelity is the least constant of all the virtues.

It’s not always easy to be faithful.

80. If you find the right person, why waste time on others?

When you find the right person, loyalty has no weight.

81. Fidelity has no merit while love lasts. Fidelity is not a virtue except when it becomes a duty. (Max O’Rell)

Being faithful is a decision.

82. In matters of love, perseverance is necessary, fidelity a luxury. (Massimo D’Azeglio)

Consistency achieves everything.

83. Change the world with hard work and loyalty, not with your words and dreams. (Jarman Sandhu)

The world will change through perseverance and honesty.

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84. Be faithful to what exists within you. (Andre Gide)

Don’t allow your beliefs to be lost.

85. Fidelity: Indispensable or necessary? The second is more beautiful, it implies choice, it does not have the ugliness of the norm. (Marcela Serrano)

Fidelity is something that humanity needs.

86. Loyalty constitutes the most sacred good of the human heart. (Seneca)

Protect your loyalty with the greatest of treasures.

87. Fidelity is a virtue that beautifies even slavery itself. (Paul Masson-Oursel)

Fidelity is a sample of our human value.

88. Wherever there is a grain of loyalty, there is a glimpse of freedom. (Algernon Charles Swinburne)

Loyalty brings freedom.

89. Blood connects us, but only loyalty, respect and love make us a family.

Respect for others allows a fraternal relationship to be born.

90. Within the hearts of men, loyalty and consideration are valued more than success. (Bryant H. McGill)

Success is temporary, loyalty remains.