The Keys To A Healthy Relationship: How Do You Build A Strong Bond?


We all create relationships of different types throughout our lives. It is impossible not to create relationships and furthermore, we need them. Relating to other people is a human need and it is important to cover it. The question is how we create those relationships and that they really They are relationships where we can feel two important things: being able to be ourselves and that as a whole what it gives me is more than what it takes away from me We cannot pretend that relationships are perfect, there are going to be things that we are not going to like, but that does not mean that a relationship cannot be healthy.

What are the keys to a healthy relationship?

Obviously there are many ingredients necessary for a relationship to work. On the other hand, each relationship is a world and there are as many ways to live a relationship as there are people Normally, we have the feeling that we communicate but really most of the conflicts, tensions or misunderstandings come from communication. Because what we say is one thing and what the other person understands is another.

We each see the world through our eyes and that may not coincide with what the person in front of us sees. Therefore, a key is to make sure that what the other person understood fits with what we really wanted to say. “I believed”, “I thought”… create many misunderstandings. Asking, assuring, giving the other person a chance to explain themselves would prevent this.

Give in your relationships what you want to give, what you feel comfortable with, don’t do it because you expect the same thing or something in particular. Not waiting for the other to change something but having the generosity to change something too, of course, always with people we care about and who we feel are worth it

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We are all different; Understanding this and accepting these differences helps a lot in our relationships. Everyone thinks in a way, feels in a way, what is important to someone may not be important to another person, what makes one angry is insignificant to another. So:

Work day by day on your relationships. They don’t stand alone, take care of them, especially when you think they are really valuable and worth it. Don’t expect things to work out on their own and make an effort, because yes, relationships take effort