5 Important Values ​​in Leadership

Important values ​​in leadership

Throughout your life, you have surely belonged to various groups, be it work, soccer team, entrepreneur club, studies, etc.

What you may have noticed in each of these groups is that there is a common pattern, a person who guides and directs the other members that make up the group with values Who are these people? They are the leaders.

    The functions of the leader

    A leader is a person capable of managing or directing a team or group of people towards a certain objective or common good. Through leadership, The leader possesses and develops skills that influence the behavior and thinking of the group

    The qualities of the leader are linked to their personality; and the abilities he possesses are related to his abilities. But good leadership is based on values ​​that are related to the deepest and most intimate part of the leader; that is, with his motivations and needs.

    Values ​​to lead

    Values ​​influence the way the leader guides others and the work environment that promotes to achieve the common goal or good. All of this is evident in the performance, whether of a company, association, soccer team, etc.

      Key values ​​in leadership

      I am going to present to you the five main leadership values ​​that you should consider if you want to be a good leader:

      1. Respect

      Respect is essential for good leadership. A good leader recognizes the value of the members he leads, and This is reciprocal because the subordinates also respect the leader Through respect, an environment of equality is maintained between the leader and others. Furthermore, through the value of respect, the leader recognizes the individual capabilities and qualities of each member and does not act with superiority.

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      2. Trust

      Another important value within good leadership is the trust that sustains the relationship between leader and subordinates. Trust occurs in two ways, the first is the trust that the leader has in himself; That is, he trusts in his leadership abilities and qualities to generate trust in others. If the leader does not have self-confidence, the subordinates They will notice and may stop trusting your ability as a leader

      The good leader also trusts and enhances the capabilities and abilities of his subordinates to be able to delegate functions within the team. He recognizes the talents of his team and seeks to empower those people for the benefit of better performance of the company, business, etc.

        3. Responsibility

        Responsibility is another important value of good leadership. We all know what responsibility entails, which is assuming the consequences of every action, but a good responsible leader not only assumes the consequences, but also Before taking an action, he or she takes great care and analyzes the possible consequences of his or her decisions

        A good leader knows that he should not act impulsively and that he should be responsible for his decisions: before, during and after.

        4. Honesty

        Through the value of honesty, a good leader practices sincerity, justice and truth within his team. Good leadership prioritizes ethics, which through honesty generates a culture of trust within the group. The leader who practices the value of honesty is honest with himself and others always seeks to communicate the truth directly and clearly.

          5. Empathy

          Through the value of empathy, the good leader seeks to put himself in the shoes of others to understand their emotions, needs and opinions that will help him guide them better. For this reason, the leader places great importance on contact and accessibility with his subordinates. He makes himself available and always encourages networking to form a higher performing team since through direct contact he knows the capabilities and abilities of others.

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          When I work with leaders and entrepreneurs, there is often a void. An emptiness and a loss of the north that is difficult to explain. In many cases it is because They have become disconnected from their values ​​and their countervalues ​​are dominating their lives

          Leading from values ​​is liberating. It is what reconnects many leaders with their north, and for people who are in that professional reinvention, it gives them solid pillars to redesign their professional future.