The Nature Of Self-esteem. Causes And Effects

Why is it important to have good self-esteem? How do we create our self-esteem? Discover the keys to understanding the importance of taking care of your self-esteem.

The nature of self-esteem. Causes and effects

The self-esteem It is an intimate experience and resides in the core of our being. It’s what I think and feel about yourself, not what you think or feel about me. Self-esteem means that confidence in our abilities is essential to face our daily lives, which contain important challenges. We start from the right we have to be worthy, to deserve and to satisfy our needs.

Why is self-esteem so important?

No one can breathe for us, nor think, no one can impose love for ourselves on us. I can be loved by my family, my partner and my friends but not love myself. I can project an image of security and poise that can certainly deceive everyone and make me feel worthless inside. You can shower me with congratulations and yet have the feeling of having accomplished nothing. Every day I can receive likes every morning and feel with an important emptiness. The self-esteem It is continually sought by a large part of the population outside of itself and in this way the only thing that is generated is a frustration of having to depend on the outside that fattens the ego and is something very empty.

The self-esteem It is the immune system of consciousness, giving it resistance, strength. When our self-esteem is very low we collapse in adverse situations, just as experiencing joy is difficult.

In the face of any psychological difficulty, low self-esteem is present. The question is not whether I have self-esteem or not, the question has more to do with the degree. This means that within a continuum it is lower or higher, plus we can train it with therapeutic help. Even achieving success without having positive self-esteem is what is talked about so much today.“Imposter Syndrome”. It is not comparative, it is not competitive.

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Importance of self-esteem

It is one thing that we do not like some things about ourselves and another thing is the rejection of ourselves that unfortunately damages our psychological structures. Judging and rejecting ourselves produces great pain and this generates an avoidant reaction that means not taking risks in our daily lives, having difficulties in relating, achieving goals, relationships, work achievements, etc. In this way we raise many barriers that are defensive, involving personality traits that range from being a perfectionist or even a boastful person and in some cases falling into dependencies.

Circumstances can influence self-esteem because perhaps they give us more opportunities, starting with having our basic needs satisfied; without their satisfaction we cannot move forward. However, although it facilitates it, it is not something that is decisive,

When we are little, adults can cultivate our self-esteem Of course, respecting and trusting each other and how they value us will obviously influence the concept we will have of ourselves. However, in adulthood, if we are aware of our low self-esteem, there is time to train it. All this can always be done with the help of a therapist who can analyze where the root of this lack of self-esteem is and with an appropriate intervention process resulting from knowledge, acceptance and appreciation, you can embark on a new path towards loving yourself. same.