What Are Self-harming Behaviors And How To Prevent Them

What are self-harming behaviors and how to prevent them

Everyday life can cause frustrations, discomfort and anguish that last over time. This gives rise to various problems for the mental and physical health of many people when there are difficulties in channeling the unpleasant feelings that may appear. Currently, autolytic behaviors in which the person causes harm to themselves with specific intentions are booming in various populations around the world. In fact, these types of behaviors are much more common than we think and can occur in both adolescents and adults.

In this PsychologyFor article, we will explain What are self-harming behaviors and how to prevent them.

What is self-harming behavior?

Autolytic behaviors are those that a person performs with the intention of causing harm to themselves. physical harm to self. These types of manifestations can carry significant risks to their health, since there is the possibility that the person could even put their life at risk. However, it is necessary to make a distinction between the various types of self-harming behaviors in order to distinguish those that produce injuries that affect the body from those that can lead to very unfavorable consequences.

According to the DSM-V(1), this type of behavior can be classified within suicidal behavior disorder due to its characteristics. However, in order to determine an adequate diagnosis of this pathology, a series of conditions must be met. specific criteria:

  • Suicide attempts during the last 24 months.
  • The act is not linked to the relief of discomfort through self-harm.
  • There is no presence of a state of delirium or confusion.
  • The behavioral alteration is not related to the ingestion of medications and/or toxic substances.
  • The manifestations are not the product of the presence of another mental disorder.

What are self-harming behaviors and how to prevent them - What is self-harming behavior?

Causes of self-harming behaviors

In order to determine more precisely the origin of self-harming behaviors, it is important to know the most frequent causes that come into play. We show them to you below:

Genetic factors

First of all, the Genetic heritage It forms a transcendental place in the appearance of harmful situations for the person. On the one hand, there are certain neural connections that process information coming from outside associated with particular emotions.

In this sense, people who present self-harming behaviors have a greater sensitivity to situations that cause discomfort, anguish, among others. This activates both adrenaline and cortisol, two hormones related to stress. Therefore, it is important to consider whether the parents have any type of neurological alteration through a medical study.

Environmental factors

The traumatic experiences They have a triggering effect on autolytic behaviors. In general terms, the high levels of frustration, discomfort, anguish and anger that occur demonstrate the need to set a limit against these emotions.

In turn, the emotional bonds created during childhood can also determine the degree of self-harming behaviors.

What are self-harming behaviors and how to prevent them - Causes of self-harming behaviors

Types of self-harming behavior

Due to the importance of self-harming behaviors, it is necessary to focus on each of them in order to detect them in time and develop appropriate strategies. Here we will explain the types of self-harming behaviors:

  • Cuts: injuries that can be caused by using knives, scissors, among others. In general terms, they produce superficial wounds on the skin and organs of the body.
  • own blows: its meaning is linked to the fact of causing deep damage to any part of the human through the use of the hand or other object that the person uses to hurt themselves.
  • Burns: They are caused by the insertion of hot elements with fire. When this happens, these are more serious injuries than the previous ones.
  • Drilling Finally, this type of behavior leads to more serious injuries because the skin is damaged by sharp elements.

How to prevent self-harming behaviors

Finally, it is essential to know strategies to reduce the impact of this type of manifestations on the people who suffer from them. Here’s how to prevent self-harm attempts:

  • Carry out primary prevention programs: Adolescents are people who go through a process of physical and mental changes. If there are situations of vulnerability, it is necessary to provide information about the symptoms that people with self-harming behaviors present, in addition to explaining who can be turned to in emergency cases.
  • Containment thrills l: when a teenager is at risk, the help of those closest to him is essential. Therefore, in these cases empathy and trust will be key.
  • Perform psychological therapy: One of the causes of this type of behavior lies in feelings of anger, anguish and discomfort that cannot be channeled. In order to avoid severe consequences, going to a mental health professional allows the person to acquire tools to cope with complex moments.
  • Remove dangerous items: because self-harming behaviors occur with elements that endanger life, a necessary intervention is to remove those sources of risk.
  • Promote leisure activities: Performing physical, artistic or any interest activity allows the person to reduce stress levels. At the same time, social gatherings in which a warm atmosphere is generated represent a healthy moment.

What are self-harming behaviors and how to prevent them - How to prevent self-harming behaviors

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  1. American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington: Panamericana Medical Publishing.


  • Puigardeu, O., Barroso, JC, Amorós, J. (2021). Self-harming behavior in the school environment. Tools for prevention, detection and intervention. Areas of Psychopedagogy and Guidance, 55 (3), 5-26.
  • Venceslá Martínez, JF, Moriana Elvira, JA (2002). Autolytic and parasuicidal behavior. Sociodemographic characteristics in rural children and adolescents. Magazine of the Spanish Association of Neuropsychiatry, 84 (1), 49-64.

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