‘I’m Not Happy’: Why Do I Feel Sad Despite Having Everything I Want?

‘I’m not happy with anything’ Why can’t I be happy? Discover the psychological reason behind phrases like ‘I’m unhappy despite having everything I want’.

Why I'm not happy?

We all want to be happy. But each of us does not experience happiness in the same way. Therefore, phrases like ‘ I’m not happy, even though I have everything ‘ can resonate in our thoughts and make us ask the reason for this sensation.

The reason for this is that we each experience life in a different way. This implies that there may be multiple reasons why people They are not happy even though they have everything they want and need to be one.

Why can not I be happy?

When a person wants to be happy and can’t, it means that something is not going well, that is, something is missing in their life even though it seems that they already have everything they need. Finding the reason for this problem is the first step to start ending the ‘I am unhappy ‘ and change it to ‘I’m happy’. Among the most common reasons, psychologists highlight the following.

  1. Lack of meaning: He ‘I’m not happy with anything ‘ may be a sign that there is a lack of meaning in our lives. That is, not having a goal or purpose can cause people to end up becoming depressed in their daily lives. Therefore, it may be that ‘I’m not happy’ is because you need a ‘why’ in your life.
  2. Low self-esteem: Sometimes he not be happy It is because a person perceives himself as someone of little value both to others and to himself. Different studies, such as the one presented in “Does high self-esteem cause better performance, interpersonal success, happiness or healthier lifestyles?” Conducted by psychologist Roy Baumeister, they relate self-esteem to the happiness that a person has regarding their life.
  3. Pessimistic personality: If you see everything in black, it is normal that you will not be able to be happy even though you have everything you want. Sometimes our intrusive thoughts do not allow us to see the reality around us. To try to change this kind of attitude towards life, it is important that you question the ideas that arise in your mind.
  4. High expectations: In some cases, having high expectations can be beneficial. But, when these are excessively high it can be counterproductive. In these cases, it is very possible that phrases like ‘I can’t be happy’ arise in your thoughts because of it.
  5. Lack of social connection: The increase in profiles on social networks and the use of the internet has caused people to end up replacing their face-to-face relationships with this type of connections. In these cases, it is normal to feel that there is a tendency to not be happy, because there is a lack in our real social connections.
  6. Problems in our mental or physical health: Sometimes the reason why phrases like ‘I have everything and I’m not happy ‘ defines you is precisely a sign that there is a problem in either your mental or physical health. If you suspect this, you should not wait any longer to go to your doctor or professional psychologist.
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Reasons why I am not happy

Steps to find out why I am not happy with my life

Sometimes it’s hard to understand why you can’t be happy despite having everything you want. Therefore, there is a series of questions or advice that can help you understand what is behind this unhappiness.

  • Think about what ‘happy’ means to you: Sometimes, people let ourselves be carried away by what we believe will make us happy due to the ideas that others have instilled in us. Maybe your parents have told you that you should have a career to be happy, or your partner wants to move in with you and you are not yet ready for it. Each life is unique and you should not let others design yours. If you make others take the reins of your life, the ‘I’m not happy ‘ will resonate in your thoughts and actions.
  • Review your expectations: Very high expectations can cause us a lot of unhappiness. In this case, it is important to make decisions to know what to focus our attention on and also have time to rest. Fill your schedules with tasks it won’t make you happier, on the contrary you will end up frustrated because it will be impossible to achieve what you set out to do. Remember that we all have a limit and we must know it in order to respect it. How do I know why I am unhappy?
  • Examine your way of thinking: Psychologist Albert Ellis, in his Theory of Rational Emotive Behavior (REBT), established that the real event is not what affects us, but the interpretation and thoughts we have about it. In this way, the way we think can change the attitude we have about it. If you think that the ‘I am unhappy in my life ‘ may come from your way of thinking, it is important that you start taking the initiative to stop these negative thoughts.
  • Make a pros and cons list: An excellent way to be able to examine what is happening or what we really want in our life is to see the positive and the negative in it. To see what you like or don’t like in your life, making this list can be a good strategy.
  • Rest: Sometimes pauses help us clarify our ideas. Therefore, resting and taking time to disconnect can help you know the answer to the ‘Why can not I be happy?’.
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It is obvious that our happiness is subjective and therefore, only we have the answer to how to achieve it. When a person feels the phrase of ‘I’m not happy’ Inside, it is important that you try to find out the why behind it. A professional psychologist can help you find the reason behind this feeling of unhappiness.