Trypophobia Or Fear Of Holes, What Is This Phobia So Unknown?

Do you suffer from a phobia of holes? Do you feel like you are afraid of certain sets of figures or holes in the skin or objects? Maybe you suffer from trypophobia. Find out what it is.

The trypophobia or hole phobia It is a condition in which people feel an irrational fear of certain protuberances or small groups of holes. So much so that when seeing holes in the skin or other objects, individuals with trypophobia feel anxiety or discomfort at the sight of this. This phobia of circles or holes can affect a person’s life. But why does trypophobia arise and why do some people suffer from it?

What is trypophobia?

The trypophobia It is mainly described as the fear of holes. But this condition not only affects holes in the skin or other surfaces, but also applies to other types of protuberances. In this way, people who suffer from this pathology usually have a phobia of circles, holes in the skin or even have a phobia of geometric shapes.

One of the most surprising curiosities about people who suffer from trypophobia is that this does not only occur in a situation where there are hands with holes or circles in reality. In many cases, people who suffer from it also feel this fear of trypophobia images that is, in photographs in which this type of repeating figures appear.

Symptoms of trypophobia

In most cases this phobia of holes or someone who is trypophobic They usually present a series of common symptoms in the presence of these objects. Mainly we can detect this phobia of points or holes through these signs.

  • Emotional stress: The presence of stress when experienced trypophobia It is one of the most common symptoms. When a person who has a phobia of holes or a phobia of circles has them close, the stress regarding them is exemplified through nerves and discomfort.
  • Anxiety: Anxiety is another of the most common symptoms experienced by a trypophobic So much so that in many cases these feelings of irrational or anticipatory fear can condition the attitude of the person who suffers from trypophobia.
  • Repulsion and goosebumps: Most people who feel this fear of holes They usually have feelings of disgust and repulsion, as well as get goosebumps at any hole in the skin or any point or protuberance. This happens since in many cases goosebumps and the feeling of disgust are an evolutionary way that our body has to face dangers from nature (such as predators, poisonous fruits, among others).
  • Panic attacks: In many cases this phobia of holes together It can cause panic attacks in those people who suffer from a lot of trypophobia. In these cases, the fear of holes can cause a strong feeling of anxiety.
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The trypophobia It can condition the life of the person who suffers from it. When this happens, individuals should try to overcome these fears or seek the help of a mental health professional.

What are the triggers of trypophobia?

Triggers of trypophobia

The trypophobic They usually have certain forms that end up triggering this fear. In many cases they have the following factors that end up reproducing this condition.

  • Phobia of holes in the skin
  • Phobia of photos of holes
  • Phobia of geometric shapes
  • Phobia of holes together

Causes of trypophobia

Research has shown that the phobia of holes together or other shapes or protuberances They are usually an evolutionary response to avoid those foods or objects associated with diseases or dangers. For this reason, the causes of suffering from trypophobia are the following.

  • Association with dangerous animals : The grouped holes share some similarity in the skins or fur of some poisonous animals. This is why people can develop this fear of holes or phobia of circles
  • Relationship with infectious pathogens : This phobia of holes together or phobia of points They can also be associated with patterns of pathogens that are transmitted through the skin. Through trypophobia, people who suffer from it can keep themselves safe from some dangers found in poisonous foods.
  • Links to other disorders : In some cases the trypophobia It appears more frequently in people with anxiety and depression. Furthermore, according to some studies, it was found that the symptoms of trypophobia on the skin or other surfaces were persistent, eventually causing functional deficiencies in daily life.
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How to deal with trypophobia?

How to overcome trypophobia?

The phobia of circles or fear of holes They usually end up harming some aspects of the life of those who suffer from it. So much so that in many cases a professional psychologist must be consulted to treat these holes in the hand. Even so, specialists recommend the following attitudes or activities to confront trypophobia or the fear of holes in the skin or other surfaces.

  1. Relaxation techniques: Practicing certain relaxation exercises can help us face our phobia of geometric shapes or hands with holes related to trypophobia. In this way, activities such as yoga or meditation can help you control this fear of holes in the skin and on other surfaces.
  2. Physical activity: Physical exercise is an effective way to relax the body and mind. So much so that through physical wear and tear we can react differently to the situation. trypophobia in pictures or in reality.
  3. Deal with stress : Many times trypophobia or hole phobia It is usually more persistent when there are times of excessive stress. In these cases it is essential to try some techniques to control stress so that trypophobics do not suffer as much during these situations.
  4. Talk to a psychologist : One of the best ways to deal with trypophobia or the phobia of holes It is by consulting with a mental health professional who can treat this problem and who is capable of recognizing the symptoms and giving you guidelines for it. Furthermore, it can also be treated very effectively with hypnosis.
  5. face fear : So that trypophobia on the skin stops affecting you in your daily life, you should try to face the fear as often as possible. Rationalizing the feelings of disgust as well as the sensations that come to you in the presence of surfaces or hands with holes or other protuberances, will undoubtedly be an effective way to make the trypophobia stop conditioning your life.
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Trypophobia is one of the least popularly known fears. That is why in many cases that a trypophobic He can live with shame his fear of holes. Telling about it and seeking help will always be a good alternative if all of this causes havoc in your life. Will and internal work will be your best weapons to overcome trypophobia.