What Should Internal Communication Management Be Like In Organizations?

There is a widespread myth according to which organizations and companies must dedicate themselves to two main areas of work: offering an attractive image to the outside, showing their most “friendly” and human side to the outside, on the one hand, and to the inside. , managing both material resources and personnel as if they were the pieces of a money-generating machine, on the other.

That is to say: control as much as possible the image and information that is given behind closed doors through marketing, and adopt mechanical and cost-benefit logic behind closed doors, without communicating beyond what is strictly necessary for employees to know. what to do to do your job.

This idea is not only tremendously reductionist: it is also completely misguided. Not in vain does marketing have a presence both inside and outside organizations, and one of its pillars, Public Relations, dedicates a good part of its work to managing internal communication flows between the teams, departments and individual workers that make up the companies.. Therefore, throughout this article we will talk about the keys to taking advantage of internal communication in this type of contexts

    Characteristics of internal communication in companies and organizations

    To properly manage internal communication flows in the context of companies, The first thing is to understand the nature of this class of phenomena, its fundamental characteristics This involves learning the theory and practice of information exchanges that take place both in organizations in general and in the one in which we work in particular, which involves observing and training for months. Now, the most important thing is summarized below.

      Internal communication in the company

        What should internal communication management be like?

        These are several of the fundamental principles to take into account when managing internal communication flows in companies and organizations of all types.

        1. You are always communicating, even when nothing is said

        This is one of the most universal principles of communication, and it is fulfilled in all types of communicative exchange. Silence, the fact of not speaking out about something relevant at a certain time and place, It also says a lot about the issuer

          2. Internal communication strategies must be consistent

          Lack of coherence in what is said can cause even more confusion than saying nothing at all. A mistake of this type can alter work dynamics in a single day and generate misunderstandings with a high economic and social capital cost because of the discomfort generated.

            3. Aesthetics also communicate, so you have to take advantage of it

            Not everything is reduced to the text The world of graphic design has a lot to say in the field of internal communication, and visual and audiovisual resources must be used to express the identity and philosophy of the organization, just as occurs with advertising directed toward potential consumers and clients.. That is why there are style manuals, graphic resources that are associated with the company, etc.

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            4. Internal communication must be supported by technological advances

            Nowadays there are such advanced technological tools that it is inexcusable not to have communication channels planned that allow messages to be sent quickly and directed to the appropriate people and groups. Workers expect to be able to use them and if you cannot offer them this, their satisfaction with the organization will decrease.

            5. What is important must be communicated through official channels

            If a dynamic is created in which the most relevant information is expressed only informally (for example, in a meeting at the bar after work) this will give rise to dynamics of inequality and grievance which will surely cause discomfort, because people with less personal relationship with senior and intermediate positions will be at a disadvantage. Communicating correctly also means preventing imbalances of this type from being generated.

            6. Communication flows must be coupled with internal promotion plans

            Internal promotion mechanisms must go hand in hand with clear and understandable communication and application protocols for all people who choose to promote. In this way, there will be that “valve” that allows company members to see their future in the company they are in, because they know that it can offer them incentives and opportunities to continue developing.

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            7. Internal communication must be informed by the field of labor relations

            This will avoid creating conflicts will facilitate cooperation with unions and guarantee that worker rights are not violated due to simple ignorance.

            8. Upward communication should not be forgotten

            Some managers make the mistake that internal communication is reduced to passing work “instructions” to employees, from top to bottom This causes problems to accumulate, because when a problem or cause of job dissatisfaction arises, workers have no way to express it until an internal crisis breaks out.

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            Do you want to learn about managing communication flows in companies?

            If you are interested in training in this and other areas of Human Resources direction and management, the Master in Selection and Talent Management from the University of Malaga is for you. It is a training program that lasts a year and a half and addresses the two main areas of HR: the selection and recruitment of personnel taking into account the jobs to be filled and the needs of the organization, and the development and implementation practice of strategies to motivate, resolve conflicts, train and create an adequate organizational climate so that the company can retain talent without depending on the constant entry of new personnel.

            In addition, professionals from several of the main companies operating in Spanish territory, as well as experts in the field of behavioral sciences, participate in this Master’s degree as teachers. To find out more, contact the University of Malaga (UMA).