The Inner Child

How can we not remember what we were like, what we lived, what we dreamed of in those wonderful years. How does childhood affect our personality?

The importance of taking care of your inner child

Healing is only possible when the children’s needs That’s the whole truth. Let’s stop and think… What would happen to us without the childhood we had? Watching television, that device, at noon, I came across a talk show (quite entertaining by the way) because I find myself taking advantage of this period that I have had to live through unemployment and despair.

Watching this program, which was about the integration of the so-called handicapped (physical or mental, it doesn’t matter), I found myself listening to Bertin Osborne speak in a way that I would never have expected, I was inspired by this article, so I went for it . He commented on the negativity of current medicine in the form that when his “disabled” son was born, he was told to forget about his son. They didn’t tell him once, no. He commented that they told him this over and over again, every day they had a chance. Thus one cannot cure, or not cure… live, or not live.

Let’s reflect. Bertín defended the existence of alternative treatments, backed by centuries, millennia, of use and with surprising results, in addition to the incongruity that the doctors offered regarding the loss or abandonment of all hope of life for and with their child. How could a child survive without the vehement desire for him to do so on the part of his parents, even if he is going to have a life with added difficulties? A very dignified life, by the way, and no less valuable than that of any neighbor’s son. Then I also remembered what one of my unfinished thesis directors told me one day: doctors only have correlations of .15, or approximations, for their diagnoses. And for your treatments maybe less.

What are the effects of emotional lack?

However, psychologists can say that we doubt correlations lower than .50 and that when we obtain ones around .80, they begin to deserve respect. And with similar correlations we can guarantee that if a child is not accepted and loved from birth, he will hardly grow old and much less healthy. Look at the experiments with monkeys on cold but nutritious mother vs. foster mother without food and those of the children of the post-war orphanages, who were well nourished but with all the emotional lack What it means to grow up without arms to protect you and give you warmth.

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All the members supported the attitude version fighter and hopeful to manage to live in the midst of difficulties but only because these special situations are experienced, most of the time, as not bringing happiness. When she turns away, life smiles again and is nothing more than life itself. But they, with their experience of adversity, feel motivated to teach us how to overcome it in a good way. Even they recognized that companies feel motivated to hire but that they are not well managed because they are not at the same level as the rest of the citizens.

Being disabled means that you are at another level but that within your level you are equal to, or superior to, anyone. It is widely accepted that any person with an IQ disability can perform the same work as another “normal” person but improving it with better values ​​and a greater amount of emotionality in the tasks they perform. How are they not going to be useful as receptionists, as direct attention in school cafeterias, as office workers in hospitality… In the same program was the blind singer who went to the Eurovision Festival representing this crazy country that is Spain, whose I don’t remember the name but it underlined the importance of blindness in shaping him into the person he is today, and I almost thanked him for it. Next to him was a man with Down Syndrome fully integrated and with great potential to contribute to this life we ​​live. The conclusion It is that every life deserves to be lived fully and deeply vividly, without requiring a high IQ, super agile legs or splendid eyes. Every life is full. We must be active in our life. And the reality is that we are not, or we are not to the extent desired.

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Why you should take care of your inner child

Why is it important to revive our inner child?

Let’s remember the wishes we had as children, there are our vitamins and various energizers. If we are not able to remember ourselves how the child we were something remains in our minds, something dies inside us.

When one is, one’s conceptual system It is developing and is mobilized through emotions, fully felt. As we grow we abandon the emotional world to transfer everything to words, to thoughts, to a conceptual system. If we take into account Grindler’s meta-linguistic model, we cannot ignore that the emotional images of a child are those that shape our adult language. Oh! If we really knew the syntactic analysis of our favorite phrases… We would try to modify them. We have many pending conversations with ourselves. Pay attention to the first million-dollar question: what object represents us. Yes, that object is the concept we have of ourselves at a conceptual level. But the second million-dollar question is: what is its value? Here we are in self-esteem, so linked to our first experiences in the intimate circle of the family.

Those childhood needs, so linked to our subsequent growth, they will guide us throughout life and needs cannot be satisfied through reason because they do not belong to the world of the adult concept but to the emotional world of the child who experienced them. That child needs emotional communication and only understands that language, nothing more, and nothing less. How to approach a child is a simple but arduous task because we must bond with him sincerely because there is nothing that a child understands better than sincerity or insincerity, even if he does not know how to define them. She feels. We are animals that, through brain evolution, have encapsulated emotions in what would be the brain of the species, totally connected with all the brain systems in charge of basic survival such as food, relationships, movements… they are encapsulated and well protected. and the rest of the brain is aromatized by them. Is healing only possible when childhood needs are met? Well it seems obvious. Now, and as the Chinese philosophy of Tao says, there is nothing more difficult to modify than childhood stubbornness. Modifying emotions so anchored in our ontogenesis as adults asks us to once again be that child who drew a biased conclusion but must modify it as an adult. Complex but not impossible. Cheer up for everyone.

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