11 Symptoms Of Depression In Adolescents: How To Help Them?

Do you think your teenager has depression? How to detect depression in adolescents? Discover the main symptoms of depression in adolescence and how to deal with it.

Depression in adolescents

Sometimes teenagers can seem overly irritable or unhappy because of all the changes they experience during this time. Of course, it is normal that at some point adolescents may feel these emotions, but when these feelings become too recurrent we may be facing a case of depressive disorder. So what are the main signs of depression in adolescents?

What is depression in adolescents?

In the same way that happens with adults, adolescents can suffer from a depressive disorder. However, the symptoms of depression in adolescents They usually manifest themselves in different ways than in adults.

This happens because adolescents face different social and developmental challenges, such as the pressure to fit into a group, changes in hormonal and physical levels, the indecision of not knowing which path to choose for adulthood, among others. . The depression in adolescents It can lead to high levels of stress, anxiety and in the most serious cases even suicidal tendencies. Furthermore, suffering from this disorder can end up affecting all areas of the adolescent’s life.

Symptoms of depression in adolescents

The symptoms of depression in adolescents They can be difficult for parents to detect. The reason for this is that most of the signs of this disorder can be confused with the typical feelings of puberty and adolescent development. However, some of the characteristics that we must take into account to detect depression in young people are the following:

  1. Mood alterations: Seemingly sad most of the time, being irritable about everything, or even crying at the slightest, can be a sign of depression in adolescents Bad temper or extreme sensitivity can be a characteristic of this disorder.
  2. Changes in weight or lack of appetite: One of the symptoms of depression in adolescents It can be observed through behavior around food. Eating less than usual or lack of appetite may be due to this disorder.
  3. Lack of interest: If the person has lost total interest in the activities they previously enjoyed, it may be a characteristic of suffering from a depressive disorder.
  4. Boredom: Constant boredom can also be a sign that we are facing a case of teenage depression
  5. Difficulties concentrating: The inability to concentrate, which can translate into poorer school results, may be a trait that indicates a depression in young people
  6. Feelings of guilt or worthlessness: Constantly expressing a feeling of guilt or feeling worthless can be a sign of a depressive disorder in adolescents
  7. Alcohol or drug abuse: Many teenagers may try to cope with symptoms of depression through the abusive use of alcohol and drugs.
  8. Changes in sleeping habits: The depression in adolescents It may involve changes in sleep patterns, because the symptoms of this disorder can cause insomnia or excessive sleepiness.
  9. Talking about or thinking about suicide: This is one of the symptoms of depression in adolescents more dangerous. In these cases, it is important to help the person and receive immediate medical and psychological attention.
  10. Social isolation: Avoiding going to certain events or stopping going out with friends can be one of the signs that we are facing a depression in adolescents
  11. Self-harm: Self-harm, such as cutting or burning, is a clear warning sign. Although the intention of these behaviors is not usually to end one’s life, we must take them very seriously.
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If you detect many of these symptoms, it is likely that you are facing a case of depression in adolescents In these cases, it is vital to immediately go to a professional psychologist to receive effective treatment.

Symptoms of depression in adolescents

Cause of depression in adolescents

There are multiple reasons why a teenager may be depressed. Among the most common causes of depression in young people we find the following:

  • Low levels of certain neurotransmitters: Research has shown that adolescent brains are structurally different from those of adults. In fact, the adolescents with depression They have lower than standard levels of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine.
  • Traumas: A traumatic event in childhood can end up leaving a ‘imprint’ on the adolescent’s personality and behavior. This, if left untreated, can have lasting effects on the adolescent’s brain that could contribute to developing depression.
  • Genetics: Studies show that depression has a strong biological component. That is, it can be transmitted from parents to children. Teens who have a close relative with depression, especially a parent, are more likely to have depression.
  • Learned pattern of negative thinking: Adolescents regularly exposed to pessimistic thinking, especially from their parents, may also end up developing depression.

There are many reasons why a depression in adolescents School performance, social status, sexual orientation or family life can have a very important effect on how a teenager feels.

Treatment of adolescent depression

There are a wide variety of methods to treat depression. The most common and effective treatment used to deal with depression in adolescents It is precisely medications and psychotherapy. Additionally, family therapy can also be helpful when depression may be due to family conflict.

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How to help a teenager with depression?

It is normal for parents with a case of depression in adolescents Ask yourself what you can do to help your children. In addition to going to a mental health specialist, we recommend that you take the following into account:

  • Use positive reinforcement: Instead of punishing teens for a bad act, it is better to use positive reinforcement for good behavior.
  • Allow yourself to make mistakes: Overprotecting or making decisions for adolescents can be perceived as a lack of faith in their abilities. This can contribute to them feeling insecure about themselves.
  • Don’t force them to take your path: Avoid trying to reflect on the decisions your child makes. Each person experiences adolescence differently.
  • Listen to them: Take time to listen carefully to your child’s concerns. Even though you may not think this is a really worrying problem, remember that it can seem very real to someone who is developing.
  • Suggest that he talk about his feelings: If you think that he doesn’t open up to you, a good idea may be to suggest that he talk about his problems with other people close to him so that they can advise him better.

It is vitally important that adolescents with depression receive treatment from a mental health professional. Adolescence is a stage full of emotions that will mark adult life.