The Pressure Of An Extraordinary Vacation And The Loss Of Magic In The Ordinary


In the digital age, where social media dominates much of our lives, the need for an extraordinary vacation has become an omnipresent social pressure. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook and TikTok are full of images of exotic destinations, extreme adventures and exclusive experiences.

This constant display of the extraordinary has shaped our expectations and led many to feel that their own experiences, if not equally impressive, are somehow insufficient. In this context, it is crucial to reflect on how this social pressure distances us from the ability to appreciate the wonderful in the ordinary.

The psychology behind the need for the extraordinary

Just a few decades ago, vacations were about resting, spending time with family, and recharging. A trip to the local beach or camping in the mountains was enough to satisfy the desire to escape the routine. However, with the advent of social media, expectations have changed dramatically. Now, vacations are not just an opportunity to relax, but an occasion to demonstrate success, status and originality.

The need to document and share every moment has become a social norm. Social media posts not only showcase destinations, but also convey implicit messages about quality of life and personal success. This pressure to live up to what others share can lead to implicit competition, where vacations must be increasingly impressive and unique to be considered valuable.

Social psychology suggests that constant comparison with others can lead to feelings of inadequacy and anxiety. According to Leon Festinger’s social comparison theory, individuals evaluate their own opinions and abilities by comparing them with those of others. In the context of vacations, this means that people evaluate the quality of their experiences relative to those they see on their social networks..

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Furthermore, the phenomenon of “fear of missing out” (FOMO) aggravates this situation. The fear of missing out leads people to want to participate in activities that they consider important to their social circle. This can result in the need to plan vacations that align with societal expectations, rather than those that truly bring personal satisfaction and happiness.

The desire for an extraordinary vacation can come with significant costs, both financial and emotional. Planning exotic trips and exclusive experiences can result in expenses that exceed many people’s budgets, leading them to go into debt or sacrifice other needs. Besides, The pressure to have the “perfect vacation” can lead to stress and frustration, diminishing the actual enjoyment of the experience..

This phenomenon can also have a negative impact on interpersonal relationships. High expectations can lead to conflict and disappointment when vacations do not meet imagined standards. Instead of enjoying time together, people may find themselves worried about capturing the perfect photo or sticking to a grueling itinerary.


The importance of authenticity

To counter this trend, it is important to rediscover and appreciate the beauty of the ordinary. Vacations don’t need to be extraordinary to be valuable. In fact, it’s often the simplest experiences that leave the most lasting and meaningful memories.. A walk in the park, a home-cooked dinner with friends, or an afternoon reading a good book can offer deep satisfaction and happiness.

The practice of full attention (mindfulness) can be a powerful tool in this regard. By focusing on the present moment and appreciating the small details of everyday life, people can find joy in what might seem mundane. This perspective not only reduces the pressure of having to live extraordinary experiences, but also enriches daily life, allowing for greater connection with oneself and others.

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Embracing authenticity is essential to free yourself from the social pressure of an extraordinary vacation. This involves recognizing and accepting what truly brings us joy and satisfaction, regardless of the expectations of others.. By doing so, we can plan and enjoy our vacations in a way that aligns with our personal values ​​and desires.

Being authentic also means being aware of the influence of social media on our perceptions and decisions. Developing a critical attitude toward the content we consume and the expectations we place on ourselves can help us resist the pressure of constantly having to prove our success and happiness through impressive vacation experiences.


In a society where the pressure to have an extraordinary vacation is increasingly intense, it is crucial to remember that the value of an experience does not lie in its spectacularity, but in the satisfaction and happiness it provides us. Rediscovering the magic in the ordinary, practicing mindfulness and embracing authenticity are fundamental steps to free ourselves from this social pressure and learn to fully enjoy everyday life..

In the end, what really matters is not how amazing our vacation is, but how it makes us feel and the memories we create with our loved ones. By appreciating the wonder in the ordinary, we can find deep satisfaction and joy in every moment, regardless of how grand or simple it may be.
