Wishful Thinking: What It Is And How ‘wishful Thinking’ Affects Us

Most of the time, desires are subordinated to reality. It is impossible to think that it is sunny – no matter how much we long for it – when we are walking in the rain. However, the theory of wishful thinking suggests that when we defend an idea we believe in, the boundaries of reality begin to disappear.

People cannot believe the most implausible things simply because they want to. Wishful thinking in English refers to the type of thinking that uses emotions and decides based on what would be more pleasant to imagine instead of using evidence or rationality as a basis to determine actions or opinions.

In this article we explain What does illusory thinking consist of? its foundations, as well as its main consequences when making decisions.

    What is wishful thinking?

    It is said that human beings are rational beings; However, when deciding or forming opinions, a multitude of cognitive biases operate.

    Wishful thinking refers, in psychology, to the process of forming opinions and making decisions. using desires and emotions, instead of relying on facts or rationality Illusionary thinking is based on emotions and is a product of the conflict between desire and reality.

    Research suggests that if the situation remains static, people tend to imagine a positive resolution to events; This is known as optimism bias. Otherwise, for example, if some type of threat or negative event occurs, the reverse situation occurs and people tend to imagine a negative resolution to the situation.

    In the case of illusory thinking, the subject only contemplates the arguments and events that support his opinion, he stops observing contrary evidence. Consequently, this type of decision-making process is considered to be based mainly on emotions.

    Wishful thinking

    However, even if it lacks rationality, sometimes favorable consequences can be derived from this cognitive bias. The so-called “Pygmalion effect” describes how illusory thinking can positively influence decision making, and help get better results

    Forming accurate opinions based on evidence or rationality is a fundamental process when deciding, whether we are talking about politics, business strategy or any type of interaction that involves negotiating.

    As Melnikoff asks in his article on motivation bias: When a lawyer defends his client or when a manager defends a new business strategy, are they limited by reality? Or does the objective make reality more easily distorted?

    A concrete example of wishful thinking could be Tarot predictions. A person encouraged by a positive reading of cards, in which he is told that he is about to meet the love of his life, could suggest himself in different ways to make this happen, go out more than normal, be kinder to people. people you know etc. Although this does not mean that the relationship will turn out well, we can observe the effect on behavior that delusional thinking can produce

    The wishful thinking process suggests that, when deciding, people will only value options that produce a positive outcome. At the same time, those possibilities in which the consequences are negative will be denied or not processed.

    For this reason, wishful thinking is considered a form of bias and an inadequate process when guiding our behavior. This also implies a logical fallacy, in which one believes that something will be true simply by desiring it

    As we see, numerous studies suggest that beliefs can be distorted if we have pre-established objectives, although current theories affirm that what is known as motivated bias, that is, the beliefs imposed by our desires, disappear when reality is firm.

      Fundamentals of wishful thinking

      Behind illusory thinking is imagination and desire, where evidence and reality are ignored to meet pre-established objectives or obtain the desired result.

      Imagination is a human capacity that allows us to create or draw situations that are not real, that is, to make a representation in the absence of existing objects or situations. Although this capacity is not negative per se, since it is not only the foundation of artistic creation, it can also help us in the context of decision-making, for example, allowing us to imagine possible scenarios and anticipate results in different contexts. However, in wishful thinking, Not only is the imagination used, but the force of objective desire causes reality to be ignored and the different evidence, which can lead to a series of unnecessary risks.

      It is in this process of denial where illusion intervenes above all. This manifests itself as a wrong interpretation of an event, but it does not cease to have a relationship with reality. An example that shows this correlation are mirages: the person dying of thirst in the desert will see an oasis of water. The desire, or in this case the need for water, will make us see the oasis.

      Illusions, in some cases, are difficult to recognize, since they can take the form of reality. If we analyze it, when we buy the lottery we have a ticket. Therefore, it is important when deciding and making decisions or setting objectives, to be as realistic as possible and to have the greatest amount of evidence. Too much wishful thinking can lead to frustration and discouragement; On the contrary, a series of realistic goals will allow us to maintain motivation and, in the long run, better self-esteem.

        Consequences of wishful thinking

        The illusory thinking process involves denying evidence and rationality, therefore, it lacks objectivity. This most of the time leads to making wrong decisions with negative consequences for the subject.

        There are different pseudosciences that are based on illusory thinking and the power of the mind as a method to achieve our goals. The placebo effect could also be a kind of wishful thinking, the positive effect of which has been demonstrated. However, the negative side of thinking this way could cause us not to go to the doctor or undergo necessary treatment, because we think that we can cure ourselves only by wanting to do so.

        Another case of wishful thinking would have to do with our true capabilities Let’s imagine a person who wants to be a great concert artist and spends hours and hours imagining his performances and how he receives a standing ovation from the audience at the end of the performance. However, when push comes to shove he dedicates very few hours to what would really make him a better pianist, rehearsing.

        As we see, this type of thinking can have negative consequences for self-esteem in the long run; since only with imagination and desire the person will never achieve their objectives and goals. Realistic thinking would involve analyzing what real abilities you have and how many hours and years of study are needed to become a great piano professional.

        But, Why does our mind deceive us? Why is it due to irrational thoughts and cognitive biases? Apparently, the explanation would be in evolution; When making decisions, our brain cannot take into account all the necessary parameters. This way of acting was very beneficial for our ancestors, since they lived surrounded by external threats and it was important to quickly activate escape mechanisms.

        However, we no longer live in an environment to which we have to continually adapt. And this way of thinking, rather than helping us, seems to limit us when it comes to making certain informed decisions; opting for our desires, instead of reality.

        In conclusion, wishful thinking is based on imagination and desire, and although it may be positive in some specific case, as in the case of the “Pygmalion effect”, in the long run this decision process and belief formation affects our self-esteem and self-concept. Making decisions based on emotion and imagination, without taking reality into account, can cause frustration and other unpleasant feelings.