Why You Don’t Set Goals (and How You Can Solve It)

Why don't you set goals and how you can solve it

If you have desires and dreams in your life, you can say that you are very close to having what is understood as “a meaningful life.”

Wanting to achieve certain things in life is not something typical of deluded people, but many philosophers and therapists have reflected on it, coming to the conclusion that having in mind that desire to achieve something is what really brings individuals closer to happiness. .

The famous Austrian neurologist, psychiatrist and philosopher Viktor Frankl, author of the famous book Man’s Search for Meaningexpresses this idea in one of his best-known statements: “The greatest need of the human being is to have the sensation of meaning or purpose in life “.

Setting goals: requirement to be happy

As Frankl suggests, we need to have a purpose, something to move toward each day, to have a fulfilling life. So that this purpose, desire or dream does not remain a chimera, it is advisable to bring it down to earth, make it tangible, and the simplest way is turn it into a realistic and measurable goal or objective (or several) to be able to direct the daily steps to achieve it.

This transformation of our dreams into goals so that we can really achieve them may seem simple, but if it were so, there would not be as much existential emptiness as we can sometimes find around us. There are several reasons why people do not set goals and we detail them below.

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    3 reasons why we don’t set goals

    1. We do not give importance to goals

    It is thought that living on autopilot, doing what society dictates or fitting in with what makes us feel more or less good, is living. But really It’s like life lacks content Having something to focus our main life energy on can completely transform the way we experience life. If a ‘why’ guides our steps, the path is easier than if we walk without meaning.

      2. We don’t know how to set goals

      Setting an objective or goal is not just thinking “I want to achieve this.” In fact, that simple formulation is worthless. The goal must be defined in a realistic and specific way and with time frames. If not, we won’t be aiming for anything. But, in addition, we must make its achievement challenging and motivating because, if not, we may give up on it at the first opportunity.

      3. We are afraid of failure

      The fear that the goal will not be achieved is one of the main reasons why it is not established directly Living in the comfort of conformity is for some much better than living with a motivation that makes you get up excited every morning. Of course, sometimes a goal may not be achieved, but the process that is experienced to achieve it will make life transform and resemble what really makes us happy and fulfills us.

        Coaching: what you need to set goals (and achieve them)

        A very simple way to understand the difference between Coaching and other disciplines with which it is confused, such as Psychology and Mentoring, is that Coaching focuses mainly on helping with what we have talked about in this article: how to turn purpose into goals and objectives and what steps to take to achieve them. That is to say, The methodology of a Coaching process is focused on goals A coach works with his client not only to establish them in a realistic, achievable and measurable way, but also accompanies him to create the action plan to achieve them successfully. We can say that the coach guides the coach to discover what the meaning of his life is.

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        In our school we train coaches with solid theoretical and practical knowledge of the methodology of the coaching process, always focused on the achievement of goals and objectives. They are students, therefore, who leave our classrooms trained to be able to help as professional coaches those people who want to give meaning to their lives by achieving their dreams in a realistic and practical way.