The Virtual Personality And Its Seductive Psychological Masking

There is no doubt that as a current paradigm, social networks have invaded the human psyche, through suggestive visual and auditory messages, which come pre-digested, based on a false mental ideation of reality.

In other words, I believe that we have stopped being, pardon the redundancy, natural beings, in thinking and feeling, to become automaton beings devouring kilobytes, who transmute our ideas into fantasies, elaborated from our real self-concept, the which, through the virtual tube, is transformed into a fictitious and idealized self-concept. In this PsicologíaOnline article, we talk about the virtual personality and its seductive psychological masking.

Use of the social network

We use social networks, in most cases, as a virtual mirror in which, we recreate a perception of those ideations that we believe are essential in ourselves, but that in reality are only projections of what the ephemeral social environment, in its concepts of consumption, promotes to us.

We are falling into a parody of the portrait of Dorian Gray, in which our alter ego is shown to others, as appropriate towards the acceptance and need for affirmation coming from a virtual world, with friends, who show themselves with a wiry and made-up social profile, with people who, camouflaged behind endless photos and stories, we may never have the possibility of meeting in objective reality.

Creating a virtual personality

The problem lies when we virtualize our personality, to the point of hide from ourselves and remain abstracted and absorbed in the emptiness of, no longer thinking about who we really are, but rather who we want to show others that we are.

Thus we inevitably conceive the idea that our social profiles are ourselves, and that our physical reality becomes a second plane subordinate to that virtual reality, full of kaleidoscopes and media distortions.

We continually mask our own reality, making it our desires replace our true ideas and so in the continuum vitae, we no longer have time to be alone with ourselves, and stop just to think, who really is in our abandoned inner being, perhaps, that forgotten human being that lies beneath, even transcendent, which should communicate in a real connection, with its true dreams, goals, aspirations, desires, feelings and emotions, without restrictions or fallacious arguments, break the portrait and accept being Dorian.

It is that we are allowing our reactions to become limited to simple gestures that manifest themselves in a continuous and infinite technological input, in which our senses only need a mouse, monitor and keyboard, as means of expression.

The virtual personality and its seductive psychological masking - Creation of a virtual personality


That is why we must recover time and space that we have begun to abuse ourselves, to deny ourselves and our vital transcendence.

It is necessary to return to our dialectical beginnings, and leave room for reading and self-knowledge to once again occupy a predominant place in our lives. Find ourselves again in that virtuous solitude, in that sharing within us with our ubiquitous experiences and sensations of the intrinsic being that we have been asleep in our inner labyrinth.

Ask ourselves again every day, the reason for our existence, and how to learn to better understand our reality; and therefore, thus improving our quality of life based on the quality of our interpersonal relationships.

This is a small reflection that is directed to the collective subconscious, hoping to be a message that can be decoded, with the purpose of serving as a contribution towards the social entelechy, and that we could achieve, reissue our real essence, dethroning that virtual omnipresence, which negatively we have made room within us.

Let’s stop consuming so much technology and let’s personalize our ideas, thoughts and emotions to our liking, regardless of what social trends supposedly dictate and present to the mass media.

We create our reality in day-to-day social interaction, without restrictions of time or space, we do not allow social networks to be our main showcase to the world, but rather, they only occupy the leisure and recreation space that they essentially deserve. .

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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