The Influence Of Technology On Human Sexuality

Influence of technology on sexuality.

Technological advancement has generated important changes over time, which are apparently imperceptible. However, when making a comparison between different periods, the transformations that human beings have undergone in the way they relate, communicate, behave, etc. are evident.

Likewise, the adherence that has occurred towards technological devices, the Internet, social networks and applications that have become a fundamental part of the life of each individual is notable. “The very acceleration of times today offers individuals new spaces and, possibly, new forms of social dynamics” (Pérez, 2010).

Sexuality, being one of the most important facets of life For most people, it has also been influenced by this technological transformation. We will focus on this below.

How technological changes have transformed sexuality

The common use of the Internet and the possession of mobile phones, along with the combination of both with smartphones, is occurring at an unexpected speed. In this way, people are able to communicate and distribute information immediately, causing intercommunication between people and a new model of social relations (Agustina, 2010; Ryan, 2010).

In addition to this, it is important to consider the consequences that technological progress can generate in the long term, taking into account that it is increasingly faster and unpredictable, just as permeates different areas of life, including sexuality

The following are recent changes in our way of relating and living, based on the relationship between new technologies and sexuality.

1. Internet

Currently, the main source of information of all kinds is the Internet, abbreviation of the English words Interconnected Networks, which means “interconnected networks” and refers to the union of all networks and computers distributed throughout the world (Arranz , Eskoriatza, 2007).

It is common for young people and adults to use this medium to obtain information about doubts or concerns you have regarding sexuality However, when doing so, they may encounter different types of information, which may be reliable sources that contain consistent data or sites where the information is not accurate and causes greater confusion in browsers.

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2. Adult content on the Web

Pornography, with free access to its content, can be viewed by people of all ages, and thus, affect sexual identity, self-image and interpersonal relationships thereof.

According to Klaus Beier, professor of Sexology at the Charité University Clinic in Berlin, 30% of children between 8 and 13 years old have already seen pornographic content, generating ideals that are difficult to achieve in real life, such as unrealistic sexual encounters and exaggerated expectations of the partner also creating a preconceived idea of ​​how they should act.

It is evident that the Internet has influenced the sexuality of new generations, there are people who can distinguish between fiction and reality, using it as another source of eroticism without suffering any harm, however, it does not happen this way in all cases.

3. Grooming

Another technological practice that has had a strong impact on sexuality, mainly in minors, is Grooming, defined as the way in which some people approach children and young people to gain their trust, create emotional ties and be able to abuse them. them sexually (Villacampa, Gómez, 2016).

Frequently, the groomer (person who seeks to harm the minor) uses technological means such as social networks to initiate the link offering understanding and advice while obtaining information or images of the minor in sexual or pornographic situations.

Obtaining these images is essential to control and frighten the child, with the goal of establishing physical sexual contact with the minor in the future or introducing them into environments of sexual exploitation and prostitution.

4. Sexting

Now, technology, by enabling new and diverse social practices, added to people’s search to express their sexual desire, gives rise to sexting, a term that refers to act of sending texts, photographs and videos with content of a certain sexual level taken or recorded by their protagonist, using the mobile phone.

Alluding to DH Lawrence’s phrase “Be silent when you have nothing to say, when genuine passion moves you, say what you have to say, and say it hot”, Sexting can be useful in adult sexual life, since It expresses a game of seduction between two individuals, who when sending and receiving erotic images, texts or videos stimulate their imagination, increasing sexual desire.

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This practice can be considered by some people as a sexual relationship. moved to the mobile device screen On the other hand, according to research carried out at the University of Michigan, United States, Sexting is becoming a common part of courtship.

However, there are different risks when carrying out this practice, since material with sexual themes can end up in unwanted hands and be spread very easily and widely, so that the initial sender completely loses control over the dissemination of the material. said contents.

Emotional bonding through mobile applications

Regarding the way to start relationships, technology has a strong impact through different mobile applications, through which the romantic love of past centuries has remained there, in the past. Currently, a large number of people meet virtually, love at first sight arises from a photo, a first conversation is had within a chat on social networks and links are established through a screen.

An example of such mobile applications is Tinder, geosocial application (specifies the geographical distance between one individual and another), through which, according to compatibilities regarding personality, interests, age and friends in common, men and women are shown with various photos that are observed by users and based on that they approve or disapprove of the other. Once two people are approved, the application puts them in contact so they can talk and make appointments or meetings (Bonavitta, 2015).

According to Espinoza Rojas (2015), Tinder and other similar applications or platforms seek fill the void produced by the loneliness of a society connected in digital networks but not in human networks, in a society that has worn down the collectivity and superimposes individuality and distance from others.

Haptic technology

In addition to mobile applications, there are also devices based on haptic (touch) technology, that is, technology that allows physical contact between a human being and a machine or a human being with another human being, in which a device mediates the relationship. aiming to produce real sensations while two people are at a distance (Bonavitta, 2015).

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An example of devices based on haptic technology is Lovepalz, designed to maintain technologically mediated sexual relations. This instrument consists of two devices, for the man it takes the name of Zeus and for the woman, Hera. Both are designed according to the physiology of each sex. Zeus, in the form of a phallic-shaped vibrator and Hera in the shape of a masturbator, imitating the vaginal cavity.

People can feel the sexual movement of their partners by simulating intercourse, transmitting in real time what a person is doing at a muscular level with their sexual organs. LovePalz It is mediated with an iPhone application which will be the one that connects via Wi-Fi what happens on one device and transmits it to the other, finishing building a complete platform for virtual sex.

More technology does not mean better intimate relationships

In conclusion, this type of technological applications and devices enable communication with others without having to resort to face-to-face relationships, reducing social skills and tools to generate a lasting emotional bond. The fact that the number of means of communication has increased does not mean that communication, contact and interaction between people improves.

The ways in which people establish connections has changed over time. The way in which sexuality is experienced as well as the stories and their contents has also changed, generating conflicts such as distrust in couples because of a “like” on social networks, perhaps as the topic of an endless discussion hearing the “I left it seen”, or the distance between the couple due to the preference to satisfy their sexual needs only through social media. digital such as pornography or virtual realities.