The Importance Of Feminist Empowerment

“If strategies aimed at reducing poverty do not empower women, they will fail to benefit society as a whole.” Human Development Report, UNDP, 1997.

The importance of feminist empowerment

One of the great milestones of the 21st century will undoubtedly be the great feminist movement that is being generated at all levels, although it is true that feminist movements could have their origin in the Declaration of the Universal Rights of Equality and Freedom promoted in the French Revolution, a revolution in which women became aware of the situation in which they found themselves and decided not to remain silent, trying to demand equality between men and women in all areas, a situation of silence has been generated during decades in which women, despite having achieved a series of rights (suffrage, entry into the world of work, etc.) did not enjoy a situation of real and effective equality compared to the gender that sustained power: the male.

Nowadays, fortunately, there is a lot of news and information that we receive daily about the feminist movement from its origins to its current situation; Numerous and important organizations are skillfully echoing the need to implement a feminist model in society in which Human Rights take precedence over gender condition ; Now, is this enough?

46 women have been murdered by their partners or ex-partners so far this year; the number of complaints of abuse, rape and/or discrimination based on sex has multiplied; Many women admit to feeling afraid when they walk alone on the street; A very high percentage admits having felt criticized, belittled, rejected, used… And they begin, united, a fight giving voice to their rights. Organizations must join this fight, but not in any way.

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The integration of Gender approach in all social policies and interventions it is essential if real social change is to be achieved, fighting for social justice and effective development work in the field of equality and human rights.

There is a long way to go and numerous fronts to address; Through therapies and training on feminist empowerment Within the gender perspective, the aim is to begin generating change from the most basic level: the person themselves, giving them tools to be an active part of said process of change.