Depression is a psychological disorder that is fueled by many of the actions carried out by the person with this disorder. And its symptoms lead us to fall into a vicious circle from which it is difficult to get out; Hence, in the face of this psychopathology, it is essential to have professional psychotherapeutic support.
In this article We will see what are the habits that reinforce depression and what you should avoid if you think you suffer from this mood disorder.
What is depression?
Major depression, or clinical depression, is one of the most widespread and frequent psychopathologies among the general population, affecting around 5% of people worldwide. It is, furthermore, one of the most disabling in its severe versions, and is associated with the danger of ending one’s own life, since one of its characteristic symptoms is suicidal ideation.
However, beyond depression as it is described and defined in the diagnostic manuals used in psychiatry, there is a whole series of depressive-type symptoms that we can present in certain phases of life, even if they are not so serious as to cause that become clinical depression. And depression is not a clearly defined psychological disorder; We can all move closer or further away from it, it is partly a matter of degrees of intensity of discomfort and dysfunctional behavior patterns.
Some of the characteristic symptoms of depression are the following (although keep in mind that this disorder can only be diagnosed by mental health professionals):
On the other hand, depression is not something that arises within us and affects us in a unidirectional way. We can also participate in its maintenance or weakening as we will see in the next section.
5 habits and routines that feed depression
If you notice that you may have developed depression or that you are showing symptoms associated with it, keep in mind these habits that reinforce depression to avoid them in your daily life, as they can contribute to this psychopathology becoming consolidated in you.
1. Neglecting one’s own hygiene
One of the factors that reinforce depression most quickly is ignoring self-care and body hygiene routines: not showering, not combing your hair, not changing your clothes, etc.
This makes the person feel even worse in a few days due to the physical sensations produced by the dirt. : itchy skin, a bad smell that distracts you, a tendency to sneeze due to the accumulation of dust in your hair and face… and of course, avoidance of social interactions outside the home “so that they don’t see me like that.”
It is a dynamic in which people with depression fall into without realizing it. because they postpone again and again the decision to wash and take care of themselves in general, assuming that it is a waste of time.
The living conditions fostered by this, based on the management of physical discomfort and social isolation, are a breeding ground for the development and consolidation of depressive disorders.
2. Locking yourself in the room all day or not getting out of bed
This type of lifestyle characterized by an extreme sedentary lifestyle not only harms your physical health, but also affects your mental health, making it easier for depression to gain strength. The lack of sources of motivation and external stimuli is one of the factors that strengthen this mood disorder. and the passivity produced by depression is in turn a psychological aspect that allows it to perpetuate itself, leading you to fall into a vicious circle.
That is why one of the most effective procedures against depression used in psychotherapy is what is known as behavioral activation, and consists of helping the patient learn to “force themselves” to carry out activities that lead them to interact with the environment. physically, instead of limiting itself to introspective actions. In this way, her emotional state is influenced through observable actions.
3. Tendency to sleep little
Because of the disorganized lifestyle fostered by depression (and in part, because of the anxiety that many of those who develop this disorder end up suffering from), many depressed people end up getting little sleep.
This causes them to have serious concentration difficulties and lack of energy, which is why They find it more difficult to adopt a healthy lifestyle and achieve the objectives set in the psychotherapy program and, furthermore, this physical wear and tear will contribute to maintaining the emotional disturbance since the nervous system will not be able to repair itself well.
Therefore, it is important to set a very clear schedule and establish the necessary routines so that when it is time to go to bed, it is possible to do so, instead of falling into the temptation of postponing it.
4. Use of work as a refuge to escape
As we have seen, depression is characterized by passivity. However, this is compatible with using work as an excuse not to think, a way to escape and feel nothing more than the urgency of reaching a certain productivity goal in a matter of minutes or hours.
Not all people with depression do this (in the most severe cases, they lack the energy to do it), but these cases are not rare, and they never contribute to the person’s recovery. In fact, This type of “binge work” produces emotional instability which can lead the person to develop an anxious-depressive condition.
5. Staying in bed for a long time after waking up
It has been observed that, in people with depression, The moment of waking up is usually one of the times of the day in which the symptoms of this disorder suffer most intensely.
Therefore, many people choose to stay in bed, because they feel they need to deal with those emotions. However, in most cases this does not help, and only serves to establish a dysfunctional routine that helps depression perpetuate itself through observable actions like that.
Are you looking for professional psychological assistance?
If you are going through a difficult time in your life and are experiencing persistent emotional distress, We invite you to contact our team of psychotherapy professionals.
In our psychology center located in Madrid (Ciudad Lineal) we offer coverage to all areas of mental health, serving adults, children and adolescents. We can also help you through the online therapy format via video call.