How To Give Constructive Criticism: 11 Simple And Effective Tips

Constructive criticism

Constructive criticism is an intrinsic part of the assertive communication process When we are able to clearly express our points of view, being empathetic with others, we can give good constructive criticism. Of course, it is a somewhat delicate process.

In this article we are going to see what are the steps to follow to make constructive criticism about the other person’s actions, way of being or performance.

What is constructive criticism?

The process of making constructive criticism responds to several factors to take into account, but The basis of all suggestions about what can be done to improve something will always be empathy that is held by the other person.

When we are concerned about the development of another person, in any of their areas, we only want this person to be able to improve their abilities, and for this we need to express what are the aspects in which they could change their way of behaving (from Our point of view).

Therefore, to make a criticism with the best intentions, we need to be able to put ourselves in the other person’s shoes and feel how things are from their perspective.

It is not only necessary to think about the consequence of improving, the final product, but also we must consider the present moment in which the improvement has not yet occurred: What concerns, insecurities and expectations does the other have? How can you take direct criticism?

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How to make constructive criticism?

These are several tips and recommendations on how to properly give constructive criticism.

1. Have knowledge about the subject

Giving an opinion about something we don’t know is not constructive at all; on the contrary, instead of adding, we will be subtracting.

The most advisable thing before providing your criticism to a person is that you make sure you have minimal knowledge of the topic on which you are going to give your opinion. If not, give your opinion that way could be seen as an unwarranted intrusion and a waste of time

Constructive criticism

2. Perform an assessment of the situation

Before giving your point of view about a person’s performance, it is necessary that you evaluate which variables are influencing the final result. In this way, in your constructive criticism you will be able to provide more exact information about the aspects where the person must improve.

For example, it may be that the person already knows that they are not doing well in college, but this is primarily due not to their lack of organization or study skills but to the simple fact that they work in the afternoons and have no energy left. for study.

3. Make sure to include positive aspects

When you prepare to make some constructive criticism, the ideal is that you do not focus only on the aspects to be corrected about the person, but that you also take care of highlighting its virtues This goes a long way to reinforcing the other person’s motivation to continue progressing.

4. Take into consideration the moment

We must be opportune when criticizing positively. It is necessary that we take into consideration the moment in which we are going to express our points of view to the other

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For example, there are situations in which criticism of any kind, due to cultural aspects, generates rejection because distracts from what is important A clear example: criticizing the organization of a funeral. Sometimes it is necessary to wait for the right situation to avoid being disrespectful, since even though the other person knows that we have bad intentions, we can cause discomfort.

But in addition to this way in which the context influences the appropriateness of constructive criticism, we must also take into account that this can change the meaning of words In cases like this it is not so much about distracting from what is important, but rather about avoiding misunderstandings due to the very content of our criticism, which can be interpreted as an attack or a reproach due to the simple fact of the place in which it is said or because of what happened right after.

For example, if after seeing how a person humiliates our friend we try to help him by giving him advice on how to prevent it from affecting him but to do so we use an adjective that the other person has previously used in his attack, it may seem that we take what is good. What he said even though it was not an insult.

5. Consider the location

As with the moment, we also need to carefully review whether the place where we are is the most appropriate to make the observations that we would like to make to someone about their performance.

The idea is that we can motivate to improve, do not create uncomfortable situations

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6. The type of language

Clear language should always be used. Let’s not leave any ideas up in the air, because this can lead to misunderstandings. We must address, point by point, what our observations and recommendations are.

We do not want to generate rejection, but rather a bond of trust with the subject.

7. Reinforce your goals

It is important to emphasize the objectives that the other person intends to achieve.

It’s good to remind you how much you want to do it and that it’s worth the effort to achieve it, always ensuring that these objectives are achievable based on the subject’s possibilities.

8. Allow the opportunity for replication

Once you finish expressing your constructive criticism, Make sure you give the other person the right to reply It is necessary that the communication be two-way and the other person also has the opportunity to give their point of view on your suggestions.

9. Control the tone of voice

The tone of voice we use to communicate our opinions will largely determine how the communication dynamics will be

We must not be hostile so that the other person does not feel accepted. The calmer we are, the better.

10. Take into account the availability of the other person

There are people who are not available to receive criticism, no matter how constructive it may be. In the first instance we can try an approach to give our criticisms, but if the subject is not receptive to them, it is best not to insist too much.

11. Take into account the other person’s possibilities

Identify whether the other person has the necessary resources to change their situation or if, on the contrary, it is something that is beyond your control.

In the event that the subject cannot change his real situation, avoid criticizing him, and only offer him your support and support to the extent you can.