The 90 Best Phrases Of Victor Hugo

Victor Hugo (Besançon, February 26, 1802-Paris, May 22, 1885) was a famous writer of romantic novels, considered one of the most important writers of the French language. He is credited with international recognition thanks to his novel “Les Miserables”, as well as “Our Lady of Paris” and his poems such as “Odes and various poems”.

In the following lines you will find a selection of the best phrases of Victor Hugo commented.

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    Victor Hugo’s most memorable phrases

    He was not only known for being a novelist, but also a poet, playwright, intellectual and social politician. To learn a little more about his history, below we review the best phrases of Victor Hugo.

    1. The smaller the heart, the more hatred it harbors.

    This happens when people are not willing to move on.

    2. Thought is nothing more than a simple breath. But a breath that makes the world shake.

    Thoughts can lead us to generate great changes.

    3. Forty is the ripe age of youth; fifty the youth of middle age.

    Youth is, in part, just a state of mind.

    4. The future has many names. For the weak is the unreachable. For the fearful, the unknown. For the brave it is opportunity.

    The future is seen depending on each person’s perspective.

      5. We would judge a man with much more certainty by what he dreams than by what he thinks.

      Dreams are what move us towards the future.

      6. It is nothing serious to die. It is horrible not to live.

      There are people who do not enjoy their lives and it is as if they were the walking dead.

      7. My friends, remember this: there are no weeds or bad men. There are nothing but bad growers.

      Many people become bad because they did not have opportunities or love in their childhood.

      8. Music expresses what cannot be said with words but cannot remain silent.

      Music is another form of expression.

      9. Dare: progress is only achieved like this.

      Nobody advances by staying in their comfort zone.

      10. How did their lips meet? How is it that the bird sings, that the snow melts, that the rose opens? A kiss; that was it.

      With a kiss everything begins. 11. Giving thanks alone is enough. The act of giving thanks has wings and goes where it needs to go.

      If you are grateful, everyone will notice.

      12. The supreme happiness in life is to have the knowledge that you are loved for yourself, or more accurately, loved in spite of yourself.

      The most important love is the one we have for ourselves.

      13. All power is duty.

      People with power are in a position to help others.

      14. The soul has its illusions, like the bird its wings: They are the ones who sustain them.

      Illusions allow us to seek a better future.

      Reflections of Victor Hugo

      15. As short as life is, we shorten it even more by the senseless waste of time.

      Wasting time is one of the most heinous crimes of all.

      16. Hell is all in this word: loneliness.

      Loneliness can consume us if we lock ourselves in it.

      17. The human body is only appearance and hides the true reality. The reality of what we are is the soul.

      Our true self is within us.

      18. Those of you who suffer because you love: love even more; To die of love is to live.

      In love, things don’t always turn out the way we want, but it is better than not to love.

      19. What is a hater? An ungrateful man who hates the light that illuminates and warms him.

      Envious people feel incapable of doing things on their own.

      20. Architecture is the immense book of all humanity.

      Much of the ancient history that we know today is thanks to architecture.

      21. Common sense is in spite of education, not the result of it.

      Common sense is acquired with experience.

        22. Curious thing! The first symptom of love in a young man is shyness; In a young woman, it is audacity.

        Roles that are reversed in falling in love.

        23. What drives and drags the world are not machines but ideas.

        It is ideas that make us move forward.

        24. Unfortunate is he who has not loved more than bodies, forms and appearances. Death will take everything from him.

        Physical beauty is not eternal and those who base their love on that are just a superficial person without honest feelings.

        25. Life is the flower to which love is honey.

        Love is an inherent part of life.

        26. Melancholy is the happiness of being sad.

        A poetic way of seeing sadness.

        27. The eyes cannot see God well, except through tears.

        It is in the most difficult moments that people turn to their faith.

        28. The future is much more about hearts than minds.

        There is no point in advancing technologically if we do not advance as a civilization that respects others.

        29. It is said that slavery has disappeared from European civilization, and it is a mistake. It still exists; only it only weighs on the woman, and it is called prostitution.

        Slavery evolves in other forms.

        30. God manifests himself to us first through the life of the universe, secondly through human thought. The first manifestation is called nature, the second art.

        The way Victor Hugo believed God manifested himself.

          31. Tolerance is the best religion.

          Tolerance leads us to accept things without judging them.

          32. The truth is similar to the sun. He doesn’t let himself be seen but he makes everything visible.

          The truth will sooner or later become known.

          33. There are so many beautiful women, but there are no perfect ones.

          Perfection only exists in the minds of each person.

          34. Between the government that governs wrongly and the people that allow it, there is a solidarity that is shameful.

          Many governments are corrupt because the people themselves allow it.

          35. Like stomachs, we should feel sorry for minds that don’t eat.

          A closed-minded person is one who cannot get ahead in society.

          36. Success is a disgusting thing; its false resemblance to merit deceives men.

          Not all people deserve the success they have.

          37. Water that does not flow makes a swamp; The mind that does not work makes a fool.

          Ignorant people are a parasite on society.

          38. The history of cities is reflected in their sewers.

          An interesting way to see how far a city is progressing.

          39. A man is not idle just because he is absorbed in his thoughts. In the same way that there are visible jobs, there are also those that are invisible.

          There are fruitful thoughts that are silent in our minds.

          40. Anyone who has ever been in love will grasp all the radiant meanings that fit into the four letters of that word: Her.

          Love makes us see things in a peculiar way.

          41. A faith: this is what man needs most. Unfortunate is he who believes in nothing.

          Every person needs to believe in something in their life.

          42. For me it is better to be whistled for a good verse than to be applauded for a bad one.

          By letting bad things go, people become lazy.

          43. Whoever always insults me, never offends me.

          The offenses are proportional to the amount of concern that the words generate in us.

          44. At the moment when love is happy, the soul takes the direction of sweetness and goodness.

          Stay with the person who makes you happy.

          45. Certain thoughts are prayers. There are times when, whatever the activity of the body, the soul is on its knees.

          The prayers that are only heard in our thoughts.

            46. ​​What is history? An echo of the past in the future.

            What the story represents.

            47. You can give without loving, but you can never love without giving.

            Giving and receiving is a natural part of love.

            48. The death penalty is a peculiar sign of barbarism.

            Personal opinions on the death penalty.

            49. Have courage for the great sadnesses of life and patience for the small ones; and when you have done your daily laborious task, go to sleep in peace.

            The way to keep our mind calm, according to the novelist.

            50. A poet is a world imprisoned in a man.

            Many poets are misunderstood.

            51. The masterpiece is a varied form of miracle.

            A miracle that is only born in art.

            52. Compulsory primary education is the right of the child.

            Every child should have equal access to education.

            53. The first equality is equity.

            It is in equity that we are able to appreciate true equality.

            54. Let’s sacrifice a day to gain, perhaps, an entire life.

            There are great achievements that require sacrifice. It may hurt today, but it will be worth it tomorrow.

            55. There are many mouths that speak and few heads that think.

            Everyone has an opinion, even if it arises from ignorance.

            56. What is well thought is well expressed.

            When we have something clear in our mind there are no impediments to expressing it.

            57. Conscience is the presence of God in man.

            Consciousness as an act of faith.

            58. The rich man’s paradise is made of the poor man’s hell.

            Many rich people take over the suffering of the lower classes that they perpetuate.

            59. Putting everything in balance is good, putting everything in harmony is better.

            Harmony leads us to achieve true tranquility.

            60. In the eyes of the young man, the flame burns; In the old man’s, the light shines.

            Two ways of looking at life.

            61. A house without children is a hive without bees.

            In favor of starting a family with children.

            62. Inspiration and genius are almost the same thing.

            Geniuses need continuous inspiration.

            63. The hero has a dream: To be big next to everyone, and small next to his father.

            There are no greater heroes than our parents.

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            64. The first justice is conscience.

            Justice begins in our conscience.

            65. Love, that is the only thing that can occupy and fill eternity. Infinity requires the inexhaustible.

            Love never ends, it can always be found in another form or place.

            66. Even the darkest night will end with the sunrise.

            Nothing lasts forever. Neither goodness nor evil.

            67. There is no army that can stop the force of an idea when it arrives in time.

            If you have a productive idea, give it wings.

            68. Laughter is the sun that drives winter away from the human face.

            Laughter is what allows us to chase away bad vibes.

            69. Try to love souls and one day you will find them again.

            True love is when we are able to see the soul of the other person.

            70. When an innocent person is punished, an evil person is born.

            Not because he has always been bad, but because he has lost faith in humanity.

            71. An old man is as in need of affection as he is of sun.

            All people need affection, regardless of their age.

            72. Great acts of love are done by those who habitually do small acts of kindness.

            Great things are created from small valuable things.

            73. Being good is easy, being fair is difficult.

            We do not have the ability to be fair all the time.

            74. It is strange how lightly the wicked believe that everything will turn out well for them.

            People with bad intentions always seem to be relaxed.

            75. Change your mind, keep your principles; change your leaves, keep your roots intact.

            It’s okay to change if it’s going to get you to a better place.

            76. Do you ask me what forces me to speak? Something strange, my conscience.

            Let your morals speak when you think it is necessary.

            77. Volcanoes throw stones, and revolutions men.

            Revolutions are made up of men who are tired of injustice and who seek a better future.

            • Related article: “70 phrases to change the world”

            78. Intelligences with little capacity are interested in extraordinary matters. Intelligences of great capacity deal with simple matters.

            Two types of intelligence that are completely different.

            79. Freedom is, in philosophy, reason; in art, inspiration; in politics, law.

            Freedom is everywhere and we have the right to live it.

            80. God is the invisible evidence.

            Talking about the omnipresence of God.

            81. Many have enough strength, what they lack is will.

            There is no point in forming great plans if we do not have the conviction to carry them out.

            82. Your prayers know much more about what you need than you do yourself.

            Sometimes you have to let things take their natural course.

            83. Believing herself to be beautiful, she knew very well, although vaguely, that she had a weapon. Women play with her beauty like children with a knife, and they hurt each other.

            There are women who use their beauty for their convenience.

            84. Rising from error to truth is strange and beautiful.

            The only way to fix a mistake is to recognize it and look for the right thing.

            85. Suffering deserves respect, submission is despicable.

            Submitting is a form of humiliation.

            86. When you have an idea in your head you see it everywhere.

            It’s an energetic feeling that you can’t shake.

            87. Try as much as you want, you will not be able to annihilate that ancient relic in the human heart called: Love.

            Love is present in all hearts.

            88. What is said about people has as much influence on their lives and destinies as what they do.

            That is why we must try to have good actions that speak well of us.

            89. He who opens the doors of a school closes those of a prison.

            Education is the first step to creating moral and good-hearted people.

            90. Great hearts keep the secret of their greatness in the word persevere.

            Perseverance is what sooner or later takes us to the place where we should be.

            Víctor Hugo is an example of improvement and success without leaving aside the humanity that we must all have to relate to others and empathize with their situations.