What Are Vitamin People Like?

What are vitamin people like?

Have you ever felt the urgent need to meet a person who can give you positive energy after a bad day? How many times have you reconsidered the importance of feeling good thanks to someone else? Social ties determine how we can feel about everyday life, since the influence they exert is noticeable.

In this sense, there are individuals who are capable of modifying our emotions, thoughts and behaviors in a favorable way, popularly called vitamin people. In this PsychologyFor article, we will provide you with information about what vitamin people are like and about the benefits of finding them and sharing with them.

What are vitamin people

Vitamin people are those human beings who have the ability to modify the perception of the events they experience through an optimistic outlook. In this way, vitamin people produce positive energy and motivate to achieve new goals, generate desires for improvement, and provide a greater sense of personal well-being and security. In other words, they are a type of people who highlight the virtues of others.

The name “vitamin people” acquires resonance with the field of biology, given that vitamins are a necessary condition for the human body to function correctly. In this way, these people help reduce cortisol levels, which rise due to stress, and the vitality they transmit increases oxytocin. In this article you will find other ways to lower cortisol.

Listening ability

Vitamin people are very attentive, they listen to other people’s problems and offer solutions to the conflicts that arise, instead of taking a negative stance on situations. In order to achieve this, they put aside prejudices and beliefs that affect them in a pejorative way. In this article we explain in more detail how to eliminate prejudices and stereotypes.


The fact of putting yourself in someone else’s shoes is another of the qualities of vitamin people. These types of individuals are able to put themselves in someone else’s shoes and empathize with how the other person thinks, acts or feels at a given moment. In this way, empathy gives the possibility of establishing close ties in which security, trust and tranquility stand out.

What vitamin people are like - Empathy

Good humor

If there is something that stands out about vitamin people, it is the predominance of good humor to face adverse situations in daily life. When these individuals convey this optimistic vision, people gain a different perspective about their conflicts.

Given this, good humor includes the act of smiling and laughing. For this reason, a person’s mood usually improves after being in contact with vitamin people.

emotional containment

When someone experiences an unpleasant situation, they usually see both the present and the future with disappointment. In the face of contingencies, it is important to have people who provide support and emotional containment to be able to go through complex moments in the best possible way of the life. Vitamin people manage to establish bonds of this nature so that other human beings can trust in their abilities to get ahead.

Resolving capacity

How to identify a vitamin person? Another trait of vitamin people is their problem-solving ability. Unlike those who take a critical look at a problem that does not lead to any solution, these human beings They have the virtue of being objective face the obstacles that arise and develop possible solutions. Therefore, this generates relief and well-being.

What vitamin people are like - Resolving capacity

Focus on the present

Another peculiarity of vitamin people is that, even though they have experienced certain events in the past that bring feelings of anguish, discomfort, anxiety and anger, they are clear that the fundamental thing is to focus on the present, given that it is the moment they are in. happening in everyday life. He think and act according to what is happening at the moment present allows us to remove consistency from the past and the future.

Constructive look

Vitamin people transmit positive energy and usually have a look that allows them to learn something from an unpleasant situation. Unlike human beings who focus on the negative aspects of a specific event, people vitamin They try to build learning that serves as a reference to know how to act in the future.

Generation of physical well-being

What does it mean to be a vitamin person? Being someone who generates a feeling of physical well-being through the release of oxytocin. This hormone is directly related to the happiness and love that can be felt in the body. In order to have this quality, vitamin people usually make use of gestures, such as hugs and warm words. If you are curious about knowing how to generate physical well-being for others, in this article you will find information about the types of hugs and their meaning.

What vitamin people are like - Generation of physical well-being

Benefits of finding people vitamin

Now that you know what vitamin people are like, you will see that it is clear that establishing links with these types of people brings interesting benefits to everyday life. Next, we will talk about the main benefits of finding people vitamin:

  • They encourage you to be your best version: Meeting with individuals who seek personal improvement gives the possibility of highlighting each person’s strengths and working on their defects.
  • Reduce cortisol levels in the blood: When you interact with vitamin people, stress levels are reduced and cortisol in the central nervous system is reduced. In turn, serotonin and oxytocin help you relax, both physically and mentally.
  • Improve self-esteem: the perception that a person may have of themselves improves when a social bond is established with a vitamin person. This occurs due to the trust and security transmitted, which highlight the virtues and positive qualities of each person.
  • Strengthen a positive vision: since vitamin people reflect an active, decisive and positive attitude towards life, they spread this way of life to others. Therefore, by interacting with this type of people, you can strengthen this perspective in a lasting way over time.

This article is merely informative, at PsychologyFor we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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  • Rojas Estapé, M. (2021). Find your vitamin person. Barcelona: Planet.

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